Above the gray fog

Chapter 605 New Guardian Li Shiyao

Lin Shan was not sure whether Li Shiyao would take over the garrison in three days. He could understand what Li Shiyao did.

However, from the perspective of the human race, this was an unforgivable rebellion.

In addition to the pioneers, only a few people obtained the Sequence 7 potion, which was considered the peak combat power of the human race.

Such a peak combat power requires countless manpower and resources for the human race, and the Sequence 7 potion is not a cabbage.

Some high-level people in the human race have even decided to "deal with" Li Shiyao.

If you want to live an ordinary life... you can.

First pass on the characteristics to those who need it.

But because Li Shiyao has been pretending to be stupid, passing on the characteristics is a very rigorous matter. If the person himself is unwilling, it is impossible to force it to be completed.

The second method is to kill the original carrier and reconfigure the potion with the remaining potion auxiliary medicine. This is somewhat inhumane and takes too much time. The promotion of the new Sequence 7 will be delayed for decades.

There are some disputes among the high-level people. In addition, he is already a Sequence 7, and there are few people in the human race who can restrict him, so the human race has not dealt with Li Shiyao for all these years.

But this time, if he refuses again, Lin Shan will have some ideas about him, and it is not impossible to force him to inherit.

If his sequence was obtained by himself in the gray fog, the human race has no right to restrict him, and he can do whatever he wants.

But all his sequences were given by the human race, so he has no say in this.

When necessary, it is necessary to use coercive means.

As for Liu Heng's matter... Liu Heng never looked for Lin Shan at all.

Lin Shan believes that the human race's high-level officials at that time... did nothing wrong.

Liu Heng turned around and gave the magic potion he gave to Li Shiyao, who was not going to live long at the time. Even if he made the right bet, it could not offset the mistakes he made.

It is impossible for the human race to pay attention to him again. There are also factors in it, because this magic potion was given by Lin Shan himself, and the meaning is even more different. No matter what the reason, it is normal for Liu Heng to be marginalized.

The human race does need geniuses, and most of the extraordinary resources are given to these people to quickly create available combat power.

However, the premise of genius is loyalty. Even if there are opinions about the ruling system, at least loyalty to the race is required.

When he has the strength in the future, even if he overthrows the current system and builds a system that he thinks is more perfect, it will not be considered as betrayal of the race.

However, after taking the resources, he just messes up.

This is no different from betrayal.

Liu Heng belongs to the former, he is not loyal to the race. When the magic potion is extremely scarce, he uses Lin Shan's trust to do things that are not beneficial to the race.

Li Shiyao belongs to the latter, which is very close to betrayal.

From the perspective of racial interests, Liu Heng cannot be forgiven.

But Li Shiyao's situation is a bit special. He is indeed a genius, and there is still a possibility of salvation. Lin Shan hopes that he can figure it out. For this... even if he makes up a lie, it is worth it.

When he understands what race is one day, he will no longer need to support it with lies.

If he can become the new guardian of the human race and put the affairs of hundreds of millions of people on his shoulders, this day will not be too far away.

R1 station.

Lin Shan handles daily affairs as usual, and Xiaonan sits not far from him to prepare to hand over documents.

"Lin Guard, will you come back?" Xiaonan, who is sorting out documents, suddenly raised his head and asked.

"Where are you going back to?" Lin Shan asked without raising his head.

"Shenlang Station." Xiaonan whispered, "I was only 19 when I first came here, and now I am 40 years old. The days I have been with you here are longer than my entire life."

"I... I am reluctant to leave you." Xiaonan said, his voice choking.

"What is there to be reluctant about? If I hadn't chosen you, maybe you would have achieved greater success and wouldn't have lived here for 20 years, getting up early and going to bed late to do secretary work." Lin Shan smiled, "If I remember correctly, you are the 27th Corps Captain of the Military Department, and your talent and talent are the top of the previous generation."

Xiaonan looked out the window, and through the transparent glass of the void, he could see the glorious Shenlang spanning the sky and the earth.

"I almost forgot about my childhood. At that time... I had no free time except for training. I like this place more than the military. I like standing on the front line of the human race's protection circle."

"Just like the God Corridor in front, it is clearly there. It is glorious, mysterious, and has unparalleled and trembling power, but how many people in the tribe don't know its existence..."

"I am lucky. I met a good commander in the military, and then I met you. You didn't teach me anything... but you are my best teacher."

"I like this job very much."

Lin Shan stretched his muscles, stood up and walked to the transparent glass, saying: "You are a good secretary, but I probably won't go back to the God Corridor."

Xiao Nan pretended to flip through the documents and trembled slightly, and said: "I know."

"You have read all the documents on the God Corridor. You should know that 'Chasing Fire' has been brewing a conspiracy. The moment the God Corridor was breached must be the time when all races withered." Lin Shan looked at the empty God Corridor, and his eyes were reflected in gold.

Xiaonan bit her lip and analyzed:

"Based on the current situation, this day should be early. Zhiduo dare not break through the God Corridor at this stage, fearing that the gods will come back again, but they dare not let the God Corridor take shape, otherwise the Ten Thousand Races will be invincible. Before they have the strength to deal with the Ten Thousand Races' gods, they should not choose to break through the God Corridor."

"Wrong." Lin Shan shook his head, "Wrong angle."

"They don't need to deal with the gods. As long as they have the strength to destroy the myriad races in one wave, it will be enough."

"Only the gods are left. There is no threat to the 'Chasing Fire'. The gods cannot slaughter them all. In the next 100,000 years or even a million years, the human circle will be the world of the two tribes of plant and fall. The myriad races can only survive in the middle. Even the gods can be dealt with slowly. The possibility of the myriad races turning over again is very small. We are not like the two tribes of plant and fall. It is too difficult for us to be promoted."

After listening to Lin Shan's remarks, Xiaonan seemed a little worried.

This kind of information about the survival of the entire civilization is too heavy. If it were an ordinary person, who was exposed to the information she was exposed to every day, I am afraid that he would have gone crazy long ago.

"Take it one step at a time. Don't underestimate those strongest races with more than 100,000 years of heritage. We have no way, but it doesn't mean they don't have it." Lin Shan comforted, and then his figure flashed and disappeared on the spot. Someone in other garrisons called for help.

Three days passed quickly.

Li Shiyao arrived at the R1 garrison as promised.

Under Lin Shan's arrangement, he went from a person wandering on the edge of the human race to a new garrison of the human race.

Without the restrictions of the station, Lin Shan had plenty of time to deal with his own affairs.

The person with the puppet head hadn't contacted him yet, so he planned to go to the fox tribe to find Tushan Ranqi first. He didn't know what she wanted him to do.

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