Above the gray fog

Chapter 638: ‘God’s Base’ has never had divinity

All the light elves looked in the direction where the sound came from.

Lin Shan, wearing a white robe with gold edges, stood above the mushroom umbrella-shaped structure. A huge ancient tree hung the mushroom that was about to fall in the air.

"Is it him?" Cecil was surprised. The fruit that was slowly ripening above his head suddenly stopped growing.

"Your mushroom god is not dead. The soul clone is broken and the main body is weak. It just has no strength to control its own body. Sequence 5 is not so easy to die. It will be fine after a rest for a while."

Lin Shan looked at the light elves below who were still in a daze, squinted and said, "What are you doing? If you don't run... I'm going to let you go."

"Run, run, retreat to a safe area." Cecil was the first to react and quickly called on the light elves to evacuate.

Under the traction of a group of extraordinary people, there was no one under the mushroom. Lin Shan waved his hand, and the ancient tree that strangled the mushroom turned into dots of green light and dissipated.


The mushroom fell to the ground, without a earth-shattering explosion, but only dust and strong winds caused by the giant object's descent.

The light elves a hundred kilometers away, braving the dust and strong winds, looked at the mushroom god lying on the ground, with an indescribable feeling in their hearts.


Standing on the big mushroom for a while, looking at the huge mushroom under his feet, Lin Shan's eyes flickered and his fingers moved slightly.

Sequence 5 characteristics, at your fingertips.

This mushroom meat is also a top-grade spiritual material, and I wonder how many pseudo-transcendents can be created.

Even if he eats it himself, eating all the mushrooms, the spirituality provided is enough for him to advance two more stages, or even more.

This is a sequence 5 mushroom, and the spirituality contained is of extremely high quality.

Lin Shan was somewhat tempted.

He squatted down and stroked the mushroom under his feet with his hand.

"Senior...Senior." Cecil hurried over, and when she saw Lin Shan put his hand on the mushroom god, her eyes flashed with a familiar light.

She clearly remembered that the creatures that invaded their race also looked at her with this kind of eyes.

Greed, possessiveness.

This look scared her, but for the sake of Lord Mushroom God...

"Senior... Thank you for your help. Don't you want to borrow the jump channel? I'll take you to the ruins city. There are many channels there. I don't know which one you want to use." Cecil was trembling all over, but still gracefully pinched her skirt and bowed.

She didn't say a word about the conflict between Lin Shan and Mushroom God.

Lin Shan stopped his hand, looked at Cecil, and nodded slightly.

The power of faith that had always been in his body was mobilized by Lin Shan to quickly extinguish the divine flame that was aroused.

Unconsciously, he was affected by divinity again.

Sailing in deep space, especially sailing alone, is the easiest to breed divinity. Even if you do nothing, you will be taken advantage of by the invisible black flame.

This kind of divine flame does not come from the outside, but from your own body, from your heart and emotions, at least in his perception.

In the deep space voyages of the past few years, he inevitably became infected with divine flames.

The illusory black flames are not obvious, but hidden very deeply. They will subtly change one's behavior, choices when encountering things, and views on various things.

If one cannot find the abnormality in time, a wisp of black flame is enough to kill the extraordinary.

But few of the Ten Thousand Races' extraordinary people self-immolate because of the divine flames, because this is common sense for the Ten Thousand Races. When they feel that they are abnormal, they will immediately think of the erosion of divinity. There are many solutions to the subsequent problems, and using faith to extinguish it is naturally the simplest way.

However, there is a kind of divine flame that cannot be extinguished.

The divinity that comes with promotion will always be attached to the creatures and become a part of them.

According to ancient books, this flame is called 'basic divinity' or 'divine foundation'. Every time a creature is promoted, its basic divinity will go up a level. If a creature wants to become a god, it needs to meet various conditions.

The first condition: the ‘Nine Tribulations of Humanity’ transforms human nature. Only the transformed human nature can continue to balance the divinity born after being promoted to a god.

The second condition: the ‘divine foundation’ superimposed three times. Starting from Sequence 7, the basic divinity that has been upgraded three times. All extraordinary beings who have reached Sequence 5 will have this, and no additional preparation is required.

The third condition: authority, which is also the most important condition.

As for whether there are other conditions, Lin Shan does not know, but these three are definitely the most basic.

With promotion, the foundation of divinity is upgraded, and human nature must reach the level of or exceed this level to suppress the influence of divinity.

For 90% of extraordinary beings, the level of human nature cannot be equal to the level of divinity.

Because it is very simple to increase divinity, but it is too difficult to increase human nature.

The higher the sequence of the extraordinary being, the harder it is to increase human nature. Except for a very few special individuals, the divinity of extraordinary beings of Sequence 6 and above is bound to exceed human nature.

This is an irreversible and irreversible influence, and is the inevitability of promotion. Fortunately, the basic divinity is stable, not harmful to the body, and controllable after long-term adaptation.

However, the additional growth of divinity is different. It is not stable, like an invisible flame, burning the humanity of living beings.

The divine flame will guide out the inferior humanity in human nature.

The inferior emotions in human nature such as greed, anger, and arrogance will dominate behavior.

Lin Shan once thought that it was the divine flame itself that caused the host's behavior to go out of control.

It was not until the spiritual network was opened that he discovered in an ancient book that things were not what he thought. Divinity was derived from human nature. Everything about divinity revolved around human nature. The divine flame itself had no effect, but it could "deify" certain points in human nature.

The book recorded:

[Human nature is the foundation of divinity, and divinity cannot be separated from human nature. ]

[Divinity is only the "God" side of human nature. Divinity cannot exist independently. Only with human nature can there be divinity. ]

[After the first era of origin, problems arose with divinity. It could no longer "sublimate" or "deify" the "God" side of human nature. Not only that, it would also deify the "inferior" side in the opposite direction. ]

[In the "basic god", inferior human nature was deified and became a false divinity. ]

[The gods now are all "false gods". They have the power of gods but not the "heart" of gods. ]

Tushan Furu's words before, coupled with the records he saw, solved many doubts for Lin Shan.

Divinity sublimates the inferior side of human nature, so those creatures that are imbued with divinity are called "beasts". In fact, they are still "deified", but "beasts" are more appropriate.

"Beasts" represent the loss of wisdom, which is something from another field. The myriad races rarely come into contact with them. The myriad races will only wander between "humans" and "gods", but... some gods are more like "beasts".

Lin Shan is skeptical about the last sentence.

What is the "heart" of a god?

Is it selflessness to creatures? Dedication? Love? Or something else? If a god has a heart of a god, is the god still himself?

He has no access to these, so he can only think of various things based on his own guesses. ,

The guesses he can think of, others can naturally think of as well.

After extinguishing the black flames on his body, Lin Shan said calmly: "Lead the way."

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