Above the gray fog

Chapter 637 You are a good mushroom, but I am really just here to borrow the passage.

Speeding across endless plains.

The sky gradually darkened.

Lin Shan looked up at the sky.

I discovered that it was not that it was dark, but that a huge mushroom nearly 100,000 meters high was blocking the sky.

This mushroom is red with white spots.

Lin Shan couldn't see the whole picture clearly from below. He could only see a dark shadow from above, and the shadow was in the shape of a mushroom.

Cecil stopped and said, "Go ahead, Lord Mushroom God is waiting for you."

A series of 5 big mushrooms acted like meeting gods. Lin Shan shook his head and flew high into the sky.

Lin Shan flew to the top of the red mushroom, where a transparent figure sat cross-legged.

"I'm just here to borrow the passage, and I'll leave when I'm done." Lin Shan said calmly.


The transparent soul body was about to speak, but was blocked by Lin Shan's words.

As he stretched out his hand, red mist filled the sky, and the air was filled with a corrosive atmosphere.

It felt that Lin Shan was too arrogant, so it invited a Sequence 5 to come in, but this one seemed a little disrespectful to the mushroom.


Forest-white flames flew around Lin Shan, and the red mist quickly evaporated.

Seeing this, the Mushroom God pressed one hand against the mushroom body beneath him.

The mushroom beneath him seemed to have leaked air, and it was dyed red for hundreds of kilometers.

‘leaving the soul’

‘Forgotten River’

'Song of the Forest'

An illusory river spanning thousands of miles appears.

A towering tree poked out from the ground, growing around the mushrooms.

The water in the Wangchuan River decreased sharply, and the big trees grew to a height of 100,000 meters in a short period of time, wrapping the red mushrooms tightly.


"Then...what is that?" Cecil rubbed his eyes to make sure he saw it correctly.

She saw a huge tree tying up the mushroom god.

"Did he do it? How...how is it possible?" Cecil was absent-minded for a while. She thought about the fate of her pet Xiaoman, and her face turned pale.

"Lord Mushou God... everything will be fine."



The ground shook.

Cecil's eyes widened, he covered his mouth with his hands, and his whole body froze.

As her eyes moved upward, her breathing quickened unconsciously. All she could see was the huge trees that continued to grow. The Mushroom God was uprooted by this tightly entangled tree...!

Lin Shan, who was in the sky, was also a little shocked. He didn't expect... that he could pull out the big mushroom with just one move.

"This mushroom seems...a little weak. Is it because you gave your mushroom meat to those light elves to eat?"

Lin Shan didn't realize it at first, but now he realizes that this mushroom is extremely weak. Despite its huge body, the spirituality contained in the body can only reach the level of Sequence 5, and is even about to fall to the level of Sequence 6.

Giving your flesh to others to eat...will cause permanent damage to the mushroom.

Why does it do this?

Lin Shan's thinking was a little confused. At this moment, he found that he couldn't distinguish between good and bad.

Is it true that as Cecil said, this mushroom is protecting them for free?

But why are they allowed to live in such a primitive form, and why are they allowed to eat their own flesh?

How do you explain the blades of grass growing on the heads of the light elves?

When the soul on the red mushroom saw its main body being pulled out directly by Lin Shan, shock flashed in its eyes.

It immediately chose to continue attacking Lin Shan.

In its view, the nature of Lin Shan's aggression was self-evident. It regretted letting Lin Shan in, but Lin Shan's purpose was to jump through the tunnel. Even if it didn't let him, Lin Shan could break through the barrier and come in by himself.

While attacking, it was also thinking, was its original choice... really the right one?

Break away from the "chasing fire", stick to your own opinion, protect these elves for free, and even sacrifice yourself for their evolution.

It is really a good mushroom, at least, it is not the enemy of all races.

Over the years, it has regarded these light elves as its own children.

There are many other plants like it in the Zhi tribe. The purpose of letting Lin Shan come is... I hope that when Lin Shan returns to the divine corridor, he can bring their existence to all races. Under their protection, all races can continue to live. Continue.

Just like the birth of this land.

The plant tribe can still become their mother.

The soul stretched out his palm and pressed down.

With this palm, it condensed all the remaining spirituality. Lin Shan's combat power was beyond its expectations. It might be a disaster for these light elves.

Feeling the attack, Lin Shan stopped thinking.

The huge trees wrapped around the mushroom turned into dots of green light. These light dots quickly flew towards Lin Shan, forming layers of tree cages.

The terrifying big hand struck down, shattering the tree cage, and slammed Lin Shan to the ground, creating a large crater more than ten meters deep in the ground.


A howling hurricane blew by.

Cecil's eyes flashed with tears as he watched the 100,000-meter-tall mushroom god fall.

The Mushroom God was uprooted by the big tree. The tree disappeared, and the Mushroom God's only support was gone.

Only then did she realize that the roots of the mushroom god that had been protecting them had been hollowed out.

"Mushroom God..."

"Mushroom God!"

Cecil flew towards the top of the mushroom like crazy, shouting unconsciously.

What she didn't notice was that another twig sprouted from the green leaves above her head, and a pink flower bloomed quickly on the branch. There was a faint pink light shining on the flower.

Extremely far away.

A group of light elves who were playing suddenly felt that the sky was gradually getting darker, and a huge black shadow was gradually approaching.

"Mushroom God..."

"It's the Mushroom God!"

"Mushroom God... fell?"

The light elves did not run away. They stood there, staring blankly at the huge mushrooms that hit them.

"Run!" Cecil appeared above them and shouted loudly: "Supernormal, bring pseudo-supernormal, run quickly."

Although she knew in her heart that the size of the mushroom god was too huge, and hundreds of kilometers of the area would become ruins if it fell down, and no one here could escape.

"Patriarch... Mushroom God, what happened?"

A light elf asked blankly.

"Mushroom God may be... asleep..." Cecil replied softly, she supported her hands in front of her, turned into a white light and rushed towards the collapsed huge mushroom.

Her hands were against the umbrella-shaped structure of the mushroom, but there was no effect at all, and the huge mushroom did not stop for a moment.

A white light rushed to Cecil's side, which was those supernormal light elves.

The speed of the mushrooms was still unabated, and it was about to hit the ground.

Cecil and the other extraordinary light elves around them had no intact parts on their hands. Their bones were visible and their light golden blood was falling like raindrops. During this time, Sequence 8 light elves from other areas arrived and joined the support team.

But all this was to no avail.

All the light elves closed their eyes.

Cecil knew that no elves in this area could survive except her.

The collapse of the mushroom god and the disaster that was about to happen, a face appeared in Cecil's eyes, with black hair, white clothes, and an indifferent expression to everything. It was him who caused all this.

The pink flower on his head fell little by little, and a small fruit replaced the flower.


The collapsed huge mushroom stopped less than a hundred meters from the ground.

A faint voice came.

"Maybe you are really a good mushroom, but I really just want to borrow the jump channel."

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