Above the gray fog

Chapter 629 I'm going to do something bad

Lin Shan went underground and moved slowly towards the evil group.

Crest stared at the direction of Lin Shan, his sight moving with Lin Shan's movement.

While staring at Lin Shan, he did not forget to reply to Florence with his mental power:

"Bad things? I haven't done them! What kind of things are considered bad things? Florence, I have killed too many creatures of all races during this period... I won't become a 'human'."

"Don't worry, I am the same as you, Crest. I have some inexplicable things in my mind recently. This is the intrusion of human nature. It will be fine after a period of recovery." Florence comforted.

"Got it." Crest's huge head nodded slightly, but his eyes were always on Lin Shan.


Lin Shan moved forward by feeling, and often looked out of the ground.

Finally, less than 30 kilometers away from the group of evil, Lin Shan finally saw what the evil were surrounding.

It was Tushan Furu.

His current situation was very strange,

Nine layers of extremely complex ritual patterns superimposed on each other.

At the top of the nine-layer ritual pattern is Tushan Furu.

Each layer of the pattern is gorgeous and huge, and it rotates slowly, blooming with brilliant brilliance.

Because the distance is too far, Lin Shan can't see clearly, he can only see Tushan Furu lying on the top layer of the slowly rotating pattern.

It is impossible to judge whether he is alive or dead.

Lin Shan quickly thinks about countermeasures in his mind.

The old weapons cannot be used here. He rushes up blindly to save people... It's no different from sending himself to death.

Relying only on extraordinary abilities, even if he gets rid of his body, the weird state cannot improve his combat power to the level of a qualitatively strong person.

With these nine evil fallen guarding, the probability of rescuing Tushan Furu is about zero.

We must find a way... to get these evil fallen away.

I don't know what the battle situation of the two gods outside is like. It would be great if they can fight to the tribe.

It is obviously impossible for Jia Da to let the old god enter the tribe.

This is a joint ritual. If the ritual is interrupted... what will happen?

Will there be a backlash effect?

Lin Shan set his sights on the nine-layer ritual in the middle again...

Took out the yellow paper and identified it from a distance.

[High Heaven Genealogy, Lower Level Ceremony. ]

The yellow paper only gave an eight-word answer, which was another new genealogy...High Heaven Genealogy.

When Lin Shan saw this name, he couldn't help but think of the Kunyu Genealogy and Deep Blue Genealogy he had seen before.

Deep Blue represents the ocean, Kunyu represents the earth, and Gaotian represents the sky.

The end of these three genealogies is the master who controls the power of sea, land, and air. Are there any connections between them?

These eight words seem to reveal a lot of information, but in fact they are of no help to him at all.

Lin Shan's brain was running at high speed, connecting all the available information and thinking about ways to break the deadlock.

The conclusion he came to was that even if he used all his means, he could not fight any of the nine evil heads.

Since conventional methods don't work...he can only use some unconventional operations.

At this time, the only two things that might work are parchment and "divination".

The backlash of the "divination" is irreversible, Lin Shan does not want to use it easily, and only the parchment is left.

"This is related to helping you find the fragments, give some help." Lin Shan said secretly.

Parchment: [You need to pay one month of life. ]

Unexpectedly cheap, it seems that the parchment also knows that if Tushan Furu gets into trouble, not only will he lose a super strong bodyguard, but he will also lose the speed of light spaceship, which is the most fatal.

His existing spaceship has the hope of flying back to the corridor within 300 years. It will take a thousand years to fly to the location of the fragments, and it will take more than a thousand years to return... The life of the starship is not enough to support such a long voyage.


Parchment: [You seem to be asking me how an ant can snatch food from a few hungry men. ]

Parchment: [Unless a miracle happens, the probability of rescuing Tushan Furu is zero, his fate will take a huge turn, and you will also owe a cause and effect, he got into trouble because he carried out your plan. ]

Parchment: [It is recommended to escape immediately and return to the interior of the God's Corridor first. When you return, if the God's Corridor is still there, the latest curvature drive technology may be close to ten times the speed of light, and then you can continue on your way. ]

Parchment: [The reason why you are still alive is that the creatures here are too lazy to pay attention to you. ]

Lin Shan looked at the handwriting on the parchment. He thought that the parchment would have some roundabout ways. Now it seems that all the ways must be based on his own strength.

The third sentence of the parchment is his next best choice.

The fourth sentence, is it a reminder... the parchment thinks he is too extravagant?

Think about it carefully... It seems to be true. Any creature in this place is not something he can deal with, not to mention that there are two gods. If he is not careful, he will destroy himself.

He is relying on his weakness to "do whatever he wants" and trying to solve the problem with a tricky method.

No! Lin Shan was alert. Although he was weak, he had changed a lot with the help of technology. At least... he summoned an old god.

Every step is carefully planned. Who says that the weak can't be relied on?

When he did these things, he naturally took his own strength into consideration, including that his own weakness would not attract the attention of the strong.

He would not do anything that he was not sure of. The parchment said that it seemed that he was still alive entirely by luck.

Lin Shan pondered the intention of the parchment, why it denied his autonomous behavior.

The parchment said this...

It wanted to make him feel fearful and thankful, so that he would rely on it more in the future...

It must be able to feel that Lin Shan has been wary of it from the beginning to the end, which has become a habit.

After hundreds of years of getting along, Lin Shan also has a certain understanding and trust in the parchment, but this will not be the premise for Lin Shan to use the parchment at will.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, from the lines of these four sentences... Lin Shan feels that the parchment seems to be angry.

Yes, it is indeed angry.

After hundreds of years of getting along, Lin Shan knows what the parchment looks like best, and it is impossible for it to tell Lin Shan so much information for no reason.

This situation will happen, either happy or angry.

Now, the search for its authority fragments has been postponed indefinitely, and the possibility of anger is obviously greater.

Are you angry because the search for the fragment of authority has been postponed again, and Lin Shan rarely uses it?

For the parchment, no matter what state it is in, Lin Shan will not rely too much on it. This vigilance has been rooted since the day he got the parchment.

"What is the purpose of the ritual?" Lin Shan pretended not to know the condition of the parchment and asked.

Parchment: [High Sky Genealogy-Heavy Top-Heavy Ritual, created by the Lord of the High Sky-Diya, and later offered by the God of Lightness-Jada for sacrifice, it has the effect of inversion and replacement. ]

The parchment replied without thinking, without any intention of charging, as if it had been confused by anger.

Lin Shan nodded slightly, inversion, replacement, he probably knew what they were going to do.

Lin Shan drilled into the ground and quickly shuttled to the outside of the tribe. At this time, there was no other way but to escape.

Even if he and Tushan Furu were not very familiar with each other, his heart was extremely heavy at this time. This matter...I am afraid it will deeply penetrate into his heart and become a burden and debt.

At this time.

Crest, who had been staring at Lin Shan, saw that Lin Shan was about to escape.

In the astonished eyes of the other evils, it looked up to the sky and roared, "I'm going to do something bad!"

The sound was like thunder, and the ground was slightly cracked.

Lin Shan, who was running away, staggered and was almost knocked unconscious underground. He shook his head and accelerated to escape to the outside world.

In the back, Crest, in the unbelievable eyes of the other evils, smashed the nine-layer ritual pattern with both fists.

"Crest! Are you crazy!"

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