Above the gray fog

Chapter 796: Northland, Undersea City

Lin Shanzheng eavesdropped on the conversation between the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Owl. The Tyrannosaurus Rex was Sequence 8 and the Owl was Sequence 9. Neither of these two evil beasts had spiritual power. What kind of conversation did they have?

Not only that, but what makes Lin Shan even more confused is that the Sequence 9 Evil Fallen should not even have normal intelligence. Why is this owl so smart? The Tyrannosaurus Rex is Sequence 8 after all. Some Sequence 8 Evil Fallen have mutated and are smarter than normal Evil Fallen. Some of them are reasonable, but the wisdom of this sequence 9 owl is almost the same as that of a normal person. This kind of thing...Lin Shan has never seen it before.

Lin Shan had observed the Sequence 9 evil beings here before. They walked steadily, their eyes were clear, and they were no longer as violent as before. These evil beings... all had normal intelligence.

"'Chasing Fire'...has this completely formed its own civilization?" Lin Shan said to himself, then turned his attention to the big roaring dog.

This dog has no evil aura about it and is a branch of all races.

It should have something to do with the dog clan, or it might be that like Huang Liu, he obtained a strange body-destroying potion.

With its Sequence 7 strength, it is considered a little master in this area.

Lin Shan was puzzled, why did it make a wolf cry?

The black and white hair reminded Lin Shan of the Erha he once saw on Earth.

Immediately, I knew in my heart that this might be the offspring of the fusion of the wolf clan and the dog clan.

"This evil brother." Erha Wolf roared, attracting the attention of Tyrannosaurus Rex and Owl.

Seeing the Tyrannosaurus rex and the owl looking at it, they immediately showed wise eyes.

It raised its head and looked at the Tyrannosaurus Rex, "Brother Evil, you are so big and have at least thousands of scales on your body. This set may cost tens of thousands of miles, and it treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Out of this north There are dangers everywhere in the gray mist, and a random fight may cause this set of scales to be scrapped. "

"Huh?" When the owl saw Erha interjecting, he immediately stared at it with cold eyes. Is this idiot here to steal business?

Erha was not afraid at all, and the spiritual pressure of Sequence 7 was slightly released.

The owl's aura was gone and he didn't dare to say anything anymore.

"This, Lord of all races, do you have any better way to deal with it? This flame makes me uncomfortable every day." The Tyrannosaurus Rex saw that Erha in front of him was a Sequence 7 powerhouse, he nodded and bowed, making a humble gesture. look.

"Normally speaking, it is impossible for extraordinary abilities to hurt oneself. Is this the case for all of your tribe?" Erha asked pretentiously at first.

"No, when I was born, I had a kind of fire characteristic in my body, but I saw in the inner realm that we, the fallen race, can also possess multiple properties like all races, so I went to look for it. A few years ago, I found A sequence eight flame spirit plant becomes like this after eating it." Tyrannosaurus rex spoke and explained the process.

"Oh, that's it." Erha nodded slightly, "There are two types of attribute conflicts. The first is when attributes are restrained, and the second is when attributes are the same. You are obviously the second type. I have a Sequence 8 strain here. The spiritual plant has water properties. If you eat it, it will neutralize the properties of the second plant you eat. It can not only solve the problem, but also improve your strength. "

"Only 130,000 li coins." Erha took out a lotus flower that exuded a cold aura, which was crystal clear under the sunlight.

The Tyrannosaurus rex stretched out its long tongue and licked its face, "I only have 50,000 miles of coins, 50,000 miles of coins... plus a Sequence 8 trait, okay?"

"Yeah... that's okay." Erha nodded.

Without knowing how the two of them made the deal, Erha directly pushed the ice lotus in his hand to the Tyrannosaurus Rex, "Find a quieter place while merging."

"I know, I know." The Tyrannosaurus rex nodded repeatedly.

Lin Shan looked at their transactions with a strange expression. By analyzing his mental power, he could understand these words, but there was some key information missing, so he was a little confused.

Lin Shan could see one thing. This Erha was a high-level liar, and the lotus was not a spiritual plant at all.

Looking at it this way, the Ten Thousand Races are not oppressed here, and the deceivers are all deceiving the Fallen Race.

In this weird city, the strong are still respected.

After the transaction was completed, Erhamai stepped forward with four legs and disappeared in a flash.

Lin Shan left a mark on it. There was a faint, familiar scent on the dog. This scent may have come from the people it met.

Could it be... Huang Liu's son?

After all, the only dog ​​he knew was Huang Liu.

"Hey, friend, is this your first time coming to Northern Yacheng? Do you need a guide? Only ten miles of coins."

A voice came from behind.

Behind him was a Sequence 9 of Ten Thousand Races with ram's horns. He looked at Lin Shan expectantly.

Lin Shan glanced at him and shook his head slowly.

It seems that there are some who are doing well here and some who are not doing well.

Everything depends on strength.

This city was so big that Lin Shan passed directly from the sky. Along the way, he encountered two metamorphic fallen tribes and one metamorphic plant tribe. They did not participate in the business, but lived in an extremely huge castle, like The caretaker here.

The moment Lin Shan passed by, the transformed mental power of a fallen clan member directly locked onto him, but did not stop Lin Shan, as if to warn him, I have discovered you, don't make trouble here.

With so many powerful people in charge, it's no wonder that this deformed city can run smoothly.

What is the purpose of "Zhuhuo" in spending time and energy to build this kind of city?

Lin Shan thought as he flew towards his destination openly.

At a certain moment.

The thread of fate went vertically downward.

Lin Shan stopped suddenly and looked down.

Below was a sea area, which was a...'sea in the city'.

From time to time, the fire-chasing and myriad races passed through the sea.

Lin Shan plunged into the sea.

As he swam downward, Lin Shan saw that in the depths of the azure ocean, a magnificent underwater city stood proudly.

What is this...

an underwater city in the city?

The underwater city below exuded a soft light, and the city's buildings were also unusually large and peculiar in shape. Fish schools flashing with colorful light shuttled through the city.

Various plant-fallen races living in the ocean can be seen everywhere, and there are many figures of myriad races among them, but there is one feature, these are all extraordinary. In addition to ordinary fish schools, there are no other ordinary creatures here, just like the city outside.

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