Above the gray fog

Chapter 1627 Energy World

Under the bright beam of light, black particles began to emerge.

These particles did not form any substance as everyone imagined.

On the contrary, they danced irregularly in the beam, as if they had life, and those granular black dots seemed to be performing some kind of mysterious dance.

"Say hello to everyone." The black-robed figure looked at the dancing particles, as if communicating with them.

"Hello," the particle suddenly spoke, the voice was crisp and with a hint of strangeness and coldness, "According to the customs of the material world, I also named myself Flower Fairy. I think this is a good name, what do you think?"

There was silence above, only whispers accusing Yuan Ting's operation.

Talking black particles? What is going on?

Laymen watch the excitement, experts watch the doorway.

Seeing those black particles talking, Lin Shan was a little confused.

These black particles are a kind of pure energy, and they are the black that he is very familiar with. When will the energy speak?

"Did it just mention the material world..." Yan Ruxin pursed her lips slightly, frowning tightly, "Is there an energy world?" Even with her knowledge, she couldn't know such a thing.

Lin Shan saw that Zhao Xiaoan and Jin Tianzong had strange expressions, guessing that they must know something, "If you know something, you don't have to hold it back."

"It shouldn't be... The energy world shouldn't be connected to the material world. What method did Yuan Ting use?" Zhao Xiaoan whispered, "We can't say everything about the energy world. This is the rule. With such a big cause and effect, even Yuan Ting... I'm afraid it's hard to bear..."

"Not good!" Zhao Xiaoan and Jin Tianzong looked at each other, and a trace of worry flashed in their eyes.

Jin Tianzong nodded solemnly, "Here are the top combat forces of the Gray Mist Universe. The real purpose of Yuan Ting is to pull the energy world to the material world, which will cause..."

"Changing the world will essentially only make the Gray Mist Universe more chaotic." Zhao Xiaoan looked solemn.

These two people talked one after another, and Lin Shan became more confused. At this moment, the black particle below continued to speak.

"Any world with extraordinary power will have two levels." The voice of the flower fairy echoed in the beam, carrying a mysterious and distant atmosphere.

"The material world and the energy world," the flower fairy continued, "the material world is where you exist, this gray fog universe, and the energy world is where we exist. You may never think that the extraordinary abilities, spirituality, divine power, and even blue you use all come from the residents of the energy world."

Many people, including Lin Shan, were stunned and looked at the constantly beating black particles in disbelief.

These words simply overturned their understanding of the laws of the universe.

The flower fairy continued, "Just like you can't see me, I can't see your specific appearance. What I see is you, an empty shell with layers of energy. Your characteristics, authority, and even your secret cards are all unfolding in my eyes. Just like you can see all of me, I can see all of you."

After a pause, its voice sounded again, with a kind of otherworldly tranquility, "I know you are confused about my existence, but you must understand that energy and matter are not two completely separate worlds. We are closely related and interconnected. It is because of our existence that extraordinary power exists."

Lin Shan frowned slightly, trying to digest this information.

The flower fairy seemed to have noticed the doubts of the crowd and patiently explained, "To use an easy-to-understand metaphor, the energy of the energy world is like a series of different codes, and you, the creatures of the material world, are the programmers of these codes. How to use these codes to play different roles depends on how you program. We let you have extraordinary powers, and you also make our world no longer boring. The material world is the foundation, and the material world does not need the energy world, but the energy world must rely on the material world."

A god asked, "So, you mean that our extraordinary power is actually borrowed from the resources of your energy world?"

"It can't be considered borrowing." The flower fairy replied, "Every time you cast a spell and every time you use energy, you are indeed calling on the energy of the energy world. The connection between us and the material world is achieved through these energy penetrations, but the energy you can mobilize belongs to you. Don't you always compare characteristics and authority to tokens? This is the fact. You hold the token, but your soldiers and generals are stationed in the energy world."

"So, these soldiers and generals are alive?" someone else asked.

The flower fairy replied calmly, "In your eyes, the so-called energy is naturally dead, but in my eyes, energy is the same as me."

The creatures above began to whisper.

"What does the source court mean? Let us know the existence of the energy world, and then what?"

"I still feel a little nervous. The spiritual beings that are everywhere in the gray fog universe may be alive... For the energy world, we really have no secrets."

"But the flower fairy... "Energy" said it very clearly, the material world is the foundation of the energy world... There should be no reason for them to become our enemies."

The flower fairy's voice was still ethereal, "Your worries are interesting. In theory, the material world and the energy world will never be connected. Whether it is now or in the future, the material world and the energy world will only exist independently. Our appearance is a miracle, a miracle that cannot be replicated, but I can only connect the material world and the energy world for a short time to provide you with limited help."

"What is the relationship between the energy world and the possible universe, the non-existent world?" Someone among the gods above asked in confusion.

The black particles jumped slowly, as if thinking about how to explain all this, "Before you knew about the energy world, the energy world was both a member of the possible universe and a non-existent world."

"However, when you realize the existence of the energy world, we will move from non-existence to existence, no longer a possible universe, but a real energy world."

Possible universe... non-existent world... creatures that will never intersect but always exist around you. Lin Shan's brain was spinning wildly, trying to think about all this.

He recalled the possible universes he had come into contact with, the most typical of which was the mirror universe.

However, according to the Flower Fairy, the mirror universe still cannot be called a possible universe, because its existence has been confirmed, and the premise of a possible universe must be that it is not yet known.

Lin Shan thought again of the "monsters" that Lin Changsheng faced. Are those also energies in the energy world?

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