Above the gray fog

Chapter 428 As long as we are not discovered

The records on the stone tablet are very crude, incomparable to the parchment. The parchment also marks the race of the material and the potion's ability.

Not only that, the position above is based on the position one year ago, so it cannot be absolutely accurate.

Huang Ying said:

"We have investigated the main drug and three biological auxiliary drugs before, and the situation may not be good."

"The core of the Terror Cicada is in the hands of a tribe called the Purple Weasel. It is the spiritual core of a Sequence 7 weapon in their tribe. The 'Labuyo' and the 'Coalition Government' where the Purple Weasel tribe is located are rivals and are stronger than us. Much stronger, because they are from the angel camp, so they didn’t attack us.”

"Garcia Vera, the Royal Mosquito Clan, is the strongest among the Royal Mosquito Clan, but the Royal Mosquito Clan is backed by Hueco Mundo and is considered a peripheral member of Hueco Mundo. There are also some alliance races around, and the relationship is maintained well. ”

"Sally, the allied clan of the coalition government is a new member. There are three Sequence 7s in the clan. Due to their strong strength, they have been competing with the human race for the dominance of the coalition government."

"We can only find out so much in two years, but we can't even take action against these two people."

Lin Shan was confused, "Why not start? Since the main medicine is still in the core state, why not just grab it. The other auxiliary medicines are easier. Just hit the injury and get some blood and powder."

"Do you think Wu Wang can do it?" Yan Ruxin was helpless.

"I'm quite optimistic about Mr. Wu. The sequences in the Destiny series are very rare." Angel Noisqiong said with a smile.

"Let me go there. We can accurately locate this distance and it won't take long." Lin Shan said. With his current strength, he can fight ordinary sequence 7 at will.

"Well..." Yan Ruxin nodded and said: "Just take some blood, don't cause too much damage, all races are tied together, and in several nearby alliances, the coordinates of the human race are not a secret. "

"Each alliance has a very tacit unspoken rule. Whoever is promoted will be beaten together, because if one is promoted, one will die. The race that loses Sequence 7 will definitely not give up and will gather the alliance races to counterattack the race that breaks the rules. Before There have already been examples, so I can only do it secretly. It just so happens that you haven’t shown up for many years, so no one should know you. "

"We are relatively lucky. The main medicine is still in core form, so we don't need to take away other people's characteristics."

Noisqiong shook his head, "Each race has different origins. There is no use hiding your identity. People with spiritual power will definitely be able to recognize them when they see them again. Although they cannot recognize a specific person, they can recognize the race." ”

"What's your opinion, Ms. Noisqiong?" Lin Shan frowned and looked at her. He was still timid despite his strength... This feeling made him very unhappy, as if he was back in the days of the cat clan.

Noisqiong smiled slightly, "I am not a lady. We angels have no gender. Just call me Noisqiong. Calling me lady makes me feel like you humans are called shemales, which may not be good."

"What's Noisqiong's opinion?" Lin Shan repeated. He always felt that this sentence was a bit strange.

Neusqiong was relieved to hear it, and she said, "The human world has always been like this. It doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want with strength. They are all intelligent beings. No one wants to live a precarious life."

"In this case, there will be restrictions or rules. We, the Angel Clan, also act according to the rules. We only dare to enter the game when the balance in the world is lost. If there is no federal invasion and the Night Clan is overthrown, it is unclear whether the Angels can come back. Not necessarily. Angels are much more powerful than you think. Even so, they don’t dare to do whatever they want.”

"If we angels relied on our strength to fight alone in the human world, we would have perished long ago."

"When the human circle is out of balance, if we step in and let the angels become a part of the balance of the human circle, the effect will be completely different."

"In the final analysis, it is still balance. When something has reached balance and you mix it in, you are an intruder and will be unanimously exposed. When that thing has lost its balance, you mix it in and restore it to balance. You are a member of the balance, and anyone who dares to touch you will be targeted by others.”

"The Fox Clan is still very strong. Do you think they dare to fight against our angels? They don't dare to be the ones to destroy the balance. There is also the Night Clan. The Night Clan is very smart about this. They announced a confrontation with the Dawn Federation and jumped Outside the human circle struggle, that’s why Hueco Mundo can expand so quickly.”

"You, the human race, have always been the party protected by the rules. Only when your strength has increased, you have become the party restricted by the rules."

"For example, you kill the opponent's Sequence 7, and the opponent comes to seek revenge. If they can't defeat you, they will ask for help from their allies. If you are too strong and can block an ally by yourself, at this time, you are in this area You become a threat and no one wants you as a rule breaker."

"There is another possibility. If you encounter a more civilized people, they will not directly declare war with you. Instead, they will send people to your clan to ask for corresponding compensation. If you don't give it, your clan's rear clan land will be destroyed. They are also Sequence 7. You can't always be on guard. It's easy to sneak in and destroy several human cities before you die. Do you accept the threat at this time or not? "

"Let me give you a typical example. When the Night Clan was still around, a member of the clan was promoted to Sequence 6. He killed an ally to get the main medicine and was discovered. The ally spread the news and then went to the Night Clan to ask for an explanation. If they didn't give compensation, they would find an opportunity to sneak into the clan's territory and exchange their lives for a few cities of the Night Clan. The Night Clan, which had gods in charge, also chose to compromise. Do you think they were afraid of the weak ally or the loss of a few cities? What they were afraid of was actually breaking the rules."

Lin Shan and the other three were listening carefully to Noisjon's words.

After a moment.

Lin Shan nodded, "After all that, I roughly understand. As long as we are not discovered, it's fine."

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