Above the gray fog

Chapter 467: Intercepting History

"Are we back again?" Huang Liu also noticed something unusual. He scratched his head and wanted to push the door open, but he didn't have the courage.

"It's not that I'm back, I'm coming to the second Youxiong clan." Lin Shan replied.

Lin Shan did not open the door, but quickly walked out.

After a few minutes.

"The third one has the Bear Clan..."

"The fourth one."

"The fifth one."

"Are all villages the same?"

Lin Shan frowned and said, "It would be fine if they were the same. In fact, all villages are different, and there will be some slight changes more or less."

Lin Shan left a mark outside the door of Huangdi's former residence and returned to the fourth village again.

There is no sign outside the door.

Return to the fifth village and the mark is still here.

"All villages are independent." Huang Liu felt like he was going crazy.

"Is this a relic from the past?" At this time, Tushan Anyi, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked.

"Yeah, relics of the past."

"No wonder..." Tushan Anyi nodded.

"What do you know?" Lin Shan and Huang Liu asked at the same time.

"I don't know." Tushan Anyi shook his head, "I seem to have seen this kind of situation before."

Lin Shan looked at the parchment and found that the parchment was pretending to be dead again.

What does it mean? Don't want to let yourself out?

"Little Turtle, do you know what is going on?"

"I know."

"Well...I know you didn't tell me earlier."

"You didn't ask me either." The little turtle climbed out slowly.

Huang Liu moved forward immediately and was punched in the nose by Xiao Gui.

Seeing Huang Liu covering his nose, Tu Shanan chuckled lightly without covering his mouth.

Huang Liu glared, Tushan Anni's black eyes turned, and said softly, "Why did I just come out... and then I ended up here?"

Huang Liu's neck shrank, "Yeah, I'm also very confused. They came here just after leaving Shuodong. We must have been dragged here by the ghost from before."

"Isn't that right, Lin Shan?" Huang Liuchong winked at Lin Shan.

Lin Shan ignored him and looked at Xiaogui, "What's going on? How can I get out of this place?"

The little turtle shook his head, "First of all, you need to know why there are such things as ruins?"

"If we knew, we wouldn't ask you." Huang Liu muttered, then showed a flattering smile to Tushan Anni.

Little Turtle looked at Huang Liu, then at Tushan Anyi, with a little doubt on his face, but he didn't say much and continued:

"Let me give you an example. It's too profound for you to understand."

"Look down...wuwuwu." Tushan Anyi blocked Huang Liu's mouth.

Huang Liu was struggling on the surface, but in fact, he was relieved and escaped.

The little turtle ignored them and continued:

"Suppose there is a historical picture that records all the history of this universe, including the beginning and the old days."

"If so, someone would cut off a piece of the past from the scroll and let this piece exist alone."

"The piece that was cut off is no longer restricted by the entire picture. It can wander freely in the long river of time. The origin, the old days, and even time have no meaning to it. It can appear in the old days. , or it can appear at the beginning. When it floats to the forefront of the historical picture, that is... the time and space we were in before, we can enter this fragment, which we call a ruin."

"Does this have anything to do with the problems we are facing now?" Lin Shan asked.

"You can just intercept history, and the mountains and seas of the past can do it, but this ruins is obviously different. While intercepting history, it also freezes countless possibilities in history."

"Intercepting the ancient history, it also freezes all the possibilities in this history. I am afraid that the only three masters that can do this are fate, void, and history. Maybe technology can also do it, but looking at it In history, there are few civilizations that have reached this level." Xiao Gui sighed.

"What does it mean to freeze... all the possibilities?" Lin Shan continued to ask.

The little turtle jumped down from Lin Shan's hand and grabbed a handful of dirt from the ground.

"The one who grabbed the soil is one possibility. The one who didn't grab the soil is the second possibility. The soil is in my hand now... Is there another possibility that I scattered the soil on the ground?"

As he spoke, the little turtle scattered the handful of fine soil on the ground and said, "Is there a possibility that the soil is still in my hand?"

"Is this why there are so many villages?" Lin Shan asked himself, "But what's the point?"

"It's meaningful, but it's meaningless to you. This ruins should not be for you to see." Xiaogui shook his head and said, "With your strength, if you enter a place like this, you will just wait to die."

"No Exit?"

"Yes, as I just said, when this fragment floats to the front of the scroll, it is a relic. If it floats to other places, if you go out, you will be trapped in history, and you may not be able to get out at all. "

"You can't touch this kind of ruins. It's a miracle that you can get in. There are too many coincidences."

"It just so happens that this ruin appears in normal time and space, and it just so happens that this ruin coincides with the ruins outside. During the short intercourse period, you happened to appear at the entrance and were pushed in." Little Turtle opened his mouth. , wanted to continue saying something, but seemed to think of something again, fear flashed in his eyes, and finally said nothing.

"Tsk, tsk." At this time, Huang Liu tutted, "You need several coincidences to get in, unlike me, I only need one coincidence."

"What?" Lin Shan looked at him.

"I just happened to meet you..."

Lin Shan: "..."

Can he say it's not a coincidence? But seeing Huang Liu's uncomfortable look, Lin Shan decided not to say anything, lest he feel worse.

"Is there a possibility?" Lin Shan suddenly said.

"What possibility?" Huang Liu asked.

"If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have come in..." Lin Shan said faintly.

Huang Liu's face froze. There was really such a possibility. If he hadn't provided the starship, Lin Shan might still be flying somewhere now.

"What's the situation with the woman I met before? Is she really an old person?" Lin Shan lifted the little turtle from the ground.

"Huh? Lin Shan, do you have a fever? You're talking nonsense." Huang Liu stared at Lin Shan with a strange look on his face, "You're not thinking about love, are you? What about women? Where did the women come from?"


Lin Shan looked at the little turtle, and the little turtle said faintly, "You're still taking the historical scroll as an example. What you just said was the historical scroll of the entire universe, and a section was cut off to form the current ruins."

"Every living being in the world has its own scroll, recording their life."

"The scroll of that person just now was cut off by humans and put into this scroll."

"In fact, in the long river of time, she has already had her own complete life, with a beginning and an end. The her here... is just a node in her life scroll. History does not recognize her independence. If she disappears, she will disappear from the source... from the memory of all living beings."

"Then why do I remember it?"

"Didn't you clear it?" The little turtle asked back.

"What? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Huang Liu was confused when he saw Lin Shan and Xiaogui talking to each other. They were taking the same route, so how could they encounter different things?

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