Above the gray fog

Chapter 742 Chaos

Tu Shanhai is a middle-aged man with stubble. His chest is bare, with dense chest hair exposed. His tail is blue-gray, indicating that he is very old. He shook his head slowly, "This space has been locked. The only way now is to fight our way out."

"Ah, it's over. The gods must have already..." A petite female member of the fox team, I don't know if it's because she is not tall or because of the sequence, her eyes are a little red.

Seeing this, Tushan Anni stepped forward and touched her head, "Ajiu, don't worry, the gods will be fine."

"Yeah." Tushan Furu nodded, "Even if the White Goose Fairy rebels, the gods will not be in trouble. The purpose of the Fire Tree has always been to delay the gods. Compared with the strength of the gods, the "Chasing Fire" party is far behind. Let alone the rebellion of a White Goose Fairy, even if two more gods are sent over, it will not affect it."

"Stop talking nonsense, kill them quickly, since we can't help the gods, let's go back to the tribe as soon as possible to help." At this time, a pink fox girl took out a round alloy ball from her pocket.

She threw the alloy ball into the air, and the alloy ball quickly grew larger and eventually turned into a handheld long-barreled laser cannon.

She was about to fire.

Tushan Ranqi reached out to stop her.

"Yiyi, wait a minute."

"The evil ones didn't start first, obviously they also want to delay us. This fight is definitely going to happen, but we have to discuss how to fight. A chaotic scene will not be good for us."

The fox tribe gathered together as if to discuss tactics. The teams of the night tribe, angel tribe, and other strongest tribes also gradually gathered and talked in low voices. At this time, each family had to deal with their own problems. Whether they could break out or not depended on their hard power.

Lin Shan was alone, standing in the middle of the teams of various tribes. He planned to follow the strongest team and get out when the fight started.

Although there were many evil ones, they certainly couldn't stop so many high-order extraordinary people from all races.

Just as all races were discussing countermeasures.

The evil ones who had been silent all the time suddenly rioted.

They seemed to have received an order to attack, and rushed towards the place where all races gathered like a torrent.

At this time.

A ray of light flashed.

Hundreds of kilometers in radius were clear, and hundreds of thousands of evil ones turned into ashes.

There were some high-order evil ones among them.

"Uncle Hu An is really amazing. Let's retreat quickly while we have the gap now!"

The fox tribe turned into hundreds of streams of light and flew in a certain direction.

Julie Ikaros looked at the direction the fox tribe left and chose to fly in the opposite direction.

The night tribe chose the direction between the two teams.

Seeing this, the other races chose one of the three directions. In the blink of an eye, there was nothing left around. These high-order extraordinary people were absolutely first-class in execution and did things without hesitation.

Lin Shan chose the direction of the night tribe and was sandwiched between the teams of various races.

Hundreds of kilometers, for these people, are just a blink of an eye.

Thousands of kilometers, ten thousand kilometers, one hundred thousand kilometers, one million kilometers.

The speed of the team's flight was getting slower and slower, and corpses and debris were everywhere.

Along the way, the night tribe cleared hundreds of millions of evil ones.

Gradually, the extraordinary people in the front were somewhat lacking in strength, and a large number of evil ones who escaped the net gradually appeared in the team behind.

The extraordinary people at the back of the team consciously stepped forward to take over.

Even so, the team's speed was still getting slower and slower. The front was already in a fierce battle, and high-order evil fells kept attacking from the side, trying to break up the team.


"The breath of the gods." Lin Shan, covered in blood, realized that something was wrong.

This cry was from Kadada.

Just when Lin Shan was uneasy, another breath of gods appeared.

Lin Shan was somewhat familiar with this breath, and it must be the gods of the Ten Thousand Races.

"Aren't all the gods in the sea of ​​hatred?"

Just when Lin Shan was confused.

The two gods collided with each other.

The aftermath of the battle of the gods shattered the ground plates, and countless evil fells were buried in it.

The aftermath of the battle of the gods did not distinguish between enemies and friends, and the Ten Thousand Races were also impacted. The team that could still be maintained was broken up by the battle of the gods.

The army of evil fell rushed in desperately, using their bodies and flesh to break up the extraordinary people of the Ten Thousand Races.

Lin Shan saw that a huge evil at the level of qualitative change attacked the extraordinary below the qualitative change from behind, and basically killed them in one blow.

Seeing the qualitative change of the Ten Thousand Races arrive, it immediately retreated to the rear of the evil army, allowing endless small evil to consume the spirituality of the Ten Thousand Races' qualitative change.

The Ten Thousand Races team was broken up, and a great war spanning tens of millions of kilometers unfolded under the hazy gray fog.

The Ten Thousand Races' extraordinary fought against hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, or even more, with various abilities on the battlefield. One by one, the extraordinary turned into streams of light and flashed on the battlefield, leaving brilliant traces in the evil army. At first glance, it seemed that the evil was being slaughtered.

Next to Lin Shan, a supernatural who controlled fire swooped down from the sky, and the earth cracked instantly. The raging fire ignited the corpses of evil in pieces. The corpses were ignited by the flames, causing continuous violent explosions, instantly clearing the surrounding hundreds of kilometers.

On the cleared land, there was a flash of light, and in just a moment, endless evil filled the gap.

"Ah!" The transcendent beside him screamed. Lin Shan killed the evil that attacked him. Looking in the direction of the sound, he saw a Sequence 5 evil chewing on the transcendent who had just displayed his power. When it saw Lin Shan's gaze, the evil's huge eyes revealed a human-like sinisterness, and it disappeared on the spot in a flash.

As the battle continued, the field became more and more messy, with various attributes and powers intertwined. The sky collapsed, lightning flashed, and rain of blood fell from high in the sky. There were traces of battle in every corner, and countless creatures were fighting. Death, some of which are extraordinary among all races.

Lin Shan approached the Night Clan and soon discovered the dark giant dog that Huang Liu had transformed into.

Quickly reaching the dog's head, Lin Shan asked loudly, "What happened to the god just now?"

"Damn it, Lin Shan, help me quickly. You protect me for a while, I'll wait for a while..." Huang Liu once again trampled a bunch of bad guys to death, his body quickly shrunk, and he sat paralyzed on the spot.

The Wangchuan River enveloped the two of them, and the villains rushed towards the Wangchuan River as if they were desperate. Within a few minutes, the villains who had been eroded into bones had piled up into a mountain beside Lin Shan.

Strangely, these evil deeds produced little resentment.

"Huh~, Mr. Liu is so exhausted." Huang Liu stood up with difficulty and answered Lin Shan's question just now, "That god is a clone of Jia Da, and the person fighting him is my sister. I don't know why my sister doesn't hate him anymore." In the sea, she came out when Jia Da appeared. There must be plans among the gods that we don’t know about. "

"Fortunately, she is here, otherwise we would be doomed. If we hold on for a while longer, my sister can take us out after she has eliminated Jia Da's clone. This area is a realm of rules that has been arranged for a long time. There are special rules to bless evil deeds. , If we fight out ourselves, I’m afraid most of us will die here.”

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