Above the gray fog

Chapter 429 If you can't see it, it doesn't exist

Wu Wang and Huang Ying looked at Lin Shan with a strange look on their faces. Is that how he understood it?

Yan Ruxin nodded thoughtfully.

"Mr. Lin is really smart." Noisy Qiong smiled, "Strong people should do what they should do. If they should exterminate their clan, they should exterminate it. There is no need to be tolerant. The premise of everything is not to be discovered."

"Since there is balance, there are black and white. There is a set of rules on the surface, and there must be a set of rules that are exclusive to the strong in secret."

"However, not being discovered is a personal method. If the race wants to do whatever it wants, it needs another method. Who in the human circle center doesn't know that my angels are collecting source materials, but do you see them reacting?"

"This is the third level, using balance in reverse. It's too early for you. You should seize the time to secretly improve the strength of your race. Whether it is the popular base or the extraordinary foundation, you can't be disconnected."

"You can explore these things by yourself. When you explore them thoroughly, you don't know how much you have suffered." Noisy Qiong kept smiling.

"Angels care about humans?" Lin Shan's eyes narrowed slightly. Excessive attention is not necessarily a good thing.

"Humans have this value. The vision of the Holy Angel is not wrong, because He is the God of Angels."

"Ikaros is God?" Lin Shan was slightly surprised.

"Of course, the overall strength of angels has declined seriously. I was once a sequence 5, but now I only have the strength of sequence 7. Only the source can restore us." Noisyjon pointed at himself.

"Do angels have a clan land?"

Noisyjon shook his head, "We only have the kingdom of God."

"You don't need characteristics to be promoted, right?" Lin Shan vaguely remembered that someone said that there is a sequence in the super-standard sequence called 'race sequence'. This sequence binds the entire clan, and a sequence can rise infinitely.

Angels are like this. They are God-given sequences. The cluster life we ​​encountered last time belonged to the wild 'race sequence'.

"Of course, we are God's favored." Noisyjon looked up. This identity is her pride.

"God's favor, does it mean being favored by the gods?"

"I don't know." Noisjong replied faintly, "It is said that the dominant gods can choose a race as their own race and give the race a talent sequence or special characteristics."

Then he looked at Lin Shan and said seriously, "Obviously, the human race is also a race favored by the gods. You may not know what it means to be free from resentment."

"We are seriously helping you develop. I hope you will not be like the fox and night tribes in the past." Noisjong said seriously.

Lin Shan raised his eyebrows, "In fact, you didn't help us either. Since you want the human race to repay you, why don't you give us a few bottles of sequence 6 potions?"

"I also want sequence 6 potions." Noisjong rolled his eyes unexpectedly, "You know how the angels treat you. Even if they have ulterior motives, these helps are real. You can think of them as investments by angels."

"Angel investors?"

"Pfft..." Wu Wang couldn't hold back and laughed directly. Huang Ying covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Angel investors?" Noisjong was puzzled.

"It's okay, I just thought of a word." Lin Shan replied calmly.

The few people walked back while chatting.

"That's it, I'll go to each tribe, isn't it just sneaking around... I'm good at this." Lin Shan said, and disappeared from the spot.

He was telling the truth. When he first ascended to the extraordinary, the first thing he did was to assassinate the general of the cat tribe. It's not good to bring people with you for such a thing, and one person is the most efficient.

In the 7th scale of the empty prison, a beam of red light flashed and disappeared.

Two days later.

Lin Shan stopped.

The Purple Weasel tribe actually opened the door of the tribe openly. A race without some strength would definitely not dare to do this.

However, they can use the core of Sequence 7 as a weapon, and their strength is definitely not ordinary.

There should be many Sequence 7 in the tribe.

In order not to be discovered, Lin Shan used his full strength to activate the pendulum to reduce his presence.

The precise positioning of the Cicada Core has always been there, although it is the position a year ago.

From the short movement, it can be seen that the Cicada Core should be carried by someone.

Lin Shan teleported directly to the top of the mark.

His mental power swept the area below, but there was no sequence 7.

The one-year delay in positioning was a bit disappointing, and he was not sure if he was not in the clan land now.

The normal process should be to go to the clan land to gather intelligence first, and know where the things are. Lin Shan rushed over with his eyes dark, which can be said to be unprepared.

However, he had a ‘pendulum’, and normal divination would not involve fate backlash.

“The location of the core of the cicada.” Lin Shan muttered silently, and the spiritual power in his body quickly drained away.

After a moment, Lin Shan locked a direction and quickly swept across the buildings below.

The mental power swept all the way recklessly, until a certain moment, Lin Shan shuddered and touched another mental power.


That mental power groped up along Lin Shan’s mental power, but it was not long enough to touch Lin Shan.

The fourth stage of ‘Moon in the Mirror’ and the first stage of ‘Song of the Forest’, the mental power given by the two sequences can be superimposed, and now it can cover a radius of five kilometers.

That spiritual power held Lin Shan tightly, not letting him break free.

Lin Shan did not indulge it, relying on his strong spiritual power, his spiritual power transformed into a human form, holding the man's spiritual power, pressing it to the ground and rubbing it hard.

The consequence was that several large pits appeared on the ground, and buildings collapsed. It was unknown how many people had been killed or injured.

At this time, waves of spiritual pressure appeared in various places, all of which were sequence 7, and quickly swept towards Lin Shan.

It was indeed a powerful race.

However, since Lin Shan dared to rush directly, he naturally had means to deal with him.

The so-called sneaking was to prevent the other party from seeing him.

"Forest Song!" Lin Shan hummed.

In an instant, countless saplings appeared out of thin air in an area of ​​several kilometers in radius. The saplings grew rapidly and became towering trees in the blink of an eye.

The thousand-meter-high trees were twisting and dancing, and the collision between branches and leaves made a rustling sound as if they were singing.

Although "Forest Song" and "Moon in the Mirror" are both domain characteristics, the effects they play are very different.

"Forest Song" is a very comprehensive sequence, carrying several characteristics.

Including, "Wood", "Enchantment", "Toughness", "Prisoner", and "Defense".

Carrying so many characteristics at the same time means that each of its characteristics is very mediocre.

But if it is combined with the "Ice Flame", it will be completely different.

I saw that the originally green leaves were all transformed into white flame leaves, and the intense high temperature caused the surrounding space to distort.

Before the spirituality is exhausted, people outside cannot come in.

"Moon in the Mirror!" Lin Shan murmured again.

The distorted flame forest was covered with a layer of red light.

The "Control" of the "Forest Song" can prevent mental scanning.

Combined with the "Confusion" of the "Moon in the Mirror" to deceive vision, he does not exist...

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