Above the gray fog

Chapter 1628 Yuan Ting's plan, yin and yang give birth to all things

He immediately dismissed the idea.

He has seen the portraits of those 'monsters'. Although they are not as physical as normal creatures, they are by no means as simple as pure energy.

There should be no distinction between good and bad energy, good and evil.

Lin Shan recalled the story the Scarecrow once told him.

The meaning behind the Scarecrow's words is that there is a kind of creature that is around the world, but they will never come into contact with the world.

They are 'ghosts' in the eyes of the world, and the world is also a 'ghost' in their eyes.

Lin Shan was more inclined to believe that the monsters Lin Changsheng saw were 'ghosts' rather than the energy from the energy world.

When he first heard the concept of the energy realm, Lin Shan was shocked. He thought that the so-called energy realm was a possible universe, a world that did not exist, and a place where "ghosts" lived.

However, as Huaxian explained, he gradually realized that the energy world was not as complicated as he imagined.

It just divides the gray fog universe into two levels - the material level and the energy level.

The god above the arena continued to ask, "There are also many energy beings in our gray mist universe. Are they also members of your energy world?"

'alright. ’ The black-robed god waved his hand, “The flower fairy cannot connect to the material world for a long time. Let me explain to you next.”

He continued, "The material world carries matter, and the energy world carries energy. Energy is attached to matter, so that matter can mobilize energy. Materials that can mobilize energy are called extraordinary. Whether they are flesh and blood creatures or energy creatures, they are all It is a part of matter. The essence of the energy creatures we see is still formed by absorbing energy from matter. The essence of normal flesh and blood creatures is that matter absorbs matter. "

Hearing this, Lin Shan also showed a look of astonishment. This simple and direct relationship revealed the essential connection between the material world and the energy world.

"If this is the case," Lin Shan whispered, "there must be an energy world in the vast void outside the gray fog universe."

"That's true, but it's not just that..." Zhao Xiaoan raised his head and stared at the huge stone tablet that was chained, "The sky is going to change."

Questioning voices continued to come from below, "So, what is the purpose of Yuanting announcing all this? Can the energy world provide help to the material world against the outer gods?"

"That's a good question." The figure in black robe pointed to the sky with one hand, "Do you see?"

The sky above the arena was half deep black and half dazzling white.

The black and white colors began to squeeze and merge with each other, gradually turning into a huge yin and yang fish pattern.

Lin Shan slightly opened his eyes, "Yin is matter, yang is energy, yin and yang intersect, does the yin and yang theory originate from the material world and the energy world..."

As the yin and yang pattern forms, the black and white colors begin to rotate, causing the entire sky to become unpredictable.

Where yin and yang meet, there seems to be infinite energy surging, exuding a heart-stopping and terrifying aura.

"Hahaha, matter attracts energy, and powerful matter can naturally attract more energy. It is because of your pulling that the energy world and the material world can be reconnected!"

The voice of the black-robed figure echoed like thunder over the arena. He continued to explain, "Yuan Ting announced all this to use your will to draw the energy world, but the essence is to use the power of the energy world to help you in the world. Survive this coming catastrophe.”

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Lin Shan looked behind him at Zhao Xiaoan and Jin Tianzong, who had solemn faces.

"I don't know, Yuan Ting was at his wits end, so he came up with such a solution." Jin Tianzong slowly shook his head, "Even in the old days, at least in my era, I have never seen the energy world and the material world connected."

"What happens next... I'm afraid no one knows for sure. The energy world has always been a hypothetical existence. Now that it can be confirmed in front of so many people, it is entirely due to Yuanting capturing the energy of the energy world and allowing it to It spoke." Zhao Xiaoan took a deep breath, "Although we don't fully understand, some people know, or some people have assumed this situation."

"Who knows?" Yan Ruxin looked at Zhao Xiaoan.

Zhao Xiaoan sighed softly and said slowly, "Tao generates one, which generates two, and two generates three. Three generates all things. All things bear yin and embrace yang, and the energy is in harmony."

"Originally, these words were used to describe the movement of heavenly principles and express human nature, but the movement in them did not come without reason."

"Tao is the only 'one', containing the two qi of yin and yang. The intersection of yin and yang creates all things."

"At that time, people believed that the energy world not only contained extraordinary power, but also all the spirits of living beings, so they believed that every world had two levels of yin and yang, with yin as matter and yang as spirit."

"Later, I don't know who kept verifying and revising it. It was believed that the world without extraordinary power has only yin and no yang. The so-called energy world is a world that carries extraordinary energy. Whether it is the soul, existence or consciousness of all living beings, it is all material. A sort of."

"Now that the Yin side and the Yang side are intersecting, Yuanting's idea is most likely to forcefully restart the gray fog universe and strive for another era for the gray fog universe."

"'All things bear Yin and embrace Yang, and breathe in harmony' means that in the mutual agitation of Yin and Yang, a new harmony will be formed. If this assumption is correct, the gray fog universe may be restarted, but this restart is not The old human emperor arranged to reverse time and space and turn the gray fog universe into a brand new world. This is completely unpredictable behavior. "

"Is it possible for the material world and the energy world to coexist?" Lin Shan asked.

"It is theoretically feasible. Just like magnets, like repels like and opposites attract. Yin and Yang are complementary. But in fact, the previous state was a state of attraction. Now they are merging with each other, just like Yin and Yang are completely mixed, just like water and fire. There is a high probability that bad things will happen."

"Just wait and see what will happen. We will know soon. Since Yuan Ting has done it, they have to end it themselves." Zhao Xiaoan said calmly.

Zhao Xiaoan did not deliberately block others when she spoke.

In the silent arena, her small voice was particularly clear.

The black-robed figure just laughed softly and stared at the top.

In the arena, everyone held their breath and stared at the rotating Yin and Yang pattern, with complex emotions in their hearts - expectation, fear and uneasiness.

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