Above the gray fog

Chapter 72 Death Again

"The flame of Negative Extinguishing... These soft-bodied creatures don't look like they have flames."

"Should we light it?"

Lin Shan was in a dilemma. Even if he took a step back, he had no place to put it. He couldn't just put it in his pocket.

"Let's get it first. If it doesn't work, send it back to the tribe first. It's only a month..." Lin Shan thought to himself.

He looked at the pile of Negative Extinguishing that was wriggling in the front, his expression a little solemn.

This was his target, the Sequence 8 Negative Extinguishing. Other Negative Extinguishing were considered large when they were two meters wide, but this one was more than twenty meters wide. Standing close to it, I thought it was a red carpet on the ground, um... a sticky carpet.

The fiery red skin was particularly bright, with yellow lines on it. At this time, it was wriggling forward like a pool of water. As it wriggled, the tribe behind it all followed closely behind it.

The Negative Extinguished in the middle only extended less than one meter each time. It should be Negative Extinguished's child, but even the child's aura has reached the level of transcendence.

In other words, he will face hundreds of transcendences...

This power can easily destroy the population without Sequence 8!

Lin Shan looked at the parchment.

Parchment: [The flame is in Negative Extinguished. ]

Lin Shan flew to the back of the entire Negative Extinguished group. He planned to find a Negative Extinguished to study where the flame was.

Staring at a lone Negative Extinguished, Lin Shan commanded the Heart Light Spear to stab out. It was not the expected spear that penetrated Negative Extinguished's thin body and nailed it there, but Negative Extinguished was poked into the ground by the spear.

There is only one explanation for being poked into the ground as a whole, that is, the spear did not penetrate Negative Extinguished.

He did not expect that the seemingly thin skin of Negative Extinguished was so tough.

However, the purpose has been achieved. At least its movement has been restricted. After the group in front left, the spear will be taken back and it will be released. At that time, one-on-one research can be done in any way you want.

At this time.

The Negative Extinction group suddenly stopped moving.

Lin Shan's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad feeling.

In an instant, the sky darkened.

Lin Shan looked up at the sky, his heart trembled, and he felt his scalp burst.

He hurriedly wanted to teleport away...

"How is it possible!"

Lin Shan was shocked. The space around him was solid without a single gap. Teleportation had completely lost its effect. Not to mention teleportation, it was difficult for him to even move at this moment!

In the air.

The Sequence 8 Negative Extinction expanded to a size of 100 meters at this time, hanging in the air more than ten meters high.

Lin Shan thought that these Negative Extinctions had no eyes or mouths, but now he found out that he was wrong. The facial features of these Negative Extinctions actually grew on the chassis...

A pair of narrow and scarlet eyes stared at Lin Shan with tyranny. The nose was two holes, and the mouth was also a thin line, a bit like the mouth of a manta ray.

Lin Shan even noticed a glimmer of light in the middle of the Negative Extinction.

"It turns out that the flames of Negative Extinguish can only be seen under them."

During this period, Lin Shan has been trying to use spirituality and supernatural powers to influence Negative Extinguish. As long as there is a gap, he can teleport away.

Blood Wings, ineffective, Negative Extinguish seems to have no blood in his body.

Heart Light, ineffective, the entire space is frozen, including the Heart Light Gun not far away, which cannot be recalled.

Red Lantern, the supernatural power was successfully released, and the light red flame burned on it, and it didn't even blink.

Negative Extinguish just covered the sky and the sun in the air, and was not in a hurry to act, as if waiting for something.

The next moment, Lin Shan finally knew what it was waiting for.

I saw that the Heart Light Gun inserted not far away was lifted up, and the Negative Extinguish that Lin Shan had poked into the ground slowly crawled up. It was unscathed and not even a trace of skin was broken. Although it only had skin, the defense of this skin was too outrageous. It was just an ordinary sequence nine and it was estimated that it had not even reached the fifth stage.

However, seeing its slow movement speed, Lin Shan was relieved. Although he had achieved the ultimate in defense, his speed was also extremely slow.

Then... what about the Negative Extinguiss above his head that could not only fly but also teleport?

Lin Shan first glanced at the Negative Extinguisss that was slowly crawling on the side, and then looked up at the Negative Extinguiss that was blocking the sky in the air. He couldn't help but wonder if the gap between Sequence 9 and Sequence 8 was really that big...


Due to the large swing of the head, the bones in the neck were directly dislocated.

Lin Shan now felt like he was sealed in cement. Every movement was extremely difficult. If the amplitude was slightly larger, he could hear the sound of bones being unable to bear the weight.

His brain was spinning at a very fast speed, trying to find hope of escape, but found that there was no chance.

The so-called hunting Sequence 8 was equivalent to committing suicide. How could he deal with an enemy of this level now?

However, he had grown to the limit in both sequences and was in a dead end for a while, unless he could fight it in a group... and kill it with the number of people.

It would be impossible for the human race to develop to that level without hundreds of years, and by then his lifespan would have been exhausted.

After wriggling for nearly a minute, the Fuxi finally returned to the tribe.

The Fuxi in the air, seeing the tribe members rejoining the team, no longer hesitated and pressed down on Lin Shan.

Lin Shan's vision became darker and darker, and Lin Shan could see the flame in the center of the chassis of the Fuxi clearly at this time, which was a wisp of white flame.

Finally, the Fuxi was completely attached to Lin Shan.

In Lin Shan's perception, he felt very warm, and the Fuxi had no weight, like a layer of gauze draped over his body.

Then Lin Shan felt himself melting, his head, body, hands, feet, all glued together, even the red lantern melted, and the willow branches draped over his body were no exception. .

Although he knew he was melting, he did not feel any pain, only an inexplicable warmth.

After an unknown amount of time, Lin Shan completely lost consciousness, and the Fuxi led the tribe to continue to crawl away.

Only a little blood foam and bone residue was left at the place where Lin Shan had stood.

Wait until the Fuxi group was completely far away.

A sneaky Shiba Inu came out from nowhere.

It picked up a small bottle that was intact from the pile of debris.

Wiped the blood on the bottle, muttered: "Fortunately it was made of Kongshi... Only the last auxiliary medicine is left."

Then he stood up and looked at the blood foam residue on the ground.

"I was originally looking for an opportunity to launch a sneak attack, but now I don't even need to do that. It's worth it that I followed him this far."

"You dare to steal its people in front of Sequence 8. You have the guts to defeat me."

It would never have thought that Lin Shan was not trying to steal Sequence 8's people, but Sequence 8 himself.

It first changed back to human form and put the small bottle in its pocket, and then changed back to Shiba Inu form. It felt more at ease walking in the gray fog in the fallen form.

Blue spiritual wings emerged, soared into the sky, and disappeared into the horizon.

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