Above the gray fog

Chapter 427 Sequence 7 Cicada

"The place in front is where the stone tablet is stored."

After understanding the general situation of the human circle, Lin Shan asked Yan Ruxin to take him to the underground place where the stone tablet was hidden.

The angel Noisjon followed behind him very unconsciously. Seeing that Yan Ruxin didn't say anything, Lin Shan also remained silent. It seems that the human race has no secrets in front of the angels.

This place is 300 meters above the ground. It is impossible for Sequence 7 to penetrate it with one blow. There is also a 10-meter-thick special spiritual steel plate on it.

In front of him is a wide hall. A black shadow appeared silently. When he saw Yan Ruxin, Lin Shan and others, he disappeared silently again, clinging to the shadow.

The space is very large. Because the Sequence 7 stone tablet is a hundred meters high, the hall is supported by steel bones from top to bottom to prevent collapse.

In addition to the Sequence 7 stone tablet that is a hundred meters high, there are two Sequence 8 stone tablets that are nearly fifty meters high, and three Sequence 9 stone tablets that are less than ten meters high.

The moment I saw these glowing stone tablets, the contents on the stone tablets were also imprinted in my mind.

Sequence 9 stele, one is lit, the other two are dim.

Sequence 8 stele, both are lit, compared with Sequence 9 stele, Sequence 8 stele provides more accurate direction guidance, the total search range is 200,000 miles.

Sequence 7 stele is more refined, with some strange patterns on the side, providing accurate positioning for tracking history, with a delay of one year and a search range of 20 billion miles.

Sequence 9 stele is still the same, only the direction of guidance can be seen on the body of the stele, and you need to set the coordinate axis yourself to clarify this direction.

In the initial stage of development, the search for Sequence 9 materials must rely on the number of people to pile up, and the process will be accompanied by heavy casualties. This fixed direction is very unfriendly to moving targets. It is necessary to calculate some factors such as the target's moving range and speed in advance, and even so there will be errors.

When you reach Sequence 8, it will be much better. The direction will not be fixed on the stone tablet. You don't need to go back to the tribe every once in a while to check if the direction is wrong. The stone tablet will give a mark equivalent to a spiritual mark. Five spiritual threads with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers will appear in the sight. The five materials of Sequence 8 are at a certain point of this thread.

These five threads consume their own spirituality, but they can be torn off at any time to make them lose their effect.

Sequence 7 is another positioning method, providing accurate positioning to track history, that is, the location where the material has been before. The accurate positioning you see now is the location of this material a year ago.

Sequence 7 has its own race. They will not move their positions at will. It is normal for them to stay in one place for more than a year. This positioning can be said to be very accurate. If the sequence 7 is located in the tribe, it is equivalent to directly locating the location of the tribe.

This also indirectly leads to the fact that as long as a sequence 7 is born in the tribe, the location of the tribe is very easy to be exposed and is always at risk.

Lin Shan discovered that the distances on the stone tablets were all calculated in "li" instead of "km", and the search distance increased greatly from Sequence 8 to Sequence 7, directly expanding by 100,000 times.

Lin Shan tore off all the ten spiritual threads granted by the two Sequence 8 stone tablets. There were so many Sequence 8 in the tribe, and there were also super-specifications. He no longer needed to worry about obtaining Sequence 8 potions. He had obtained two bottles of potions in 10 years, which was already on the right track. The most important thing was that Sequence 8 potions only required hunting the Plant Tribe and the Fallen Tribe, and rarely involved other races.

Lin Shan couldn't help but think of the Pig Tribe. He didn't know if the Pig Tribe had paid off its debt in the end.

Then he looked at the two dim Sequence 9 stone tablets. The current level of the human race basically did not need Sequence 9 stone tablets. The dozens of sequences had been recorded, and the materials needed were also familiar. Anyway, if you encounter Sequence 9 spiritual plants, evil fallen and weird within a radius of 10,000 kilometers, you just need to bring them back. This is also the daily task of the hunting team.

If it is useful, keep it as materials, if it is useless, make parts needed for spiritual technology.

As long as the extraordinary of the human race is in a saturated state, there will be no extra main medicine materials near the tribe. This is a characteristic balance. Without materials, the stone tablet will naturally not be refreshed.

"How many sequences does the human race have now?" Lin Shan asked.

"Does it include those obtained from other races?"

"No, only the refreshed human stone tablet is recorded." The formula refreshed by the human stone tablet is the human sequence. The potion obtained from other races cannot have materials near the human race.

Yan Ruxin said slowly:

"Including Sequence 8, there are 49 in total. This Sequence 7 sequence has been included by the human race before. The included formula is Sequence 9. The name and characteristics are the same, but the strength is different."

"From the formula of Sequence 7, it can be seen that the way we included it before should be wrong. We should not include the appearance of the material, but the material characteristics. The essence of magic potion is to use other characteristics to stabilize the main characteristics."

"In other words, the main medicine is unique, and the auxiliary medicine can be replaced. However, the human race does not have the ability to analyze the auxiliary medicine now."

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded. He had guessed this before. The magic potions below Sequence 7 of the fox race have been freed from the limitation of auxiliary medicine. If the main medicine is enough, it can be mass-produced.

Then he put his thoughts on the formula in his mind.

He is very familiar with this sequence.

Sequence 7-terror cicada.

Terror cicada core-98.91 million miles-main medicine.

Garcia Vera-450 million miles-blood.

Murray-310 million miles-blood.

Sally - 1.09 billion miles - blood.

Sucker - 760 million miles - spirit ash.

Green Lantern - 1.79 billion miles - spirit ash.

Horned Lizard - 3.09 billion miles - spirit ash.

Lin Shan took a rough look. This is the Fallen Body Sequence. The Fallen Body Sequence can be said to be very rare. Fallen bodies only account for 10%~20% of the extraordinary, or even less.

The main medicine has nothing except positioning.

The three biological auxiliary medicines behind are two humanoid creatures and one non-human creature.

The last three are weird.

No wonder the sequence 7 formula cannot be recorded. The positioning is basically human.

Even if the sequence 7 stone tablet is refreshed next time, the formula of the sequence 7 cicada will not be the same. The only thing that is the same is the main medicine, or the main characteristics.

To understand it in a more popular way, the auxiliary medicine of the potion... is just a stone tablet. It is a prescription based on the nearby materials. This prescription can be changed at any time. No matter how it is matched, as long as it can neutralize the medicinal properties of the main medicine, it can be used.

If any race can master the formula of sequence 7 auxiliary medicine, it will not be a problem to dominate the human circle. Even the fox race has not mastered this.

And the human race is still trying to master the sequence 9 auxiliary medicine.

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