Above the gray fog

Chapter 606 Return to the Fox Tribe

After finishing the work of the clan, Lin Shan immediately rushed to the fox clan.

The human clan is very close to the fox clan, so there is no need to take the jump channel. It only takes a few minutes to get there from the scale 5 empty prison.

Compared with the human clan, the pressure on the fox clan is much greater. The fox clan guards the second node of the void corridor.

It is one of the nodes with the greatest pressure in the entire corridor.

The pressure on the front nodes is very high. They face attacks from high-sequencers every day, and there are threats from beast-fallen ones in the back.

Many powerful clans are already exhausted.

"I'm at the fox clan..." At the border of the fox clan, Lin Shan sent a message to Tushan Ranqi with a fox tail avatar without entering the fox clan.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the other side replied.

[You go to the Tiannu Temple and wait for me. I will find you after I finish my work here. The Tiannu Temple is the place where I used to live. You can enter with your permission. ]

Seeing this message, Lin Shan gave an order to Dakong and flew straight to the Tiannu Temple in the Tushan area.

[Fox tribe, no-fly zone, speed limit, it is estimated to take 3 hours and 12 minutes to reach the Tiannu Palace.] Dakong gave the exact time.

"Hmm..." Lin Shan lay on the soft sofa, thinking about the purpose of Tushan Ranqi looking for him.

The two had not seen each other for a long time. The last time they met was 20 years ago during the "Battle of the Gods' Coming", when the human race team followed behind the fox tribe fleet.

After that, there was no intersection.

The fox tail head portrait also flashed for the first time in 20 years.

The aerospace battleship passed through the fox tribe barrier and flew towards Tushan, the center of the fox tribe, along the route planned by the fox tribe.

He remembered that the fox tribe did not have a speed limit before. It might be a new regulation, or it might be that his speed was too slow before and did not meet the speed limit.

Dakong's current speed is about the same as Sequence 7, which is actually not slow. Three hours is enough to fly millions of kilometers.

Although the speed has reached the barrier of the scale 7 air prison, Dakong is still in outer space. Entering the scale air prison consumes less energy. If it does not enter the scale air prison, the warship will be subject to additional air prison pulling force, thereby consuming additional energy.

It is not that Dakong does not want to enter the scale air prison. Even if it complies with the pulling force, it cannot enter.

The fox tribe... locked the scale air prison with an unknown method. Now the fox tribe has only one way to go, which is outer space.

The huge body of the air and space warship rushed through the sky at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, with a powerful sonic boom, and bursts of low thunder sounds could be heard on the ground below.

Along the way, various types of fox-headed mechanical guards scanned the warship where Lin Shan was with the red in their eyes, but did not intercept it, and let the air and space warship fly towards Tushan.

During the war, the fox tribe is different from the human race.

The human race and most races will choose to conceal the war.

The fox tribe does not conceal the ongoing war at all. They do not publicize it, but they will not cover it up either.

The citizens of the fox tribe are adapted to war, and their political system and their development process determine the acceptance of their citizens.

However, due to the confidentiality requirements of the Council, the fox tribe did not disclose the war situation to civilians.

At this stage, all remarks about the war or the front lines of various tribes will be cleared by the spiritual network.

Because, if ordinary people know about it, it will not only be useless, but also cause unnecessary confusion. This is a competition between extraordinary and top technology.

Three hours passed quickly.

The outline of Tushan has come into view. Tushan is the ultimate dreamy super city.

This is his second time to Tushan.

The first time was brought by Chubby Dudu. He remembered... he still needed to disguise himself to avoid unnecessary trouble.

This time, he entered openly and no one stopped him.

Compared with the first time he came to Tushan, he can now feel the power of the fox tribe more. Before, he only felt that the fox tribe was very powerful when he saw these buildings.

Now he can feel the rich history of the fox tribe.

The high-rise buildings that reach the sky, dense hovercrafts, and starships shuttle around these high-rise buildings.

These human beings can also reach, although the scale is not so large.

But these conventional steel buildings are just the periphery for Tushan...

As the starship slowly passed through the city of buildings in the periphery, the outline of the city in the center of Tushan appeared in Lin Shan's sight.

Each megastructure is as huge as a mountain, and all the megastructures are connected. The steel buildings of 100 meters and 1,000 meters in height in the periphery are as small as children compared to the megastructures in the interior.

Looking at this familiar scene, Lin Shan knew that the destination was approaching.

The warship passed through the gate of a megastructure and came to the interior of the city in the city. The 500-meter-long starship here was like an ordinary person shopping. The surrounding starships gradually increased, and everyone went their own way without interfering with each other.

Ten minutes later.

[Arrived at the destination. According to the laws of the fox clan, the internal buildings cannot be reached by vehicle. Please walk or change to other means of transportation. ]

Dakong hovered on a huge platform.

Lin Shan jumped onto a dark floor that was different from other floors with ease.

He stepped on the floor lightly and found that there was no movement.

He remembered that he had taken this floor to the Tiannu Temple last time. Although he had been in the Fox Clan for three years, he still didn't understand many of the Fox Clan's strange and bizarre black technologies.

For example, he didn't know how to activate this movable floor.

At this time, a special signal frequency band connected to his optical brain.

This frequency band came from the floor under his feet, and Lin Shan chose to accept it.

The next second, he immediately felt different.

At this moment, he seemed to have merged with the floor under his feet, as if he was not stepping on the floor, but his own limbs.

Not only that, all the routes about this giant structure appeared in his memory. If his brain is compared to a computer, this memory is an external memory card. As long as it is inserted, he can temporarily have the memory stored in the card.

"This is... neural connection, the technology used in interstellar mechas is used here, and it is connected to a piece of floor neurally. It is really amazing." Lin Shan said to himself.

He tried to control the floor under his feet. The soles of his feet and the floor seemed to have merged together. This piece of floor could take him to any place in this building at a very fast speed.

With a slight thought, he himself turned into a residual image and appeared on the top of a special circular building.

"Who is it?"

At the same time, a young man in a blue coat appeared opposite Lin Shan, with a blue tail and white tip, confirming his identity as a fox citizen. Being able to live in Tushan, this person must be an extraordinary person.

The young man stared at Lin Shan with a bad look on his face, his eyes showing a strange red and black color.

"Where are you from?"

"What are you doing on my roof?"

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