Above the gray fog

Chapter 304: The Key of the Old Days

Tiannu Temple.

Seeing Lin Shan and Chubby Dudu coming back so soon, Tushan Ranqi was confused, but more of a joy.

"Maybe... he gave up. This is good. There are still some inherited characteristics in the tribe..." Tushan Ranqi murmured.

The days returned to peace again, but Lin Shan and Chubby Dudu stayed in the laboratory.

"The fox tribe has the most advanced old laboratory in the human circle."

Chubby Dudu jumped on the test bench and walked around with a cat step.

"Let me introduce you to some of the techniques that must be mastered to take this path."

It stretched out its claws, and a small black cube appeared in its hand.

"Simple space folding technology, this is the foundation of the foundation."

The small cube kept turning over and finally turned into a half-meter-high black box. Chubby Dudu pulled out a gun over three meters from the black box.

"Simple space compression technology is also the foundation of the foundation."

Then, it stretched out its claws again and stood on the test bench in a very humane way. The hair on that claw quickly disappeared and turned into a metal limb.

The next second, the metal limbs folded and flipped continuously, quickly growing larger and longer, and finally turned into a human-shaped palm. Although it looked uncoordinated, it lightly took the gun beside it in its hand.

"The matching prosthetic implant technology is also the basis."

The palm returned to its original shape, and it gently scratched the heart, and a cube the size of a pigeon egg replaced the heart.

"Micro fusion reaction center, energy source."

"First master these, you can be considered an entry."

Lin Shan's eyes were dull. This kind of black technology is considered an entry?

Is this threshold too high...

"Do you want to hollow yourself out and replace all with this kind of prosthetic limbs? Do you also need to replace your organs?" Lin Shan asked.

The price of gaining power is a bit high. Isn't this equivalent to turning yourself into an iron lump?

"It's not necessary for the fallen body. If it is a living body, it is recommended to replace all of them and only keep the soul." Chubby said.

"What about the ghost body?"

"The only difference between the ghost body and the biological body may be that it is more durable and has no actual power to help." Chubby shook his head, "Considering that you don't want to completely transform, you can only do partial transformation. The energy center must be there. You can choose prosthetic limbs as you like. If you are willing to transform, it will definitely be stronger. After the transformation, the body is as hard as the fallen body. If the physique is not strong, it is difficult to use some powerful weapons."

"You can add parts in the body, but you can't reduce them." Lin Shan replied.

Just add some parts, at least he is still complete, Lin Shan thought in his heart.

"Have you thought about it? You have to know that you will never encounter these things again after you leave the fox clan. Any prosthetic limbs produced by the fox clan can be sold at a sky-high price outside. Only the mechanical clan can match this."

"And what I give you is definitely the best of the best, the kind that cannot be mass-produced."

"Well, this path is only for auxiliary." Lin Shan affirmed that he would eventually take the path of potion promotion. If the replaced parts cannot be restored by the ghost body, but can be restored by force, wouldn't it conflict with the ghost body?

"If you completely lose your biological signs, you shouldn't be able to take the potion, right?" Lin Shan continued to ask.

"Well... you can't do it if you do it to the extreme." Chubby nodded, "The potion is attached to the soul. The ultimate mechanical ascension is to abandon the soul and the consciousness is immortal. At this time, it will become a 'thing' rather than a living being, and naturally you can't take the potion anymore."

Then he said:

"It's still okay to just use it as an auxiliary... The two powers are not in conflict. All the devices are external objects. Just treat them as equipment."

"The use of the device is simple, but the manufacture and maintenance of the device are difficult. Of course, you don't need to know all kinds of complicated formulas. Everything is assisted by the optical computer."

"I will introduce you to the three points of the old key, materials, and devices, so that you can have a general understanding first."

Chubby tapped the bracelet lightly, and a light curtain jumped out.

Origin: Spirituality constitutes matter.

Old: Atoms constitute matter.

"What did you find?"

"The composition is different." Lin Shan said helplessly. He was not blind with such a big word.

"The technological route is definitely related to matter. If we want to use the old technology, we need to change the structure of matter."

"How to change it?"

"The key of the old days." Chubby Dudu spit out four words.

Lin Shan did not speak, waiting for its next words.

"The key of the old days is different from the key of the original technology. It is not a certain inscription, but the creature itself."

"What does it mean?" Lin Shan was puzzled.

Chubby Dudu smiled mysteriously, "When the sequence level reaches sequence 7, it is the key of the old days."

"Empty Prison?" Lin Shan said uncertainly. The special thing about sequence 7 is that it can open the empty prison of scale 7 in addition to the spirit.

"Smart!" Chubby Dudu touched the bracelet lightly, and the light curtain changed, divided into three layers of parallel space.

"This is the top layer, right under our feet, and it is also the only layer that can live with creatures now. The area... is boundless and has been expanding."

"This is the buffer layer, which is the empty prison of scale 8. There is land, but no sky."

"This is the third layer. The empty prisons of scale 7 and below are all divided here. It is deep space."

"The third layer is the old days?" Lin Shan asked.

"The origin and the old days are divisions of time, not divisions of place. They are all under our feet." Chubby said something that Lin Shan was very familiar with.

"In fact, these three layers of space are like this." Chubby said again.

I saw that Chubby gently drew a line on the light curtain, and the three planes merged into one.

"The Human Emperor reversed the rules at the beginning, but he could not reverse the rules of the entire universe, because the universe has been expanding. At that time, the old universe was too vast to expel the invaders from the universe. He could only fold the space and reverse only one layer of space, which is the space we are in now."

"The space below is called the Empty Prison, which is used to imprison unstable factors."

"The Empty Prison of Scale 8 is relatively safe. The rules of this layer of space are chaotic. It is a space used as a buffer. Starting from the Empty Prison of Scale 7, the rules are the rules of the old days!"

"It is the real universe and starry sky!"

Lin Shan was stunned. He was a little surprised, but he felt that the facts should be so. The last time he went to the Empty Prison of Scale 7, he didn't see the ground. There was nothing around him. With the huge star, isn't this a proper universe?

Folding the entire universe, what kind of means is this? Is this the ability of the most ancient god?

"Are all spaces the same size?"

"How would I know? What I know is recorded." Chubby rolled his eyes.

"Then...what is above the gray fog? Has anyone explored it?"

"Meow, I'm almost dead. Can you please stop asking me stupid questions like this and waste my life..." Chubby meowed and interrupted Lin Shan's question directly, "If you want to know, fly up and see for yourself."

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