Above the gray fog

Chapter 422: Lower Sequence of the Hell Genealogy

4940 years... How should I spend so much life?

There are two options.

Exchange for the formula of Sequence 7, or exchange for the formula of Sequence 6.

The formula of Sequence 7 can be given to other pioneers.

The formula of Sequence 6 is, of course, for my own use.

However, even if I exchange for the formula of Sequence 7, it is still troublesome to find materials. This will involve disputes among the races. It is not that I can go hunting directly if I have the strength.

The human race wants to expand the coalition government. It is impossible for them to be unknown among the nearby races. With the support of Sequence 7, they have the basic qualifications to show their talents.

In fact, to put it simply, it is to have human rights.

At this time, hunting Sequence 7 of other races can only be done secretly. Not only the human race, but other races must do the same.

So many at a time, how can I not get my shoes wet...

If the other Sequence 7 comes to retaliate, he can't always protect the tribe.

You can be promoted slowly and secretly. There is no need to make a big fuss.

Someone just died in someone else's family, and so many people in your family are promoted together. This is too obvious.

Lin Shan's first promotion was to steal the potion directly, and his second promotion happened to coincide with the invasion of the Federation, so it did not cause any fluctuations.

If it was a peaceful period, which Sequence 7 would not have several allied races, or be backed by a powerful clan leader, and it would be very troublesome if the younger ones were beaten and the brothers or the older ones came.

Lin Shan thought in his heart.

The lifespan of Sequence 8 is generally 700 to 800 years.

The lifespan of the pioneers is still very long. If nothing unexpected happens, the human race will have a Sequence 7 stele in a while.

Lin Shan calculated and finally decided to exchange for the formula of Sequence 6 and strengthen himself as much as possible.

If he can be promoted to Sequence 6 within 600 years, he can take care of all the Sequence 7 potions of other pioneers at that time. Sequence 6 is another level, and he can already touch the arbitration agency of the human circle.

He already has a preliminary idea of ​​how to be promoted to Sequence 6.

However, before leaving the tribe, at least one pioneer must be promoted. At this time, the human race cannot be without a Sequence 7 to guard it. If there is no stele, he will use his lifespan to exchange for the formula.

For people like Zhao Xiaoan, Xia Xuan, and Zhang Zhonghua, I'm afraid they don't need his help at all.

Lin Shan wrote it on the parchment.

Lin Shan: [Biological Sequence 6 potion formula. ]

The reason why I chose the biological body is that according to past experience, it is more difficult to promote the weird body.

Parchment: [In view of your current lifespan and strength, the great parchment has selected six options for you, and you are getting fate information...]

Parchment: [The great parchment reminds you in a friendly way that because the great parchment is connected to your fate, the chips you buy for fate are all broken discounts. If you want to exchange the formula for other creatures, there will be no discount. Affecting the predetermined fate of others will be punished by heaven. ]

Parchment: [Option 1, steal the finished potion, ordinary level sequence promotion, three thousand years of life, success probability: 10%, pay six thousand years of life to get the help of parchment. ]

Parchment: [Option 2, boutique gain sequence promotion, four thousand years of life, success probability: 1%. ]

Parchment: [Scheme 3, promotion to the lower sequence of the fine hell lineage, 4,100 years of life, success probability: 16%.]

Parchment: [Scheme 4, repeated sequence, sequence 6 ‘heart light’, 3,400 years of life, success probability: 33%.]

Parchment: [Scheme 5, ordinary level sequence promotion, 2,000 years of life, success probability: 8%.]

Parchment: [Scheme 6, super-quality super-specification sequence promotion, ... None, insufficient search range, please help parchment collect authority fragments as soon as possible.]

Eight lines of subtitles quickly appeared on the parchment surface. Due to the large font, the paper could not even fit some of them.

However, it can slide up and down, and it is getting more and more advanced.

Lin Shan first looked at the first line of subtitles, 6 six plans.

The more life the parchment absorbs, the more plans it gives for each promotion, from the first two, to four, and now six.

Continue to look down at the second line of subtitles, is it knowing what he is thinking and reminding him?

Interfering with other people's fate will be punished by heaven?

There is also such a saying...

If this is true, wouldn't he have been struck by lightning long ago? He saved at least millions of people during the migration process.

Parchment: [Everything you do is in line with fate. The great parchment is selling fate. Buying lives for others is risky. The great parchment does not provide any after-sales service...you have to calculate the chips separately. ]

Lin Shan understood this sentence. The general meaning is that as long as you don't use parchment, you will be fine. The latter sentence was directly ignored by Lin Shan. Isn't it just adding money?

Putting this matter aside, Lin Shan continued to look down.

From plan one to plan six.

He can understand everything else. Plan four and plan six reveal different information.

Does the repeated sequence of plan four, 'heart light', have any additional superposition effects... such as reducing the spiritual consumption of illusion by two times? Parchment didn't say it, so it should be no.

After finally advancing, there is no new feature, so plan four is directly excluded.

This ‘heart light’ refers to the sequence, and the parchment mentioned the repeated sequence before.

Any normal sequence has different carriers of sequence 1 to 5.

There is a ‘heart light’ of sequence 9 and a ‘heart light’ of sequence 5. The characteristics of the two are exactly the same, but the strength is different.

According to the parchment above, having two ‘heart lights’ can also lead to promotion, but these two characteristics will not be superimposed to double the effect, which is equivalent to missing one characteristic.

Oh, it seems wrong. If he remembers correctly, the ‘heart light’ has two characteristics.

‘Transfiguration of form’ and ‘Transfiguration of matter’. The ‘transfiguration of matter’ was discarded by him when he was promoted. If he absorbs another ‘heart light’, he can choose to discard the ‘transfiguration of form’ and keep the ‘transfiguration of matter’.

This seems to be a good choice. The most important thing is that it has a high success rate. The previous plans are basically a life-and-death struggle.

There is even a plan with a 1% success rate, which is almost equivalent to death.

The last time he went to the fox clan to steal the magic potion, there was a 19% success rate. He couldn’t imagine how difficult it would be to have a 1% success rate...

After looking around, Lin Shan finally decided to choose plan three - the lower sequence of the fine hell lineage.

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