Above the gray fog

Chapter 8 Wherever the heart leads, the footsteps will follow

Back at the camp, Lin Shan gathered everyone.

"Calling us together for what?" Zhang Zhonghua asked curiously.

"What's wrong, Lao Lin? You're in a panic. I'm building an earth furnace. We'll have iron tools for use in a while. This is progress across the ages." Jin Tianzong said with a proud smile.

Look, everyone is here.

Lin Shan said seriously: "There was a roar of wild beasts just now. I looked for the sound and found someone other than us, or maybe it was a cat."

Lin Shan told everyone what he had just experienced, and their eyes widened with surprise on their faces.

If they were on Earth, they would definitely think that Lin Shan was making up stories, but now they all believe it.

"According to what you said, there are other intelligent creatures in this world, but it's a pity that they can't communicate with each other. It would be great if they could..." A middle-aged woman wearing glasses who looked to be in her forties said with a pity expression. Said: "To master an unfamiliar language, even if the other party cooperates, it will take at least a year."

She is a language expert, a true scholar, proficient in dozens of languages ​​on the earth, and pursues learning new languages. Languages ​​from other worlds are very attractive to her.

Lin Shan only had a few simple conversations with her. He knew that her name was Yan Ruxin and that she was fluent in various languages. Because they only spent so little time together, he didn't know anything else about her.

Suddenly, Zhao Xiaoan pointed behind Lin Shan and said in surprise:

"Ah! Is that the girl you are talking about?"

"Huh?" Lin Shan was startled, turned around and looked behind him, and found that the catwoman in green was looking at them with interest.

"Something bad happened!" Lin Shan thought to himself. He didn't expect that Catwoman was pretending to leave, but in fact she was following him.

At this time, Yan Ruxin spoke.

"It's okay. If she doesn't have any ill intentions, I'll communicate with her."

The catwoman in green walked over naturally and stared at Zhang Zhonghua fiercely, making Zhang Zhonghua feel a little scared.

"ぞじせ? (New race?)"

Then he stretched out a hand that was indistinguishable from a human and poked Zhang Zhonghua's chest.

Zhang Zhonghua's heart was in his throat. He couldn't beat him, so he could only pray that the other party was not hostile.

"Bang bang bang..." The place where the opponent poked made a banging sound.

Zhang Zhonghua was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered the jade scroll on his chest. It seemed that the girl didn't want to poke him, but the jade scroll on his chest.

Zhang Zhonghua took out the jade book. He knew that it might be a treasure and even related to the future of the human race.

The catwoman in green stared at the seemingly ordinary jade book for a while.

"ヲロリラヲ, デトテゾゼタ. (What a weak clan weapon, it is indeed a pioneer.)"

After saying this, the catwoman in green could clearly feel relieved.

"Hello." Yan Ruxin walked up to the green catwoman and stretched out her hand to try to communicate with her.

The green catwoman hesitated for a while, stretched out her white hand and touched Yan Ruxin's hand gently, then immediately retracted it.

Yan Ruxin looked at the other party's movements and felt happy. Knowing that there was something going on, she immediately pointed to herself and said in Chinese: "I am a human race."

Pointing at Zhang Zhonghua, he said, "He is also a human race."

Then he pointed at himself: "I am a human race, Yan Ruxin."

Then he pointed at Zhang Zhonghua: "He is from the human race, Zhang Zhonghua."

After repeating this for more than ten times, the catwoman in green finally made a move and pointed at herself: "ノベフハ, ブフゾ. (I am a cat tribe, Sasha Li)"

Yan Ruxin silently wrote down this sentence in her heart. Fortunately, the morphemes of both sides are the same, one syllable and one word, which makes learning more convenient and reduces the steps of understanding.

Lin Shan saw the two of them sitting on the ground, talking to each other and communicating with each other with body movements, and Zhang Zhonghua was beside him to cooperate.

He immediately ignored them and continued to pull out the tree. He wanted to reserve more resin to make a torch, and he would proceed as planned tonight.

At noon, he casually ate some fruit, holding back the sourness, and finished a wild fruit that looked like a pear. Then he returned to the temporary camp and drank some water. At the camp, he saw the catwoman in green munching on it. He didn't even frown at the wild fruit in his hand, and he didn't forget to make gestures with Yan Ruxin opposite him while eating.

Professional things must be done by professional people. It was important for him to continue to pull down trees. The simple wooden house at the camp still needed a lot of wood to build.



When he brought down the twelfth tree, the sky was getting dark, and the black dot on the parchment representing the fish reappeared in his mind.

Back at the camp, there was no need to sleep in the open air this time. A simple awning had been erected as a temporary base at the camp, covered with branches, and the surroundings were still empty. There is half a rough wooden house next to the awning. The reason why it is half a wooden house is that only the prototype of the wooden house has been built. It will probably take a long time to complete it.

Including the new Catwoman, there were twelve people in total. Everyone gathered around the fire, eating wild fruits in their hands and communicating in low voices.

Fortunately, there are many fruit trees nearby, and there are almost endless varieties of wild fruits to eat. I haven’t encountered any poisonous fruits yet, but I haven’t encountered any delicious ones either. I don’t know if there are seasons in this world. If they don’t have food in winter, they will starve to death.

It is worth mentioning that the time in this world is not much different from that of the earth. When the watch shows seven o'clock, the blood-red moon appears on time, hanging high in the sky and covering the earth with a blood-red carpet.

At this moment, the cat girl in green, Sasha Li, suddenly walked up to Lin Shan and whispered in unfamiliar Chinese: "Ni Hao... Wo is like Silly Sha Li" and at the same time stretched out her hand, wanting to shake Lin Shan's hand.

Lin Shan was stunned for a moment. This creature from another world was too friendly. He quickly stretched out his hand to shake it. As soon as he held it, before he could feel the softness, Sashali suddenly pulled out her hand and stared at Lin Shan warily. good.

"..." Lin Shan was speechless. He didn't understand what was going on.

Others also looked at Lin Shan strangely, thinking: "Isn't this guy taking advantage of others? He is too brave..."

Seeing Sha Shali staring at her hands warily, Lin Shan finally knew why she was so wary, because his cold body temperature may not only be cold, but also the touch was a little weird. He sometimes touched himself Everyone will suddenly get goose bumps.

Smiling at Sha Shali, Lin Shan started to rub the torch with his hands. As long as he was not embarrassed, others would be embarrassed.

Unfortunately, this catwoman didn't know what embarrassment was and still stared at Lin Shan's hand.

"Sassali, what's wrong?" Yan Ruxin noticed something unusual and asked gently from the side.

Shashali shook her head, returned to her original position, and ate the wild fruit in her hand.

After a long time.

Looking at the seven torches of different thicknesses at his feet, Lin Shan began to feel nervous. What he did next might cost his life if he was slightly negligent.

However, now that I have come to this world, I have seen extraordinary things.

He doesn't want to have to be at the mercy of others every time he encounters the extraordinary. He also wants to pursue the ethereal extraordinary power.

Whatever your heart desires, go wherever you want!

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