Above the gray fog

Chapter 743 The Real Purpose

Just when Huang Liu wanted to continue fighting, the sky in the distance suddenly split open, and the endless moonlight illuminated and dimmed the entire world.

The evil spirits that kept coming around turned into fine yarns and drifted away in the wind.

The huge virtual whale split open along with the sky, turning into light blue spiritual debris and flying everywhere.

Seeing this, Huang Liu, who was about to get up, sat down on the ground again, "It seems that I won. It's so tiring and shameless. If you can't beat me, I'll fight in a group. If you have the ability, you can fight one-on-one."

"Chai Liu, take them back to the clan, be prepared..." A soft voice appeared, and the god in yellow with an ax had arrived beside Huang Liu.

"What kind of place is this? Aren't you going back with me?" The spirit in front of him was his sister. Huang Liu didn't feel nervous at all, so he opened his mouth and asked.

"I have other things to deal with." The god in yellow looked into the distance and said softly.

"Mr. Moon God, what should we do..." Gao Xuchaofan from other tribes asked on the side.

The god Wu Gang controls part of the power of the moon. Moon God is his honorific name. Some gods think that the name of the god is not nice, so they use the power they control as their honorific title.

Moon God looked at the group of extraordinary people, thought for a moment, and then said: "I'll give you a ride. You can also go back to Hueco Mundo and use Hueco Mundo's jump channel to return to your clan."

"Thank you, Lord Moon God." All the Chaofans quickly thanked them. Now that the situation has become like this, they are also a little worried about their own people. I am afraid only these gods know what the current situation of the war is like.

The gods didn't tell them, probably because they thought it would be useless if they knew. In this case, there was no need to ask more, just wait for the result.

A curtain of light enveloped the land that had experienced the melee.

There are dozens of dazzling lights floating and gathering.

When other people saw this, there was a trace of sadness in their eyes, and some people's eyes flashed with greed.

"These are Sequence 6 and even Sequence 5 characteristics that were killed in battle. Let the tribesmen of the victims go to Hueco Mundo to collect them. Some of the Sequence 5 characteristics still have residual souls, and there is the possibility of direct inheritance." Moon God sighed, and everyone in the field The people turned into a beam of light and disappeared in place.

The feeling of being carried by a god is not the same as riding on a starship.

Not comfortable.

Starships achieve the speed of light through the curvature of the universe, while gods rely on their own speed.

Most of the pressure is blocked by the Luna in front, but there is always a feeling of swimming in a viscous ocean.

The clock on the optical brain has almost passed a year, and some extraordinary people are obviously a little impatient. If it were normal, a few years of traveling would be nothing to them, but now is not normal, and any time is precious.

Leaving everyone behind, the Moon God disappeared again.

"Huh, I'm finally back. Look, the evil ones haven't started attacking yet." Huang Liu looked around and saw familiar sights.

"Is this Hueco Mundo?" Lin Shan asked.

"This is the periphery of Hueco Mundo. After several changes, Hueco Mundo has now become the land of my Night Clan. The other clans of Hueco Mundo are affiliated. When the Night Clan is weak, they rely on their strength to support the situation. Now the Night Clan It's hard to kick them away even if you regain some strength." Huang Liu said, breaking open the space with a claw, and a void passage appeared.

"By the way, this is your first time in Hueco Mundo, Lin Shan. I'll take you for a walk." Huang Liu looked at Lin Shan next to him.

"Lord Huang Liu, can you take us to the jump channel as soon as possible? It has been so long, and I am a little worried that something will happen to the clan."

"That's right, a year has passed. If 'Hueco Mundo' is strong, we can live in peace. Our race cannot compare to Hueco Mundo. We are the strongest fighting force. In order to help the gods, we gave up protecting our race and came to help. , and as a result, no effect was achieved.”

Many extraordinary people urged Huang Liu with their words.

"Why are you urging me? I wonder if the real speed of light can stop time. We have been flying for such a long time, and the outside world has not been around for a long time. It has only been a few days at most. Why are you panicking?" Huang Liu waved his hand impatiently. , "Come with me, I will take you to the jump channel."

As he walked, he kept complaining, "The large forces of 'Chasing Fire' have been used to intercept us. There are still so many people attacking the human circle. Now that they have failed to intercept us, it will take time for them to change direction. You don't have to do it at all." in a hurry."

"Also, can you use your brain to summon you? Is it really just a formality for you? Your role has been played. Although there is some damage, from the perspective of all races, it is worth it."

"Oh? Does Mr. Huang Liu know something? What is the plan of the gods?" Some smart people saw such a big contrast between Huang Liu before and after, and could instantly guess that during the flight just now, the Moon God must have been the same as Huang Liu. Liu had communicated with Huang Liu. With Huang Liu’s character, he would definitely ask Yue Shen the reason for all this.

"Ahem." Huang Liu raised his head and glanced at Lin Shan, "It's so obvious, can't even a smart person see it?"

Lin Shan saw Huang Liu's pun and nodded, "The gods summoning us to enter the 'Sea of ​​Hatred' together may or may not be a pretense, but the gods should have second-hand preparations. Their true purpose It’s not about knocking down the fire tree in the ‘Sea of ​​Hatred’, it should be somewhere else.”

Huang Liu's smiling face froze, and Lin Shan really guessed it.

"So that's it... We were called just to create an all-or-nothing look, to show the enemy."

"The gods should know that they will be intercepted later, otherwise they would not show up when Jia Da's clone comes out."

"It seems that the gods obviously know that there is something wrong with the White Goose Fairy and took advantage of it."

"If that's the case... who is the gods' target?"

"Who else could it be? It must be the most obvious enemy leader, the God of Lightness - Jia Da."

"Great, get rid of Jia Da first. Even if 'Chasing Fire' does not disband immediately, it will relieve a lot of pressure on the Ten Thousand Races."

"Perhaps the gods don't know how to break up 'Chasing Fire' at all. Their goal from beginning to end is Jia Da. Anyway, there are only three gods on the opposite side. Killing one means one less. Make full use of the advantage of high-end combat power. This is also the only advantage of our Ten Thousand Races."

Starting with Lin Shan, the other high-orders immediately talked and speculated. There are many clues. There can't be a fool standing here. With your words and my words, it seems that they are very close to the truth.

Huang Liu was completely dumbfounded. Although their speculation still has some way out, it is indeed close to the truth.

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