Above the gray fog

Chapter 71 Negative Extinction

After the loss just now, Shiba Inu no longer pretends to be cool.

Holding the blue long sword, he rushed towards Lin Shan.

The heart light turned into a normal-sized spear.

Lin Shan commanded the long spear to fight hard.

There was no trick to speak of. When the spirituality was almost the same, it was a competition of reaction speed and the use of spirituality.


It was obviously just a weapon transformed by spirituality, but at this time, it made a collision sound of golden swords clashing.

At the collision point between the blade and the tip of the spear, the golden light and the blue light intertwined and offset each other.

They separated at the first touch.

Lin Shan frowned as he looked at the pale golden long spear with a missing corner and the opponent's intact blue long sword.

Although the heart light can change in a thousand ways, it is very mediocre in both attack and defense. Although the Shiba Inu's spiritual power can only turn into a long sword, its strength is far greater than any weapon transformed by the heart light.

If he keeps fighting hard like this, his spirituality will be consumed more and he will enter the "equal" state first.

Even if he could hold on until both sides entered this state, he would be naturally weaker. If the sequence is compared to a weapon, his sequence is indeed not suitable for a head-on fight.

In this case... let's not fight it head-on.

The Shiba Inu also glimpsed the changes in the spear, and immediately smiled: "Your sequence is not good, so don't blame me."

It flapped its wings and continued to rush towards Lin Shan.

Since it had an advantage, it did not intend to give Lin Shan a chance, and the long knife in its hand chopped down again.

Lin Shan did not take it hard this time. When the long knife was about to touch him, he teleported behind the Shiba Inu and stabbed it with a backhand.


Lin Shan was slightly stunned.

The Shiba Inu actually held the long knife horizontally behind his back with one claw to block the shot.

It turned its head to look at Lin Shan and sneered: "I have been in the gray fog for so many years, and there are only two people in the same sequence who can fight me. You are still a little bit behind."

"This dog is a little bit wrong, it is ridiculously strong..." Lin Shan glanced at the red lantern in his hand.

Then he used all his strength to activate the power of the red lantern, and the Shiba Inu was instantly ignited, with a light red flame all over his body.

However, the flame only burned for less than a second before it was immediately extinguished.

Even so, the power of the red lantern was still corroding the Shiba Inu, and the "sizzling" corrosion sound continued. It was visible to the naked eye that the air around the Shiba Inu was slightly distorted.

Even though it only burned for a second, the Shiba Inu felt a little uncomfortable at the moment, and the hair on his body had become charred.

Facing the erosion of the red lantern, the Shiba Inu gritted his teeth again and rushed towards Lin Shan.

Before he got close, his whole body suddenly froze again.

It felt that its blood was out of control again.

With a roar from the Shiba Inu, it turned into a ten-meter-tall giant dog, using its strong physique to resist the erosion.

It stared at Lin Shan fiercely, and light red flames occasionally emerged from the dark lines on its back.

The rich golden light on the Heart Light Gun flowed, and instantly turned into a ten-meter-long gun. With a "swoosh", it shot at the huge black dog that was still in a stalemate with the spirit.

"Swish", the tip of the gun pierced the epidermis, and pierced into the flesh and blood shallowly, but could not go deeper.

In this way, Lin Shan commanded the Heart Light Gun to continue attacking. The giant dog's body was full of blood holes, but it had no way to do anything to Lin Shan.

The giant dog knew that this was not a solution, and retreated to a distance under the pressure, pretending to vomit.

Then he saw an object appear in its mouth. The object was pitch black, and Lin Shan could not see it clearly because it was in its mouth.

The Heart Light Gun was still poking at him, and he grimaced in pain. Because too much blood had flowed from his body, his breath was getting weaker and weaker. He wanted to use the object in his mouth, but he was hesitant.

Finally, he rolled his eyes and swallowed the object into his stomach again.

He looked at Lin Shan with his eyes blazing, and then ran away without hesitation.

Lin Shan did not chase him. From what he had just done, the Shiba Inu obviously had a backup plan, and it seemed that there was some hidden danger, so it was useless. If it was forced into a corner, it would do something desperate.

There was also a possibility that the Shiba Inu's action just now was fake, just to scare him to avoid being chased.

Lin Shan was too lazy to take the risk. If he caught up, it would not be any good even if he killed the Shiba Inu in the end.

He looked at the parchment in his mind and flew towards the location of the evil Fu Xi.

Two days later, five thousand meters above the sky.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Lin Shan felt that his body temperature seemed to have increased in the past two days, or the temperature of the blood in his body had increased.

So much so that his body temperature, which was originally as cold as a corpse, actually became warm.

"My body has problems again, what is the source..."

For him, it is normal for the body to be cold, and if it has temperature, there must be a problem. He could not find the source for a while and could only keep it in mind and pay attention to it at all times. At least so far, he felt that everything was normal.

He did not encounter any danger in the past two days, and there were very few weird and evil things at his height.

One month later.

On the way, he encountered a weirdness and two evils.

He easily dealt with the evils, and Lin Shan did not fight against the weirdness. He escaped from the range of its spiritual influence without even seeing its real body.

The weirdness was like a big gray cloud. When Lin Shan found it, he was about to avoid it, but he didn't expect it to move, and its speed was extremely fast, and it instantly wrapped Lin Shan in it.

As soon as he entered, blood lines began to appear all over his body, as if he was tightly strangled by sharp silk threads. Lin Shan used teleportation continuously to get rid of it.

For the weirdness of sequence 9, most of them can be escaped by teleportation, unless it is the kind of weirdness with its own space, and the weirdness of sequence 8 happens to be all of this kind.

At this time, Lin Shan's upper body robe was already tattered, with a bundle of willow branches on his shoulders and a red lantern in his hand.

He didn't bring anything this time, so now he didn't even have good clothes to wear. He was a little envious of those people who had fallen bodies. Not only were they thick-skinned, but they didn't even need to wear clothes.

The willow branches had been hung in the sky by Lin Shan's heart light. Since his clothes were torn, he lived a life like a savage. It felt better to put the willow branches on his shoulders than to be shirtless.

In the gray fog, he didn't dare to transform his heart light into clothes. Every time he fought, he fought naked... He still couldn't accept it.

Lin Shan hovered in the low sky and looked down.

The land below was a very common shallow grassland, with dense plants and sparse trees taking root.

The location of the negative extinguisher was one kilometer ahead, moving slowly and not fast towards the north.

After flying forward 500 meters, he saw a dense community of organisms.

The appearance of the evil Negatives once again refreshed Lin Shan's cognition.

There were patches of red, sticky, soft creatures clinging to the ground, and they were slowly crawling forward in an orderly manner. They were not like slimes, which were at least somewhat elastic, but these Negatives were just thin skins clinging to the ground.

They had no eyes, no mouths, and no organs. There were at least hundreds of Negatives in this group.

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