Above the gray fog

Chapter 628 Crest, the definition of mental power

Bee clan land.

Lin Shan, who was buried underground, did not dare to make the slightest move. Although he could barely be called a strong man, he had no right to speak in this area.

The moment he felt a spiritual conflict, Lin Shan quickly broke open the clan's territory from underground and shuttled in the direction where he had left a mark before.

Now, he just hopes that Tushan Furu is still where he is and has not moved.

The projection of the fallen gods has arrived, and there must be other unknown secrets here. Things about the bee clan are more complicated than imagined.

I thought that Tushan Furu could take care of this place, but now that I think about it, Tushan Furu is here to deliver food.

Plans never change.

Lin Shan was a little worried. If something important happened here... Tushan Furu would put the human circle first and choose to return to the divine corridor.

If that's the case, his matter will be extended indefinitely.

After a while, Lin Shan emerged from the ground smoothly.

This is the location where he left a mark before. Most of the dozens of giant beasts standing in the distance have dispersed, leaving only nine standing there, seemingly guarding something.

Lin Shan was in a bit of trouble. In this case... rushing in directly would be courting death.

Suddenly, Lin Shan felt his shoulders sink.

One of the evil fallen turned his attention to him.

But he just looked at it and made no move.

Lin Shan retreated slowly. With his speed, he could reach the border of the clan in an instant.

"Is it this creature again?" Kleist immediately sensed Lin Shan. It had already seen Lin Shan before, and it was a little disappointed that Lin Shan escaped.

Now seeing Lin Shan again, its eyes were naturally attracted to Lin Shan.

Performing rituals is too boring, and looking at the ants is one of the few fun things for it.

It likes to see these creatures, watch them build civilization, and worship them like gods. It feels very interesting about this.

In the end, it was even more interesting to see their expressions of disbelief when he destroyed them.

They will not understand why the gods who have been helping them destroy them. Before the destruction, they will reflect on whether they have done something wrong and die in repentance and confusion.

This kind of thing is what it does most often. There is little fun in its long life, and its strength cannot continue to improve. It always has to find some fun.

In the past, they had been suppressed by an organization called the Human Sphere Arbitration, and were often troubled. Their enemies were powerful, so they had no choice but to live on the border and not easily gather groups.

In the past few hundred years, the situation has changed again and again, and finally it was their turn to rise.

It is somewhat dissatisfied with this. All the toys it once had, its only pleasure, have been destroyed.

Only a few remaining creatures of all races were trapped in the long corridor.

It depends on the intentions of the gods... It seems that the toys will be completely eliminated. From now on, the two tribes of Zhiduo will monopolize the entire river system.

Even if it is dissatisfied, it does not dare to show it.

But recently, as more and more toys are eliminated, its dissatisfaction has become stronger and stronger. Even when the remaining civilized races on the border are eliminated... it will have feelings that it has never experienced before.

It's a wonderful feeling, it's not exclusive, it's a bit enjoyable.

Give it a real feeling of being alive.

At that time, it was no longer dominated by memories and hatred passed down from generation to generation.

While it was thinking about this, many memories suddenly appeared in its mind. Fragments of the fallen compatriots being brutally killed by the Ten Thousand Clans kept flashing across their bodies, and wisps of white flames ignited on their bodies. These flames were covered by streams of black The energy is extinguished quickly.

The Evil Fall next to him discovered something was wrong with it, and rolled up his tail to gently hit Kleist. This inconspicuous movement and the strong wind stirred up made Lin Shan, who was a hundred miles away, feel pain in his cheek.

A voice that was unusually gentle to Kleist sounded in its ears:

"Kleister, don't be distracted. The creatures in the ceremony are the descendants of the gods of all races. They are very important to Lord Kagya and will be of great use to us in further driving away all races."

"I'm sorry, Florence...I got distracted again. I feel...something's not right with me recently." Kleist replied through mental transmission.

"Kleister, there is too much humanity in you. We are not human. Too much humanity will make us lose ourselves. I think... you can do something bad to balance it out." Florence stared down. The complex ritual wheel was actually distracting him from chatting with Kleist.

At this time, Lin Shan was getting closer. He had to see if Tushan Furu was in the middle. With his small size, these behemoths tens of thousands of meters away could not even see where he was without releasing their mental power.

Mental power is not something that is always released like in the novels about cultivating immortals. Mental power is equivalent to the invisible limbs of living beings. With so many evil degenerates releasing their mental power at will, there will be a feeling of arming around each other. The spirits of different individuals The force cannot be integrated, and the feeling of squeezing around is not very good.

Mental power is withdrawn into the mind most of the time. Even if it is to explore the unknown, mental power will not be released easily. Although mental power is an invisible body, it can be "seen" by creatures who also possess mental power.

Unless you have absolute strength,... using mental power to explore unknown dangers is like stretching your eyes in front of the enemy. Exposure is inevitable.

When facing the same level or the unknown, mental power is not a real detection tool. The only thing that can play the role of detection without knowing it is similar sequence capabilities.

Lin Shan obviously does not have this type of ability.

Assisted detection, recovery treatment, rapid regeneration, and defense sequence are all what he lacks, and they are the characteristics that Lin Shan wants to choose to continue his promotion.

Now his attack power is completely sufficient. Among the same level, only one ‘Ice Flame’ will not be weaker than any attack sequence. With the assistance of ‘Song of the Forest’ and ‘Forget River’, the combination of ‘Ice Flame’, ‘Song of the Forest’ and ‘Forget River’ has exceeded the offensive power.

In addition to these three conventional characteristics, there are many special types of characteristics that he also wants, such as clones, or the super-mobile life-saving characteristics of Xia Xuan, and even many summoning characteristics, which he has considered.

But he only has the last three vacancies, and can only choose the most suitable one among many characteristics. Compared with ‘sequence qualitative change’, even the super-standard sequence will step back. That is the level of demigods, which cannot be compensated by the sequence.

Of course, if it can have both super-standard and qualitative change... Of course it is the best. I hope that the eye parchment can help a little, so that it will not be in vain to find the authority fragments for it.

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