Above the gray fog

Chapter 649 Exploring the Jiuqu Tribe’s Land

Inside the aerospace battleship.

Long Niao and Jiuqu floated in the medical cabin.

This battleship is equipped with an operating room, and the chief surgeon is the artificial intelligence Dakong.

Lin Shan stood by, watching the mechanical arm, removing the stitches, suturing, and providing recovery care for the two.

Extraordinary means and technological medical means each have their own advantages. The subdivision of technological medical means can be more targeted, while extraordinary means are more convenient and can deal with special injuries.

After the operation, the complexion of both of them has returned to rosy.

Jiuqu can open her eyes.

She looked at Lin Shan standing in front of the door.

"Brother Passerby... Where is Brother Abbot?"

Lin Shan said: "We have left that tribe and are now heading towards the Jiuqu tribe. Abbot is too far away from us. You can go see him when you grow up."

Jiuqu fell into silence, closed his eyes after a while, nodded slightly and replied: "Okay."

[Arrived at the preset coordinates. ]

Dakong issued a prompt.

The starship began to shake and slow down.

A distance of 200 million kilometers, at the speed of the Great Sky Sequence 5, only takes more than an hour, not too far.

"We are at the Jiuqu tribe, do you want to come and see?" Lin Shan stretched out his hand.

Jiuqu's little hand held Lin Shan, and her body slowly floated down.

"Hmm..." Long Niao also woke up at this time.

The alloy ceiling made him confused.

Then, a series of suffocating memories appeared in his mind.

"Ah~" Long Niao wailed in pain until his hand was held by Jiuqu.

He turned over and saw Jiuqu and Lin Shan who was holding Jiuqu.

"Jiuqu... Brother Passerby."

"Hmm..." Lin Shan nodded slightly and said; "Awake? You come too."

"Abbot can't take you with you in the future, you should follow me for the time being, I will find a place for you to stay again."

After that, Lin Shan took Jiuqu to the battleship hall.

Long Niao followed behind, full of curiosity about everything around him.

Seeing Jiuqu who was holding Lin Shan's hand.

Pain flashed in Long Niao's eyes, and he murmured, "Brother Abbot..."

The aerospace battleship hovered outside the Jiuqu tribe's territory, and there was no need to forcefully break through the tribe's territory.

Because the Jiuqu tribe's territory... had been hit and fell into the Scale 9 Sky Prison, that is, outer space.

The barrier had completely disappeared, and large areas of ruins were exposed on the gray foggy land.

"Use drones to explore." Lin Shan ordered.

A fleet of full-energy drones flew out from the belly of the aerospace battleship.

Starship is a general term for all vehicles that can navigate in deep space. The aerospace battleship is a branch of the starship and a high-end version of the starship.

Lin Shan's aerospace battleship is not suitable for combat and does not carry powerful weapons, but it has a full range of auxiliary functions.

One photo after another was taken by the drone and projected onto the big screen.

Jiuqu and Long Niao stared at this magical scene with wide eyes, temporarily forgetting the sadness in their hearts.

In the photo, there are collapsed magnificent buildings everywhere, the ground is covered with chaotic waste, and several broken huge bridges span the river.

In the empty space, there are huge machines flashing electric sparks.

Collapsed buildings, broken pillars, fragmented stones, desolate scenes everywhere.

Those once splendid and dazzling palaces are now covered with rubble. Everything seems quiet and silent, without any vitality, only heavy sadness.

The aerospace battleship gradually goes deeper inside.

Dust and wreckage are all over the ground, and the air is filled with a rotten smell.

Gradually, bloodstains appear.

Going deeper, the ruins are everywhere.

Although the war has faded, there are still wild beasts here gnawing on corpses, making terrifying howls, adding a sense of fear to the ruins.

Jiuqu and Longying's faces gradually turned pale. Although they live in the ruins, it is also a ruin with order. They have never seen such a miserable scene.

"This place was destroyed so thoroughly that the fragments of parchment were not found." Lin Shan looked at the scene brought back by the drone and said to himself.

The barrier is gone, and there should be no more living creatures here. Even if there were some at the beginning, they should all be dead now. Ordinary people cannot withstand the darkness without the protection of the barrier.

"Go to the scale prison to have a look." Lin Shan continued to give orders.

The engine of the aerospace battleship started and entered the scale 8 prison.

This place is similar to the outside world, all in ruins, but the buildings are better preserved than the outside world.

Scale 7 prison.

A huge planet appeared in sight.

This perspective is similar to looking at the earth from outer space.

However, this planet should be much larger than the earth.

The drone turned into streams of light and rushed towards the planet, searching for signs of the existence of living creatures.

This planet happened to be in the location of the prison where the Jiuqu tribe was located...

It should be that the Jiuqu tribe spent a lot of effort to pull it from somewhere else.

I'm afraid that only gods can do this. I wonder which god of the Jiuqu tribe is, and is he still alive?

The drone circled the planet several times. The buildings on the planet were well preserved, but there were no living creatures.

There were only dry bones and corpses that had not yet completely turned into dry bones.

The cause of death for all people was the same, a burst heart.

This should be caused by some kind of extraordinary power.

Scale 6 Void Prison.

There are three steel continents side by side here.

Like the planet of Scale 7 Void Prison, there are no living creatures. These three continents were completely destroyed, and the wreckage of the huge starship covered the steel continent like garbage.

Scale 5 Void Prison.

There is nothing here.

Was it moved away... or was it not developed yet?

Lin Shan thought of the huge starship he had seen before.

That kind of giant starship must have been assembled in an airport in the Void Prison. There are no wreckage of the airport here. Perhaps Scale 5 Void Prison is the starship production base of the Jiuqu Clan, and they had already taken a group of people away when the crisis came.

Scale 4 Void Prison.

Just as Lin Shan thought.

Scale 4 Void Prison is as empty as Scale 5.

After being hit, returning to outer space, Lin Shan let Dakong fly straight to the place marked on the parchment.

The parchment in his mind was shaking slightly because he was too excited.

Lin Shan's attention was attracted by the two little guys.

They don't seem to be affected by the hammering effect...

Could it be that... this hammer can only hit extraordinary people?

[Arrived at the target location. ]

While Lin Shan was thinking, Dakong had already arrived at the coordinate location.

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