Above the gray fog

Chapter 352 Sangyali Palace

"He...he, he, he escaped?" Wei Ya's eyes were dull.

"Well...there's trouble outside." Holmes Edwards answered.



The roar of the engine echoed in Lin Shan's ears.

Lin Shan had been walking around the city for a while, and he felt that this place was more like a supply station.

From time to time, huge starships slid down the entrance pipe.

Among the ten starships, at least three were seriously damaged. I don't know what they were fighting with.

The side of these starships was printed with a peace dove icon. The starships were small, tens of meters long, and large, hundreds of meters long. There were also larger behemoths of thousands of meters or even tens of thousands of meters. They were all replenished outside the city. That size could not enter the city.

What attracted the most attention was that the races of the starship members were not uniform. There were human races, some strange races, and some were no different from human races, but their skin colors were blue-purple, green, or even pink.

They all spoke a common language, which was neither Chinese nor English. It was a language that Lin Shan did not know.

Although it was an unknown language, he had mastered the mental power, so there was no problem in communication. Lin Shan could understand what they said.

He had been in this square for more than an hour, and had been using mental power to collect the information gathered here.

This was the place where the starship crew had to pass after the starship landed.

[Haha, is this the Sanyali Palace? It was once a resort of the Federation. It was requisitioned by the Federation as a rear supply point during the war. ]

[Yes, I heard that many entertainment facilities have not been demolished in time. I have been too tired recently. These two days, I have seen blood all the time. I think... I need to rest for a while. ] A middle-aged man in a brown uniform sighed.

[You humans are too kind. The old fire must be completely eliminated. We must regard them as Yin spirits, not living beings. ] A sturdy creature, two meters tall, covered with hard rocks, spoke.

[Other races are fine, but this time we met our own race, and it was really difficult to attack them.] The middle-aged man smiled bitterly, [With our technology, attacking them... is a complete massacre, which is contrary to the Federation's creed of protecting the weak.]

Someone patted him on the shoulder behind him and said: [As long as they are on the righteous side, no matter how despicable the means are, they can be forgiven.]

[Captain Porter, are we really righteous?]

[Shao Anning, you really need to rest well. You have begun to question your position. Your behavior is unworthy of the honor you bear.]

[This war must be fought. We don't ask to directly destroy the human race circle, but at least we have to reduce the number of all races. After tens of thousands of years of development, the races in the human circle are becoming more and more dense.]

[You have to understand that the Federation is not for itself. The Federation has never occupied any inch of land in the human circle. This does not belong to us. ]

[The gods of the Federation have already resisted the pressure of the gods of the human circle for us. Our compatriots are dying all the time, including high-level sequence warriors, gene warriors, and psychic armor holders. They are still sacrificing. What reason do we have to retreat? ]

[Yes, Captain, I know what to do. ]

[For justice. ]

[For justice! ]

[Compatriots, what are you doing? Now is the time to relax, please don't be so serious. ]

[That's right, the next month is a long rest period, please squander your money as much as you want, don't wait until the starship explodes, then regret that you haven't spent your money yet. ]

[Hahaha, Vogt Benson, I like your humor. ]


Lin Shan sat quietly on a public bench on the corner of the street, listening to the conversation of these people. .

Above his head is a ring bridge. These bridges pass through the interior of high-rise buildings. There are machines similar to trains running quickly on them. Some stations are even directly inside the buildings.

From time to time, very small aircraft can be seen flying around the bridge.

At this moment, a flying machine stopped in front of him.

The side door opened, and a tall woman walked down from inside, holding a rectangular instrument with a very metallic texture.

"Hello, I am an AFRY staff member. Now we need to identify you. Please show your ID. Thank you."

Suddenly, her expression was stunned. There was no one else there.

Such a big "Dongli man" just disappeared.

In a control room.

The surveillance screen in the hall showed the bench where Lin Shan disappeared, and the sluggish AFRY staff.

Colonel Terry Rowan, with pale skin and light golden pupils, was roaring:

[Contact AFRY quickly and ask them to stop their suicidal behavior immediately! ]

[This is a third-level old life form, and it was promoted through the sequence path. The third-level or even fourth-level gene warriors stationed in the Sangyali Palace will definitely not be his opponent. No one should approach him before General Bullo arrives! ]

[If they fight, even if they can capture him, the entire Sangyali Palace will be destroyed! ]

[AFRY, these idiots, do their heads grow on their buttocks? ]

The many staff members nearby kept silent and conveyed his meaning word for word.

[Old man, calm down, your human menstrual period is really troublesome. ] The light screen in the middle switched, with gray hair all over the face and a bird beak. No nose was seen because the beak was in the middle of the face, curved forward and protruding. There were four eyes symmetrically on the left and right of the beak.

[Shit! You uneducated creature, are the top leaders of the Federation blind? Handing over AFRY to you is really the most wrong decision in the history of the Alliance. I think you should know... Men don't have menstrual periods! You really should go to the Federal Primary School for a retraining. ] Colonel Terry Roan pointed at the light screen and cursed.

[Old man, I think you should reflect on yourself first. ] The four-eyed creature said.

Colonel Terry Roan snorted and sat directly on the cushion of the sofa, [Just monitor him, don't get close to him, and don't spread the news to cause panic among the citizens. ]

[He is like a cluster nuclear bomb that can explode at any time. ]

[Old man, I know this, I don't need you to teach me, I just want to test his threat, it seems safe for now. ]

[Aren't you afraid that he will explode? After your test, he now knows that we are monitoring him. He is an old human. Although he is dead, he still has the wisdom that humans should have. ]

[Please don't praise yourself like this, we have to find a way to send him back to hell, where he belongs. ]

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