Above the gray fog

Chapter 421 Prepare to Spend Your Life

Two years later.

Human calendar year 187.

The war that began in February of human calendar year 180 was officially declared over in January of human calendar year 187.

This seven-year war is called the Fire War.

The implication is that after the war, the human race will be reborn from the fire.

The Fire War directly promoted the establishment of the United Government, and the human race will no longer fight alone in the future.

But it also led to the second great migration of the human race. According to rough statistics, the number of human race people who died on the migration road... is close to 10 million.

However, mourning for these people has been delayed until today, two years later, when the war is declared over.

Before that, not only were they busy with construction, but they also had to be vigilant against the Federation's invasion again.

Now everyone's nervous hearts have finally been put down. Since the pioneers and the extraordinary have announced that the war is over, it must be really over.

Ordinary people are not qualified to participate in the Gray Mist War, but they are the cornerstone of everything.

The Alliance wants to eliminate ordinary people, even more than eliminating the extraordinary.

In the past two years, the human race has basically solved the housing problem, and the cultivated land has been reclaimed. It is expected that they will be self-sufficient next year.

Due to the short time and large population, everything can only be kept simple.

The houses are just ordinary brick and tile houses, without any special shapes, flat roofs, multiple rooms, and one building can accommodate more than a dozen people.

Because there is currently little food output, it can only be distributed by the wartime government. The wartime government is directly led by the pioneers, and the extraordinary people set up an affiliated organization. On the surface, it is jointly led by the pioneers, but in fact, only Yan Ruxin and Zhang Zhonghua are busy.

Today, the wartime government announced its dissolution, and the human court system was also abolished.

After this blow, many people have realized that it is useless to just farm. They must become stronger, have more advanced technology, and more extraordinary people.

This requires a steady stream of resources, and it is not enough to rely solely on the output of the human race.

After the joint discussion between the pioneers and the former human high-level officials, the next focus of the human race will be on the coalition government, expanding the coalition government, and incorporating more races. As long as the human race is the actual manager, it can absorb the power of various races and develop itself.

This is more thorough than taking in subordinate races. If you take in subordinate races, others may say that you are powerful and oppress the weak.

The purpose of expanding the coalition government is the same, which is to gather resources, but it will be praised for helping the weak and gathering strength to resist risks together.

As for who will make such comments, of course, those races that are stronger than the human race... or races that are about the same as the human race. Under the strongest race, there are many mediocre races like this. The human race did not come into contact with them before because they did not have the strength. The next one to deal with... I am afraid it will be them.

The human race needs a centralized government.

The specific form will be decided at a resolution meeting one year later.

All extraordinary people, as well as an equal number of ordinary people elected by the people and respected by the people, will attend the meeting together.

Perhaps the system has been set, but it will affect the next few decades, or even hundreds of years, and the necessary form must be followed.

Lin Shan strolled on the clouds, looking at the neat buildings below.

How to describe it?

Every family is dressed in white, and every household hangs white silk.

This scene looks familiar.

Lin Shan looked for a while, and then teleported to the bottom of the sea, a very delicate cabin built in the middle of the flower forest.

For some reason, as long as you are in the flower forest, you will feel unusually calm, and all the emotions in your heart will disappear.

Lin Shan walked into the cabin, and the whole cabin was protected by the spiritual instrument, with a thin film outside to block the sea water.

This spiritual instrument was contributed by the mermaids. The human race does not have such characteristics, and even if they know the method of engraving the spiritual instrument, it is useless. The spiritual instrument Lin Shan specially invited the mermaids to come and engrave it. It gathers spirits with the spiritual organs of sequence 8, and is self-sufficient. As long as it is not damaged, it will run for hundreds of years without any problems.

Lin Shan stuffed all the other spiritual organs into the human race's inventory, letting them use them.

He was going to prepare for the promotion to a biological body.

The Song of the Forest and Ice Flame were gain characteristics, which might improve his strength.

According to the parchment, gain characteristics were very rare, and the fusion of the two characteristics could achieve the effect of 1+1\u003e2.

Ice Flame, without the characteristic of 'ice', he could have the ultimate 'fire', which would be his first ultimate attack characteristic.

Finally, he made it through, and he didn't have to rely on 'soul separation' to output every time.

However, there was one more thing to do before the promotion.

Lin Shan took out the parchment and wrote on it:

Lin Shan: [How much life do I have left? ]

Parchment; [4940 years. ]

Good fellow, now even the decimals are not counted. Before, there were days, but slowly the days were gone, leaving only months, and now only years.

Lin Shan was going to use up his life before the promotion. He didn't use it before because he was afraid of the parchment.

After so many years, without parchment, he would have died countless times.

So far, there is no sign of backlash from parchment. Parchment is a strange object. The price of using it is to consume life. It is a trading-type strange object. Perhaps it has already backlashed because it has absorbed Lin Shan's life for many years.

Scythe sword, wave drum and other strange objects also have their own consciousness, but they are not as advanced as parchment, and their autonomy is almost zero.

If he used the sickle sword with the strength of Sequence 8, and used it only once, he might burn all his spirituality.

But he was Sequence 7, and he just suffered some backlash, so he could use it as a weapon.

Since the parchment is a strange object, the principle should be interoperable. If he is strong enough, he might be able to use the parchment as a tool.

Lin Shan thought in his heart.

The parchment can accurately know his thoughts.

[You actually compared the great parchment with those strange objects. The great parchment feels sad for your ignorance. No one can use the parchment as a tool. ]

"Aren't you a strange object?"

Perhaps Lin Shan hasn't used the parchment for a long time, and the parchment also found that Lin Shan's dependence on it is getting less and less.

It's time to put out some bait.

[Help the great parchment to complete the authority, you will know everything you want to know, and even affect the predetermined destiny. ]

[*\u0026\u0026 # ¥##%¥¥##]

A string of garbled characters suddenly appeared on the parchment.

After the garbled code, there was another paragraph.

[Help the feather pen to complete its authority, and you can travel through time, witness history with your own eyes, and even go back to the beginning and the old days. ]

Lin Shan pondered these two sentences carefully. The parchment represents the future, and the feather pen represents history.

Is that what it means?

Influence fate... Go back to the old days.

It sounds very advanced, but unfortunately he is only a small sequence 7 now.

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