Above the gray fog

Chapter 650: Entrance to the Mustard Seed Space

Through the glass, you can see that there is a row of strange buildings thousands of meters high that are cut in half.

These buildings are built in a spiral shape, and I don’t know what they are used for.

The location of the parchment is right below, but it is a large range. This time, the parchment cannot accurately locate it.

Lin Shan extended his mental power to search.

After searching the surroundings, his mental power has been exploring the depth of hundreds of thousands of meters underground, and no basement or warehouse-like buildings have been found.

"Are you sure it is here?" Lin Shan looked at the parchment in his mind.

Parchment: [Mustard space. ]

"Mustard space? Is it a mezzanine space? Give me some guidance. How can I find so many mezzanines?" Lin Shan was speechless.

Parchment: [Mustard space is not a mezzanine space. Mustard space has no spatial coordinates. It can be attached at any position. It may be just a small dot attached to the space. If you don’t find the attached object or open the entrance to the space, you can’t enter. The ability to build a mustard space means that the technology of this civilization has almost reached the end of the microcosm. If you go further, you will step into the microcosm. 】

Lin Shan looked at the handwriting on the parchment and was secretly shocked. The Jiuqu tribe had such a high level of technology?

He thought about it again and felt something was wrong.

This mustard seed space may not belong to the Jiuqu tribe. If the Jiuqu tribe could really create a mustard seed space by themselves, they would not be afraid of "Chasing Fire".

The so-called microscopic technology, Lin Shan found ancient books to learn about it after walking out of the old ruins last time.

The technology level of the old days is not as casually divided as the human circle. The tribe has sequence 6 or masters the jump technology, which is the fourth-level civilization. The tribe has sequence 5 or masters biotechnology, which is the fifth-level civilization. The division of the human circle is actually not accurate.

However, the division can also indirectly show the coordination of civilization by the high-order extraordinary.

The old civilization has only seven levels.

The concepts of size in the old technology are divided into five types: microscopic, microscopic, macroscopic, cosmic, and expansion. All technologies start from the macroscopic, and there are two in-depth levels to the left or right.

The "size" here is not just the size of an object, but the degree of exploration, mastery and development of the world by a civilization.

Level 1~2 civilization is at the macro level.

Level 3~5 civilization has mastered microscopic technology and cosmic technology, creating objects out of thin air, and the giant structure of the universe is easy to do under the power of the entire civilization.

Level 6~7 civilization, mastering microscopic technology and expansion technology, there is no record in this field, only that level 7 civilization is called god-level civilization.

Generally speaking, all civilizations in the human circle have not broken through the level of second-level civilization to enter the level of third-level civilization. Huang Liu also said that the Night Clan has been developing for more than 100,000 years, but it is only stuck at the entrance of microscopic and cosmic, and can no longer make a breakthrough.

According to the description of the parchment, this mustard seed space is at least the product of the old level 5 civilization. The Jiuqu Clan cannot have such strength.

"How can I get in without coordinates?" Lin Shan asked.

Parchment: [The remaining clan fortune of the Jiuqu Clan is gathering and reviving, and the trajectory of destiny is obscured. Please find the entrance by yourself. 】

Lin Shan looked away and expanded his mental power to scan the area of ​​40 kilometers, but found no clues.

The point marked on the parchment was particularly large, covering hundreds of kilometers.

This was the first time that Lin Shan saw parchment marked like this.

Even if the parchment was getting stronger, the family fortune would still have an impact on it.

After all, this was the strongest family fortune. Even if it was incomplete now, a lean camel was bigger than a horse, and it should not be underestimated.

"Send out drones to check all the suspicious places around." Lin Shan said to the sky.

Dozens of drones made entirely of energy conducted a carpet search of the location where the parchment was located.

Pictures appeared on the big screen.

Lin Shan was not in a hurry. Since he already had a range, he could always find it.

This place...maybe not only where the parchment fragments were, but also where the Jiuqu tribe kept their fire.

This is a place where a civilization hides hope, and it is not too secretive.

Let the drone search outside, Lin Shan brought the two children to the accommodation cabin of the aerospace battleship. There were five rooms on each side of a short corridor.

"Are you living together, or do you have a room each?" Lin Shan looked at the two children.

Both shook their heads, as if they didn't understand what Lin Shan meant. Having their own room was not in their concept.

Lin Shan thought that the two children had just experienced something bad, so he arranged for them to live in the same room.

In his opinion, this matter might just be some emotional fluctuations, but for these two children, it can be regarded as bad news in their lives.

Jiuqu is 11 years old and Longying is 13 years old. They are both little brats. It shouldn't be a big deal to live together...

"You will live here from now on." Lin Shan turned on the lights in the room.

It was a very simple room with a bed, a desk, and about 20 square meters. It was not warm, but it was very comfortable to look at.

"Dakong, they will be handed over to you in the future. Teach them some common sense." Lin Shan said to the air.

"Okay, Captain." A blue light flashed, and Dakong's voice came.

A light screen appeared in front of the two children. It was Dakong communicating with them.

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded slightly and said, "Tell Dakong if you have any needs."

"Okay." The two children nodded dully.

Lin Shan closed the door, came to the main control room, sat in the main seat and waited quietly for the drone to send back clues.

There is always something wrong with the two children behind him. Next time he returns to the tribe, he must get rid of them as soon as possible.

By the way, when he returns to the tribe, the two children may have grown up...

Forget it, just leave it to Dakong.

Dakong is an artificial intelligence that can grow on its own. When the Mechanical Clan handed the aerospace battleship to Lin Shan, it had already cut off the direct relationship with Dakong, and the digital life lock that restricted Dakong's growth was naturally unlocked. Over the years, Lin Shan can feel that it is easier to communicate with Dakong.

Maybe in a few years, Dakong can also grow into a digital life, provided that... the main body of the aerospace battleship is still there at that time.

One hour later.

Dozens of drones searched the entire area of ​​100 kilometers, including the places blocked by collapsed buildings.

No place that looks like an entrance was found.

The parchment just said that the mustard seed space can be attached to anything.

This reminded Lin Shan of what he had heard before, that a grain of sand is a world, and a leaf is a bodhi.

Every grain of sand can be a world. If the mustard seed space is in the fine yarn in the ruins, what is there to look for?

Even if he holds the grain of sand in his hand... he can't get in.

He has no means to shrink himself.

The Jiuqu Clan should not have such means, so this mustard seed space must have a special entrance.

Moreover, the hint of the parchment is already very clear, asking him to find the entrance in this place, rather than asking him to find it within this range... the fine sand attached to the mustard seed space.

At this time, Lin Shan's attention was once again attracted by the spiral building in front.

The only special thing about this place... is this row of truncated spiral buildings.

Will the entrance be related to them?

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