Above the gray fog

Chapter 797: Meet Again

Lin Shan shuttled through the seabed, pursuing all the way.

The target connected by the thread of fate was always moving.

Following the guidance, Lin Shan came to the bustling seabed market.

Lin Shan looked around, and there were people who looked like octopuses, turtles, and some deformed and evil people, wandering here wantonly, showing no desire to attack.

Next to Lin Shan, there were several young people from all races walking together, a group of six people, of different races.

They looked left and right, their eyes full of curiosity and longing. In the huge alleys with swaying water plants, all kinds of rare treasures were displayed on the dazzling stalls.

At a certain moment, Lin Shan stopped.

He saw the target connected by the thread of fate.

There was a huge shell stage in front, with a huge transparent and gorgeous jellyfish singer singing the vastness and magnificence of the sea with a gentle and moving voice. The target person connected by the thread of fate was standing under the shell stage, enjoying the performance of the jellyfish singer with other audiences.

Lin Shan approached and quietly squeezed the people in front.

Jiu Qi lay quietly on Lin Shan, squinting his eyes.

Lin Shan came behind the person.

From the back, you can see that the person's ears are turned back and are wider than those of normal humanoid creatures.

It's a mermaid.

Lin Shan stood behind her for a while, thinking about how to approach her.

This woman's strength of Sequence 6 is the strongest person he has seen since entering this underwater city.

High-sequence can easily see through low-sequence extraordinary people, and low-sequence can only feel inexplicable pressure when looking at high-sequence. At present, Lin Shan has not seen a god who makes him feel pressure.

Lin Shan stretched out his hand.

Gently placed it on the shoulder of the mermaid woman.

The next second, the two people disappeared at the same time and appeared ten thousand meters above the sea.

The mermaid woman, as a strong person of Sequence 6, did not react slowly.

Lin Shan felt an extreme chill, and the time around the mermaid woman was frozen by this chill.

Even Lin Shan was temporarily stagnant.

A stream of water gathered in the hands of the merman woman, and a triangular cube with traces of water waves appeared out of thin air.

The triangular cube shot out a cold ray, which hit Lin Shan directly.

Its extremely low temperature even caused cracks in the spiritual shield on Lin Shan's body.

When the triangular cube appeared, Lin Shan's memory was dazed for a moment, and he wondered, where has he seen this thing?

Thinking about it, the opponent's attack was so fierce, he couldn't stand and let her hit him.

‘Song of the Forest’

A forest area spanning tens of thousands of meters suddenly appeared, covering the merman woman.

Countless trees spread and grew.

No matter how she attacked, she could not escape the fate of being tightly entangled.

After the branches and leaves completely restricted her, they were sent to Lin Shan.

Jiuqi in his arms stared at Lin Shan with strange eyes.

When the merman woman was sent to him, Lin Shan didn't know what to do next.

Things were different from what he expected. He originally wanted to bring the woman out first and then communicate properly.

As a result, they started fighting for no reason, and he tied up the other party. Seeing the other party gritting his teeth and glaring, Lin Shan felt that the next communication might not be easy.

"I have no ill intentions. I just want to ask you something."

Lin Shan explained, and waved his hand to disperse the summoned trees.

The mermaid girl felt her body loosen up and immediately retreated hundreds of meters, but did not choose to escape.

Through the fight just now, she knew that the other party was much stronger than her, and she had no chance to escape.

"What's the matter?" The mermaid girl asked vigilantly, and reminded at the same time: "The North is the territory of the fire chaser. No matter how powerful you are, you can't resist the fire chaser."

Lin Shan saw the floating triangular cube next to the woman in front of him, and his brows frowned slightly. He always felt that he had seen this thing somewhere.

The mermaid girl had a pair of bright and deep eyes, as clear and pure as the blue sea. At this moment, she was alert, and her hair was dotted with gorgeous pearls and shells, flashing a faint light.

She had a slender figure, wearing a gorgeous long dress woven from algae. The hem of the skirt swayed gently with her body, and the color of the skirt changed, like the undulations of the sea waves. On her arm, she wore a bracelet made of shells, and on her ankle, she tied a blue ribbon woven from seaweed, fluttering lightly.

"Have we met somewhere before?" Lin Shan suddenly asked after looking for a while.

Before the other party answered this question, Jiuqi in his arms couldn't sit still first, and it bit Lin Shan's wrist hard.

This time Lin Shan was prepared, and before it bit him, he covered his wrist with a thick layer of spiritual gauze.

"Biting people is not a good habit." Lin Shan touched its soft hair.

The mermaid woman opposite did not regard Lin Shan's question as a flirt, because she also felt that Lin Shan was familiar.

"What's your name?" Lin Shan asked.

"Cersi." The woman replied.

Hearing this name, coupled with the floating triangular cube beside Cersei, a fragment sealed deep in his memory was instantly opened.

"The Mermaid, Cersei... I remember you have a pet goldfish." Lin Shan thought for a moment and said.

Hundreds of years ago, when the Dawn Federation invaded, the United Government was just established.

He went to support the Mermaids and accidentally met a goldfish that drank a magic potion. Following the goldfish, he saw the woman in front of him.

At that time, the woman was very young, looking only seventeen or eighteen years old, but now she is much more mature.

With the blessing of mental power and soul power, his memory is absolutely photographic, but there are some things in the depths of his memory that he can't remember for a while.

"Do you know Xiaoli?" Cersei stared at Lin Shan, "Who are you? I think you look familiar, but I just can't remember."

"When the Dawn Federation invaded, I went to support the mermaids and met your goldfish friend. I followed it to find you. It stole a piece of clothing for you. Oh, by the way, you were chased by the mermaid guards at that time."

As Lin Shan added information, the memory in Cersei's mind gradually became clear.

She remembered that when she confronted the mermaid soldiers, she ran into a strong man from a foreign race. The face of the strong man completely overlapped with Lin Shan at this moment.

Her face was slightly red, and she stared at Lin Shan, "So, you also peeked at me changing clothes."

Jiuqi in Lin Shan's arms jumped up suddenly and scratched Lin Shan for a while, but was soon restrained by Lin Shan.

Lin Shan said calmly: "Why do we, the extraordinary people, care about these things?"

The person in front of him was an acquaintance, and was also a subordinate race of the former coalition government. Lin Shan had some understanding of why the thread of fate was connected to her, because she and he had once intersected, just like the parchment fee, the initial fee for locating an item was very expensive, and the second time the same item was located was very cheap.

When he used divination before, many threads of fate appeared, but only the one of Cersei was the one he could get, that is to say... In fact, there are many ways to get the "Flower in the Water", but the one through Cersei is the cheapest.

According to Lin Shan's own understanding, the fate that has already intersected will be cheaper.

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