Above the gray fog

Chapter 303 Decision

"Does the Fox Clan have a very weak Sequence 5?" Lin Shan asked.

"I don't know. I don't know how many Sequence 5s there are in the Fox clan, but there should be some very weak Sequence 5s." Pang Dudu shook his head, "The regular Sequence 5 stone tablet is refreshed every ten thousand years. Even if the materials are refreshed, it is not easy to find them, and even if they are found, they are not easy to obtain. Many of the current Sequence 5s of the Fox clan have the characteristics that were stolen back then. It doesn’t matter what the combination is, as long as they can be promoted, so there will definitely be many relatively weak ones. Sequence 5.

"As for the combinations between sequences, there is only one optimal combination for the Fox Clan over the years, which is the combination of 'the person closest to the gods in the Fox Clan'. The other people's combinations will be more or less incoherent when they are sublimated."

"All sequences or characteristics are organized into systems. The current promotion has completely disrupted the original system and is a splicing. The complete promotion pedigree has long been lost. Now we can only try our luck and try slowly. ”

After a pause, Pangdudu continued, "The genealogy below the gods has been disrupted, but the genealogy belonging to the gods has always been there. If you don't follow the route and method recorded in the genealogy, you will not be promoted. Under Sequence 5 and Sequence 5 Above 5, there are completely two stages, the difference between mortals and gods.”

"Furthermore, there is no concept of refreshing the God's Monument. Any God's Monument is unique and cannot be destroyed, and there is no possibility of a second one. The God's Monument is Sequence 4. There is no way to go beyond Sequence 4. ”

"If you want to continue to advance, you can only look for the genealogy records left by the past."

"The Fox Clan has a pedigree, but unfortunately it is incomplete. The promotion ceremony is incomplete and cannot be carried out."

"You know quite a lot." Lin Shan was surprised.

Chubby rolled his eyes at Lin Shan, "You will know how wonderful this world is when you reach Sequence 7... Only Sequence 7 is eligible to explore. Countless ancient ruins are buried in deep space and no one knows about them. Countless histories have been destroyed. Buried, and the cut off source..."

Having said this, Chubby sighed, seemingly regretful.

Lin Shan gently stroked its snow-white hair.

Soon he flew to the lake where he first entered. Lin Shan was not in a hurry to return. Instead, he sat cross-legged by the lake and thought about what to do next.

"How is the relationship between Tushan Ranqi and that grandma?"

"How do you know her name is Grandma?" Fatty asked in surprise.

"Isn't it normal for an elderly person to call her grandma?"

"What a coincidence, her name is really Grandma. She was once as famous as a goddess, or rather a pretty name. Regardless of whether she is a human or not, as long as she sees her appearance, everyone will be obsessed with her appearance, and everyone of the same rank will be affected." Du sighed, "She once did some big things and offended her enemies, so she came to the Fox Clan to hide from her enemies."

"Really? What race is she?" Lin Shan recalled the old woman with a stooped body, but she didn't expect such brilliance.

"The Ghost Clan is an unknown race. She has been wandering alone. When she joined the Fox Clan, she had the strength of Sequence 6."

"Ghost... I remember seeing a race called the Piao Clan in the Ascension Tower... Is there any connection?"

"Yes, just like the Cat Clan and the Tiger Clan?" Pang Dudu said uncertainly, "The Piao Clan is just a small tribe. At least the Piao Clan discovered by the Fox Clan are very weak and are still struggling for survival."

"As for the relationship between Grandma and the Heavenly Girl, although the Fox Clan accepted Grandma when she defected to the Fox Clan, she was an outsider after all, so they sent the Heavenly Lady to monitor her. The two of them actually have nothing to do with each other." Pang Dudu said.

Lin Shan asked strangely, "Why...you seem to have a good relationship with her?"

"I ate a lot of source material from her, and gradually became familiar with her..." Chubby Dudu scratched his chin.

"No wonder he's so good at licking. It turns out he's eating someone else's short mouth." Lin Shan thought in his heart.

Then he asked, "Is there anything that can extract memories into videos?"

"Meow, just a bracelet will do."

"Can the bracelet check memories?"

"Authorization is required, and there is also a function to force memory viewing. Otherwise, how can it be regarded as absolute surveillance? There are no secrets below Sequence 7, but the Shimmer Goddess protects privacy." Pangdu said.

"How to use it?"

"We need to go out. In the world of sin, the Shimmer Goddess is down."

"Can I just show the memories I want to show?"

"There is no way. The retrieved memory is incoherent, which means it is unreal. What are you going to do?" Pangdudu vaguely felt that something was wrong with Lin Shan.

"What would the Shimmer Goddess do if she discovered a threat?"

"Ordinary people restrict their freedom. Extraordinary people will implement instructions to restrict freedom or eliminate them based on the degree of threat and the possibility of achieving it." Pangdudu replied, "However, there will be an investigation before that, and there is a possibility of falsification in everything. There are many examples of Shimmer Goddess killing people, but there seems to be no successful case.”

"Well..." Lin Shan nodded. He had some ideas, but he still needed a lot of arrangements. Fortunately, it still took a long time. During this time, he could continue to be a good fox citizen.

"Go back."

"Back to where?"

"Temple Hall."

"You really gave up like this?" Pang Dudu was surprised.

"Then you teach me how to do it. Isn't this obviously a dead end?" Lin Shan smiled, then looked at Pang Dudu and said seriously, "Learning 'Mechanical Ascension' from you will allow me to compete with Sequence 6 within five years." Fight?"

"Are you serious?" Pangdudu seemed to understand something.

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded, "Do you want to teach me?"

"Teach, but there are conditions. After I die, I will bring my inheritance and characteristics to the Tool Clan."

"Why don't you go back yourself?"

"I don't want to, I'm too embarrassed, I can't afford to lose face."

"Okay, I agree." Lin Shan nodded in affirmation, "Do you need a contract?"

"No." Chubby Dudu shook his head, and then said, "I will give you all my inheritance, which can allow you to reach the combat power of Sequence 6, but your skills are not up to the standard, so you can only fight once, and you can't maintain the ammunition and auxiliary devices. When your level is up, you can make your own ammunition maintenance devices, and then you can continue to exert your power."

"Five years... I will try my best to let you rely on pure technological means to have the combat power of Sequence 8."

"But, you must know that fighting with old technology is risky. When the power of weapons reaches Sequence 8, there will be considerable risks." Chubby Dudu said seriously.

After a pause, he said;

"The reason why old technology can be promoted is that it does not need to follow the conservation of characteristics. If you take the spiritual route, you will find that characteristics are needed everywhere."

"But the old days also have their own conservation, called energy conservation, or energy conservation. Energy is everything."

With a "splash", Lin Shan hugged Chubby Dudu and jumped into the lake, diving quickly.

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