Above the gray fog

Chapter 420 The Disappearing Person

After a while, the purple fire went out.

Lin Shan found that there was another purple soul flower under his feet.

This is the characteristic of the purple soul flower. Wherever it burns, it will grow again.

Lin Shan walked towards the depths of the underwater flower forest, wanting to see what changes were happening inside.

In this quiet and peaceful environment, Lin Shan walked for a day at the speed of a normal person, and there was a break in front of him.

He had reached the border of the tribe. The area of ​​the flower forest that was intercepted was more than 100 kilometers. This distance... was still far from the barrier deep in the flower forest.

If the tribe merged the barrier, would something strange happen?

For example, untie the barrier?

However, it was useless to say these things now. If the new tribe wanted to cover the purple soul flower forest again, the radius of the tribe had to expand by at least 7,000 kilometers, which was exactly the distance of migration.

This required a long period of stable development.

Lin Shan continued to take a step forward, and the whole person disappeared from the spot.

Surrounded by gray fog, he appeared in the gray fog land.

Then he took another step back, and in the vast sea, he returned to the surface of the sea.

"Wait for another two years. If the Federation has not attacked yet, you can proceed to the next promotion."

"Promotion on the seabed seems to be good."

"You can build a house."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Shan immediately took action. He didn't care about the construction of the tribe. After the migration was completed, he was in a state of doing nothing.

As long as he was in the tribe, it was the greatest protection for the tribe.

Teleporting to a mountain peak, Lin Shan prepared to take some wood and build a wooden house on the seabed. He only knew how to build wooden houses.

On the other side.

Under a towering locust tree.

The roots alone were ten thousand meters thick, and the trunk was slanted above the clouds, and the branches could not be seen.

A woman in green, with her back against the locust tree.

Looking at the people who were doing reconstruction work below.

A simple steel machine, people poured soil and other mineral powders into it.

The machine slowly turned red, and a thin spiritual energy was emitted around it.

After a moment, neat bricks were neatly spit out and stacked together.

A foreman shouted.

"A tall building starts from the ground. It is definitely unrealistic to build a tall building right from the beginning."

"First build the most basic brick and tile houses to solve the accommodation problem of all people. When no one sleeps in tents, we can move to the next step and build the houses higher, bigger and more gorgeous."

"The higher-ups have decided to restore the former prosperity within 20 years. Don't think it's impossible. We have a complete technological background, advanced machinery, dwarf brothers who master ritual magic, and extraordinary help. Just do it."

"The big construction period has begun!"

Thousands of people responded on the huge construction site.


After the hard work of migration, the current work is simply a paradise life for them.

They will pass on this spirit to their children and tell them how hard their current life is.

The woman in green put her side face against the tree and murmured.

"Did you see it? Is the human race now what you wish it to be?"

"They all forgot you, but I still remember."

"I can't forget you, otherwise, no one will remember."

"But who are you...?"

"In my memory there is an ancient bridge...there is white snow...and you..."

"I remember that year was very cold."

"I waited for you on the bridge."

"I don't know how long it took, but I saw you wrapped in plain clothes and looking at me."

"Your eyes were calm, but like stars."

"You told me that you were going to a very far place."

"But...how far...is it?"

"Who are you? Who am I...?"

The woman in green seemed to be talking to the tree, and seemed to be talking to herself.

Gradually, a faint green light emanated from her palm.

The next second, the locust tree bloomed.

The red pine flowers floated all over the sea, but turned into dots of light and disappeared.

Lin Shan, who was cutting wood, suddenly received a call from Yan Ruxin.

Lin Shan came to Yan Ruxin with wood in his arms.

"What's wrong?"

"Take a look." Yan Ruxin stuffed the clan device to Lin Shan without saying anything.

Lin Shan opened the clan device with a puzzled look on his face.

Suddenly, he trembled slightly.

"Who is Si Zhennan?"

"This is why I'm looking for you. Who is Si Zhennan? Why is there an extra name in the clan device for no reason?"

"It was added by the clan device itself... or a branch."

"It's a pioneer." Lin Shan shook his head, "There are detailed records, and it can even match my memory."

"Call the others over."


After a while, the pioneers who were busy or leisurely outside gathered together.

Everyone looked solemn after seeing the clan device.

Zhao Xiaoan said faintly, "Our memory has been tampered with."

"Si Zhennan is a pioneer, and every achievement matches. Think back, who developed the peanut wheat?"

"A blank shadow..." Jin Tianzong frowned, "It seems to remember and it seems not to remember."

"Yes." Xia Xuan hummed.

"Me too, a blank shadow." Huang Ying nodded.

"Look through other books! The Agricultural Book, yes, look through the Agricultural Book." Jin Tianzong said, "It says here that he wrote the Agricultural Book. He has improved more than 200 kinds of crops. All the methods are in it, as well as the habits of various spiritual plants."

The others were silent.

Jin Tianzong's face changed, and an indescribable emotion enveloped his heart.

Yan Ruxin said hoarsely, "The clan artifact is the only surviving book..."

"Everything in the original clan land was destroyed, and the Agricultural Book disappeared completely."

"The Agricultural Book has a high popularity rate. Many farmers have a copy at home. Contact the extraordinary people in various places and ask them to inquire about it on a large scale."

"Well, I'll have someone contact them right away." Yan Ruxin said solemnly.

One hour later.

"I asked, the Agricultural Book is still there, and in their memory, the contents are still there, and they can piece it together with some time, but no one remembers the author."

"The original clan land was destroyed, the memory disappeared, and the existence of the pioneer Si Zhennan...only the contributions he made are left."

Zhang Zhonghua took a deep breath and said: "The clan artifact is most likely not wrong, and the memories are all right. What disappeared was this person and everything this person did. The knowledge he left behind was preserved."

"What was the last deed of the pioneer Si Zhennan?" Lin Shan suddenly asked.

At this time, the clan artifact was in Zhao Xiaoan's hand. She unfolded the clan artifact and took a look. Her pupils shrank slightly, and she read: "Reshape the underworld, start reincarnation again, and the human race will not fall into the source sea after death, and avoid the pain of soul crushing."

"Reshape the underworld, start reincarnation again, and the human race will not fall into the source sea after death, and avoid the pain of soul crushing." Lin Shan repeated it.

This sentence is easy to understand, but it is extremely difficult to understand at this moment.

Reshape the underworld, where is the underworld?

Start reincarnation again, how to reincarnate?

The hurried and short meeting lasted for more than two hours.

After the meeting, everyone was confused.

Lin Shan shook his head and put the matter in his heart.

His mind was full of confusion, and he didn't want to think about it anymore. He held his wood and continued to build a wooden house to prepare a place for his promotion two years later.

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