Above the gray fog

Chapter 353: A battle line spanning several light years

A thousand meters in the sky, Lin Shan sat cross-legged.

The surveillance capabilities of the technology city are too disgusting. If they want to find someone with all their strength, that person can hardly hide.

And this kind of surveillance is not like the old camera surveillance. Lin Shan has been walking around for a long time and has never seen such a thing as a camera. They should have other means, most likely satellites.

"They didn't attack me immediately. Are they afraid of fighting with me and destroying the city..."

"What are they waiting for? Sequence 7... or Sequence 6, most likely Sequence 6, they should know that even if they come to Sequence 7, it will be useless."

"I have roughly understood the situation here. Next, I will start looking for potion materials. I will leave when I find the materials. The human circle... I am afraid something big has happened."

He originally wanted to go directly to get the materials, but the information he heard accidentally made him stop.

After sitting in this square for an hour, through the information gathered, he also had a basic understanding of these people.

This place belongs to the Dawn Free Federation. The Dawn Free Federation is a behemoth that contains hundreds of races and governs a galaxy.

The galaxies here are not the galaxies mentioned on Earth, but their area is not smaller than that kind of galaxies. According to them, the Virgo Galaxy spans tens of thousands of light years in outer space and is a neighbor of the human circle.

The reason why the human circle is called the human circle is also related to this galaxy system.

A galaxy includes outer space and all scaled prisons. Civilizations are divided by how many layers of scaled prisons they have developed. However, they are not called scaled prisons here. The prisons are called the second universe, the third universe...

Those who can only live in the first universe, that is, the outer space, are the first-level civilizations, and those who have developed to the sixth universe are the sixth-level civilizations. Such civilizations must be blessed by gods.

The Dawn Free Federation is a sixth-level civilization. Their civilization system is very inclusive and integrates hundreds of races, among which the human race is the main one.

Although they have a territory spanning tens of thousands of light years and have a very fast navigation speed, the distance between races in their territory is very far. In light years, civilizations that have not developed to the third universe will never see other civilizations in their lifetime.

The human circle is just the opposite. There may be more than a dozen small races in an area with a diameter of tens of thousands of kilometers.

In their eyes, the human circle is a very special place. Lin Shan doesn't know how special it is. All he knows is the gathering of some information, plus his own guesses.

In short, the human circle must not be allowed to develop. The purpose of their trip is to eliminate the weak races in the human circle. Some small races that have just begun to develop can be easily destroyed by them with just a new starship.

Each of those starships that travel back and forth has the merit of destroying several races.

And he doesn't know how these human races came from. Anyway... they definitely didn't come from Earth. According to their oral accounts, they even destroyed the human race in the human circle...

However, the human race they destroyed is definitely not the ancestral land of the human race. He still has some connection with the tribe. If there is something wrong with the tribe, he will definitely feel it.

Even so, Lin Shan was a little worried. This battle had been going on for more than ten years. It was said that the battle line spanned several light years. The gods of the human circle were blocked by the gods of the Dawn Free Federation. In addition to the gods, the Dawn Free Federation also had genetic warriors and psychic armor that could exert super combat power. Although they were not as powerful as the magic potion promotion, they were much stronger than ordinary people.

The most important thing was that the Dawn Free Federation was united, but the human circle was a mess. At least, in his opinion, it was a mess. There might be alliances between those strong races, but the survival of weak races was really unprotected, including the human race.

"Take the materials and go back to the tribe first, and then promote after the situation is stabilized." Lin Shan said to himself.

Then he looked at the parchment again.

The red light spot representing the crypt worm was right below. If he guessed correctly, the crypt worm should have been captured.

This was easy to do. He just needed to rescue the crypt worm.

Since we know that these people in front of us are enemies, there is no need to hold back...

Below is a flat square, and the crypt worms should be locked in places like basements.

‘Soul Separation’

Endless red light condensed in the sky.

Long spears approaching 10,000 meters long, like pillars of heaven, stabbed towards the square.

[The target is attacked, there is a supernatural fluctuation close to level 4 in the Nadha Square. ]

[Quick, quick, prepare for teleportation, teleport all free people within the attack range, gene warriors and armor holders quickly go to intercept! ]

[Received! ]

In the square below, groups of federal people ran back and forth. They looked different, but there was no discrimination between races.

Suddenly, the sky was dyed red.

[What's going on? Why is the sky simulation broken? ]

[This energy, quickly escape, invasion! Invasion! , this is an enemy invasion! This is an enemy attack! ]

Under this intense spiritual pressure, 90% of the creatures below were directly pressed to the ground.


Like a tomato being squeezed and bursting, some creatures suddenly exploded, and blood of various colors splattered everywhere.

Lin Shan watched all this calmly in the air, continuously injecting spiritual power into the spear.

If this is a war, then no one is innocent.

The first moment is the most terrifying, and nothing is more pitiful than a group of panicked people.

They shouted and struggled to move on the ground. Some people with stronger physiques were not overwhelmed. They ran to the side frantically. Many people fell down in the process of running. Some people continued to run. As the spiritual pressure became stronger and stronger, none of them were spared.

Lin Shan was a little dazed. He seemed to see the starships falling from the sky and ruthlessly firing at the weak races in the human circle.

Press down with one hand.

The sky-lifting spear, carrying an irresistible force, stabbed towards the location of the red dot.

More and more creatures exploded, like the bloodiest fireworks.

[Transmission preparations completed... Start. ]

[Star Ring Gravity System Shut Down. ]

All the survivors in the square turned into white light and disappeared. Lin Shan knew that this was their means of transmission and did not care much. If he really wanted to kill these creatures, there were many faster ways than this.


A feeling of weightlessness came.

For a moment, the sky was spinning.

When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was standing upside down.

He and the square had swapped positions. At this time, the square was above him and he was below. Dozens of buildings around the square began to fall down and hit him.

The direction pointed by the spear was reversed, and the tip of the spear was facing the void.

They wanted to avoid the attack by turning the star ring.

"It's useless." Lin Shan said to himself.

He didn't see any movement, and the sky-supporting spear also turned around, immediately turned into red light, and hit the square above his head.


The star ring was pierced, revealing the sky behind and the starship takeoff route inside. They wanted to transport this void worm away!

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