Above the gray fog

Chapter 70 The Difficult Shiba Inu

The Shiba Inu ran extremely fast, with its four legs already out of sight, and it could jump several meters away. Lin Shan had to use teleportation from time to time to keep up with him.

Finally, the Shiba Inu slowed down and began to move forward cautiously.

Less than a hundred meters in front of the Shiba Inu, the faceless crystal man was walking forward unsteadily. He stumbled step by step, looking up at the sky from time to time, as if he could not accept this result.

Lin Shan was wondering if he could find his clan if he kept following this Jingren.

However, it seems that finding the clan land is useless... This is a race that can produce Sequence Eight by itself, and they are not afraid of exposing the clan land at all.

He couldn't help but think of those twenty-some skeletons. They might have come here to intercept and kill Sequence 8 of this race.

Judging from the performance of both parties, it seems that they have dealt with each other many times and have deep grudges.

Just when Lin Shan's thoughts were flying.

The Shiba Inu below couldn't hold it any longer.

Its body suddenly expanded, changing from a cute Shiba Inu to a giant dog nearly ten meters in size with sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. There were rich black stripes on its back, and its three tails swung in the air.

The faceless crystal man turned around sharply, only to be met with sharp giant claws.

After the Shiba Inu grew in size, it pounced directly on the faceless crystal man and pinned him under its claws.

Then it was crushed mercilessly, and Lin Shan in the air could hear a "bang!" sound, like a crushed tomato, with crystal clear flesh and blood scattered around.

After a while, the Shiba Inu shrank.

He began to dig through the pile of rotten flesh with his claws, and finally found the small bottle among the bloody flesh.

I don’t know what material the bottle is made of, but it is still intact and sealed. The Shiba Inu is not surprised by this.

The Shiba Inu did not pick up the bottle with its mouth as Lin Shan thought, but turned into a young man dressed in black and picked up the bottle.

"Where did the clothes go after the transformation? I didn't even see the Shiba Inu wearing clothes." Lin Shan was a little curious. The young man in black in front of him was the original body, and the Shiba Inu before was the illusion of his fallen body.

The young man in black picked up the small bottle and was about to put it into his pocket.

He suddenly felt that the blood in his body was uncontrollable, and his complexion turned green and white for a while, so he quickly stopped and used spiritual suppression.

Lin Shan was in the air, applying countercurrent, explosion, stagnation, acceleration, and various supernatural buffs to him in an instant.

Just when the young man felt the pressure suddenly relax, a red light flashed in front of his eyes, and Lin Shan appeared in front of him.

Before he could react, he did not hesitate to release the supernatural influence on him again, and snatched the small bottle from his hand. The red light flashed, and the person appeared thousands of meters above the sky.

The next second.


This roar can be heard even from a distance of a thousand meters.

Lin Shan could only understand the word 'ah', so it seemed that the interjections were the same.

He immediately ignored him. This thing didn't belong to him anyway, so Lin Shan felt at ease when he snatched it.

He glanced at the small bottle in his hand. The finely chopped transparent smoothie contained at least close to a hundred grams, which was completely enough.

Lin Shan looked at the parchment to confirm. The parchment also cooperated and canceled the light spot representing freezing, which meant that the material had been obtained.

One-fifth of the materials for the Bing Yan Sequence were obtained, and they were still strange ashes, and the total time was less than a month.

Although there are some tricks...it can't be considered a trick, it can only be said to be luck.

Next goal...

"Asshole...steal my things and you will die!"

Just when Lin Shan was thinking about his next target, an unintelligible word came into his ears. Although he couldn't understand it, the coldness and anger revealed in the words could be clearly felt.

Lin Shan looked down and saw a Shiba Inu with blue wings approaching him at an extremely fast speed.

"Huh?" Lin Shan's eyes narrowed slightly: "Dual sequence? Life and death are the same body!"

The wings on the back of the Shiba Inu are spiritually transformed. If it were a fallen body, the wings should be solid.

"The body transformed from the fallen body sequence, and the wings transformed from the biological sequence... are interesting." Lin Shan couldn't help but admired that the combination of this Shiba Inu was more reasonable than his. It wasn't that he didn't know how to match, he just didn't have a choice.

The Shiba Inu rushed towards Lin Shan with blazing eyes, reaching a height of 1,000 meters in just a few seconds.

Flying to the same height as Lin Shan.

The Shiba Inu stretched out his hand and said coldly: "Give it back to me!"

Lin Shan could probably guess his intentions by looking at his movements.

Lin Shan still looked at him calmly and said, "Sorry, I don't understand."

The Shiba Inu was a little impatient and couldn't understand Lin Shan's words.

In its view, the person in front of it who did not know what race it was was not simple, and it did not dare to act rashly for a while.

The main thing is the huge pair of blood-red wings on his back, such obvious supernatural power...

Lin Shan didn't dare to act rashly. This was the first time he encountered a dual sequence like him.

The man and the dog looked at each other like this.

After a long time.

Lin Shan could hold his nerve, but the Shiba Inu opposite him couldn't.

In its opinion, Lin Shan had robbed him of his things, and he was still acting so indifferently, making it seem like he was the one actively looking for trouble.

As for it killing people and grabbing things before, it can only mean that weak people are not qualified to enter its eyes, and the things in its hands belong to it.

A blue long knife composed of spirituality slowly appeared in front of the Shiba Inu.

It waved the long knife gently, and the rich blue spirituality cut through the space with the swing of the long knife.

The Shiba Inu dog has a faint smile on its face.

Lin Shan felt particularly out of place watching the scene in front of him. He seemed to hear the four words "Breathing of Shiba".

While the Shiba Inu was still showing off, a ten-meter-long giant hammer suddenly appeared on his head.

Lin Shan's mind moved slightly, and the giant hammer suddenly hit down.


The moment the hammer surface touched the Shiba Inu, the airflow formed blew Lin Shan's robe up.

Then, the Shiba Inu disappeared directly.

Less than three seconds later.


A large pit more than ten meters wide appeared directly in the muddy ground, and the Shiba Inu lay in the center of the pit.

Lin Shan didn't even look at it, and appeared at an altitude of 5,000 meters in a few teleports.

He glanced at the parchment in his mind, Negative Extinction-Evil Fall, 10483 kilometers.

Finding the right direction, the blood wings trembled slightly, and then flew forward at high speed.

Just a few meters away.

A blue long knife flew towards him from bottom to top at high speed.

The thought moved slightly, and the heart light turned into a shield to resist.

"Asshole... How dare you sneak attack..."

An extremely angry roar came first, and in the blink of an eye, the Shiba Inu hovered not far from him again.

However, after the blow just now, its head was already torn apart, and blood flowed down the top of its head, forming red watermelon lines.

"Really hard..." Lin Shan's heart was solemn.

The blow just now was his real full-strength blow. If Lin Shan was hit by that blow, not to mention his head, half of his body would be blown off, but this Shiba Inu only bleeds a little.

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