Above the gray fog

Chapter 466 Nüba

Lin Shan also noticed that the ghost behind them had been keeping a certain distance from them, and they could not get rid of it no matter how fast they accelerated.

If it wanted to catch them, it could easily do it. It had been following them, but it didn't make a move. I don't know what it meant.

The red light flashed, and Lin Shan and Huang Liu disappeared directly.

The ghost with only half of its body stopped in place, its eyes still locked on the two of them, and its body gradually became transparent until it disappeared.

"Where is this?"

"I don't know. At our speed, this place is more than 100,000 kilometers away from the entrance."

"That thing just now was too weird. Our attack couldn't hit it. It should be related to the realm of the soul. It's impossible to cause damage to it without reaching Sequence 5. It's better not to stay outside. Go to the village and find a house to spend the night." Huang Liu shook his head left and right, looking nervous.

He couldn't help but be nervous. Just that thing just now could easily destroy them.

"There is a village ahead." Lin Shan pointed ahead. In the darkness, a village was hidden faintly.

"Quick...quick...quick..." Huang Liu's teeth chattered, and he said, "Behind you, there are so many ghosts, all of them are the ghosts just now!"

Lin Shan suddenly felt a chill, different from the weird feeling, just pure coldness, compared to the supernatural, this energy is purer.

"People from the future, can you tell me who became the God Emperor among Yandi, Huangdi and Chiyou?"

"How is Xingtian later......"

Lin Shan saw that a woman was supported by the endless demons in the center.

The green bamboo pole in her hand, wearing a very ordinary green dress, but it did not reduce her holy temperament at all.

There were tattoo-like fiery red stripes around her, with a dark red light, crystal clear jade earrings hanging down, swaying, the black hair scattered on her shoulders was tied up with jade stones, and the forehead was lightly dotted with vermilion, charming and moving.

Under the support of many ghosts, a living person appeared, and this scene scared Lin Shan and Huang Liu so much that they dared not move.

"Who are you?" Lin Shan relaxed a little, not feeling hostility from the woman.

"You came here? Aren't you looking for me?" The woman smiled, her smile was very pure, Huang Liu was stunned, and then hurriedly bit his tongue, his eyes were more fearful.

"Ah, you guys chat, you guys chat, I'm just a dog who knows nothing." Huang Liu turned and was about to leave.

Lin Shan frantically asked the parchment in his heart if it was the trick.

"Hey, where do you want to go, little dog?" The green-clothed woman waved her hand, and Huang Liu floated up uncontrollably.

"What is this... familiar feeling." The green-clothed woman pulled out a transparent silk thread from Huang Liu and kept pulling it out.

Lin Shan's mouth twitched slightly, isn't this the thread of fate? This thing... can it be pulled out artificially?

Looking closely, it seems that it is not the thread of fate. Fate should be colorful, but this thread has no color.

The green-clothed woman showed curiosity, wrapped the transparent thread around her wrist, and exerted a little force.

Huang Liu only felt something heavy pressing on him, and he looked carefully, "An Ni?"

"Huang Liu?" Tu Shan An Ni opened her eyes in a daze, and when she saw Huang Liu, surprise flashed in her dark pupils. She hugged Huang Liu and pressed him under her body.

Lin Shan looked at everything in front of him in amazement. This woman had great means, and she could pull a person from a distance of nearly one light year by pulling a silk thread.

The parchment seemed to have crashed, and garbled characters kept appearing on it.

"So that's how it is... I said this puppy is obviously a foreigner, how come there is still a trace of Huangdi's breath, it turns out to be related to this little fox." The green-clothed woman's eyebrows moved.

"It's the breath of Jiuwei, although it's very weak..... The descendants of Jiuwei have a trace of Huangdi's blood in them, which is interesting."

"Which descendant of Huangdi hooked up with the fox?"

"Since you don't want to answer, then I'll see for myself." The green-clothed woman hooked her finger at Lin Shan, and Lin Shan floated over uncontrollably.

She just looked behind Lin Shan, but Lin Shan felt that he no longer had any secrets.

The parchment and the quill were all exposed to her sight.

She just glanced at the parchment and the quill, not caring about them, but was very interested in Lin Shan's memory.

She murmured to herself while reading.

"Xing Tian actually wanted to challenge the Yellow Emperor... He was beheaded and finally defected to Jiuli."

"The Ji surname defeated the Jiang surname..."

"Why, can't I see something I want to know? There's no need to... hide it." The green-clothed woman stared at Lin Shan.

Lin Shan looked confused. Did he say he wouldn't let me see it?

At this time.

The roar of the river came faintly in my ears, and the world in front of me turned completely gray.

The quill floated out of my mind, and a long river of time was reflected behind it.

The green-clothed woman ignored the quill and stared at the long river of time behind her.

"So it was this kid named Yu who did it. He married a woman from the Tushan clan. The Nine-Tailed Fox is not easy to mess with. It ate a lot of people back then. But Yu had a good plan."

"Why is your history so missing? It's so discontinuous. What's this... the invasion of foreign gods, the human emperor... the future generations are so prosperous, how could it be destroyed?"

"It's been so long, the people who came before were very strong, I can't beat them now, and they won't tell me when I ask them. This time, two weak descendants came, and I can see enough, the Human Emperor... the Human Emperor... the Origin..."

The feather pen didn't pay attention to her mumbling, but just lightly pointed at the void, and the woman in green turned into a fine feather and gently inserted it into the feather of the feather pen.

"Thank you..." A whisper came from the mouth of the woman in green.

The feather pen fell lightly into Lin Shan's hand and slowly sank.

The parchment finally recovered at this time.

Parchment: [Nüba, also known as: Nüba, the Red Water Woman Offering, Ba, the Heavenly Girl Ba, the daughter of the Yellow Emperor, in charge of the power: drought. ]

Parchment: [There is a graceful river, and the water gives birth to a beautiful shore. That beautiful spirit offering can wake up the spirit. Jiaofu lost his pendant and did not miss the distant people. 】

After Nvba disappeared, everything around returned to peace again, and those demons and monsters also disappeared.

"What happened?" Huang Liu was confused.

"I don't know." Lin Shan shook his head, "Enter the village."

Nvba, such a legendary figure, why is she here? Is this her real body?

It shouldn't be... The parchment has clearly stated that no one survived in the old days. It may be just a video... Or is this the fragment of authority that the feather pen needs?

She said thank you at the end. Does it mean that she is trapped here?

No matter what the reason is, he can be sure of one thing. He came here, which was completely planned by the parchment and the feather pen.

Since you are here, you should make the best of it. It's useless to say anything now.


When Lin Shan saw the four big characters "Youxiong Clan" on the plaque again, he couldn't help but fall into silence.

He walked quickly to the first house, which was the former residence of Huangdi that he had entered before.

The wooden door was shut, but there were no footprints on the ground...

Lin Shan looked at Tushan Ani who was following behind him and stared at him for a long time. It was indeed true. The appearance of Tushan Ani proved that what had just happened was not an illusion.

So, why was there a second Youxiong clan?

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