Above the gray fog

Chapter 9 The True Body of the Strange Line Fish

"I'll go out for a while and come back soon." Lin Shan lit a torch, holding the other six in his hand, and said lightly: "If I don't come back, don't look for me."

"Why did you go out at night? And you're talking so scary." Zhao Xiaoan asked puzzledly.

"Some personal issues." Then he walked out directly.

"Be careful." Zhang Zhonghua reminded.

"Yes, I will." Lin Shan nodded.

Looking at the gradually disappearing firelight, everyone showed a thoughtful expression.

No one called him, everyone had their own choice, everyone just huddled together, others had their own secrets or opportunities, and others didn't care too much.

Parchment could also see the map in his mind, looking for punctuation, slowly approaching the location of the strange line fish.

It was still the same river, the same location, the strange line fish did not move at all, and I didn't know if it was because of the strangeness that it couldn't move.

Within 50 meters of the strange line fish, Lin Shan swallowed his saliva and looked up at the sky from time to time while walking.

When approaching the range of thirty meters, the surrounding space began to become disordered, and an unknown breath gradually spread... The surrounding things began to be affected, and the air began to become unusually cold.

"Is this... something similar to a domain?" Lin Shan's eyes suddenly shrank, and his heart trembled.

When he looked up at the sky again, he found a huge blue full moon hanging above his head.

Lin Shan hurriedly stepped back until the blue full moon above his head disappeared, and then he inserted a torch and lit it.

He continued to do this in another direction. It took less than ten minutes to insert torches in four directions in turn. This kind of resin torch can burn for more than half an hour if nothing goes wrong, and there is still plenty of time.

When torches were inserted all around, Lin Shan walked carefully towards the direction of the strange line fish again.

The cold breath was still there, and the blue moon above his head appeared again, as if nothing had changed.

"Da, da, da."

The sound of the soles of his feet touching the ground was clearly transmitted to his ears. Although the sound was not loud, it seemed unusually clear to Lin Shan's ears.

Go forward step by step, twenty meters, ten meters!

When he was close to the ten-meter range, the scene in front of him made Lin Shan's scalp numb.

A spiral column was floating on the river, and its whole body was vibrating at a high frequency. The most terrifying thing was that it looked like a black pillar supporting the sky from the bottom up, and it was unknown how high it was.

The column grew upward in a spiral shape. Because the sky was too dark, it was impossible to see the edge at a glance, but it was more than ten meters high in the visible sight!

As the spiral column vibrated, it made a "buzzing" sound, and the surrounding area spread out as dark as ink. The darkness wanted to approach Lin Shan but was blocked by the fire.

However, as the darkness invaded, the torch in Lin Shan's hand became dying, as if it would go out at any time.

He was so scared that he quickly took out a spare torch and inserted it into the ground to light it. When the second torch was lit, the surrounding fire became more intense, and the darkness finally settled down.

Approaching five meters again, Lin Shan took out another spare torch and inserted it into the ground to light it.

The last five meters, every step was under great pressure, the cold breath made his blood flow stagnant, the cold sweat on his forehead had formed fine ice chips.

Finally, he took the last step, and suddenly, he felt extremely dizzy. In addition to the cold, there was an unknown breath that impacted his consciousness.

He felt his vision gradually blurred, and there were double images in front of him, and he would faint at any time.

He bit his tongue hard, and the smell of blood made him a little sober. He knew that if he fainted now, he would die.

He stretched out his frozen arm with difficulty and stretched out the torch to burn the bottom of the column. He didn't dare to look up. If he looked up at the body of the strange line fish at this distance, he might faint immediately.

He saw the burned part clearly. It was composed of countless thin silk threads, which were trembling at a high frequency. As it was burned by the flames, Lin Shan seemed to hear a scream, a cry implanted in his soul, which made him feel a trance of his soul leaving his body.

As the fire continued to burn, the thin wires began to twist and twist due to the flames, and fine ash continued to fall.


Another scream shocked Lin Shan's soul and left his body!

It was not until now that he knew that people really had souls. This feeling was very strange and terrifying. He could even see the top of his head!

Lin Shan knew that he could not continue to burn. If the other party screamed again, his soul might really leave his body.

He bit the tip of his tongue hard again, his sight began to sink, his soul and body merged, he tore a piece of cloth from his pajamas, squatted down and wrapped it up with soil and fine ash, and his body made a "crackling" sound. It was the sound of the body joints being frozen. If it was his previous physique, he would not be able to move now.


Accompanied by the cackle, Lin Shan slowly retreated. When he retreated ten meters away, the pressure around him suddenly decreased, and the coldness slowly dissipated.

At this moment, something strange happened!

One of the torches inserted around him suddenly went out for some reason!

Lin Shan's eyes suddenly shrank, his heart trembled, and he ran out desperately, ignoring the severe pain caused by frostbite.

The spiral column strangely found that it could move, and immediately returned to the shape of a fish.

The next second.

The extremely dense darkness, like ink, suddenly spread to the surroundings. Wherever the darkness reached, the ground was corroded with a sizzling sound, turning into a scorched earth.

It was angry!

The darkness came in the blink of an eye, but was blocked by the fire in Lin Shan's hand and could not move forward any further.

The flame on the torch began to swing left and right very irregularly, as if it would go out in the next second.

Lin Shan's heart, which had just relaxed, was lifted up again, and he accelerated to run out of the field.

The shaky flame finally went out. At this time, Lin Shan was only three meters away from the outside of the field.

He jumped violently. With his current physical fitness, it was not difficult to jump three meters. The darkness behind him had already touched him. A sharp pain that pierced his soul was accompanied by a fishy smell. He felt that his internal organs were rotting. This fishy smell came from his body!


He fell heavily to the ground, and the blue moon above his head disappeared. He escaped!

But he would not live long.

Smelling the stench emanating from his body, he couldn't help but ask himself, is it worth it? His internal organs have all rotted, and it's a miracle that he's still alive.

Maybe it's thanks to the physique of the 'weird body'.

Feeling his increasingly weak body, he thought and took out the parchment.

Slowly wrote with a feather pen:

Lin Shan: [How long can I live? ]

Parchment: [Remaining life span of fifty-one years and three months, cursed, actual survival time is thirty-seven days. ]

It seems that checking the balance doesn't cost money, and this feeling of knowing the balance of your life is really fucked up.

The original life span of fifty-one years was directly reduced to thirty-seven days...

Lin Shan: [Is there any way to eliminate this curse? ]

Parchment: [You need to pay one month of life. ]

Lin Shan: [Pay. ]

Parchment: [Become a supernatural life. ]

Lin Shan's eyes regained a trace of spirit, and the only thing that can be used to deal with the supernatural is the supernatural.

In other words, as long as you become a supernatural life within thirty-seven days, you can offset this curse.

He has already obtained one of the three materials, and the last purple soul flower is not difficult to obtain. He just needs to get the horn of Ashato!

There is still hope!

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