Above the gray fog

Chapter 822 God’s Choice

There are dozens of people from the Fallen Clan and the Ten Thousand Clan queuing here. The highest level is a Sequence 6 Fallen Clan. With a body of more than 10,000 meters, this fortune-telling hall can't squeeze in at all.

Whether it is the Ten Thousand Clan or the Plant Fallen Clan, they all line up here in an orderly manner. It's not that this fortune-telling hall is so powerful, but the rules of the North are like this. The evil fallen are cautious, for fear of accidentally stepping on the tiny Ten Thousand Clan people under them.

Perhaps, they are afraid of crushing this civilization that has been built with great difficulty.

The Ten Thousand Clan people stood in place trembling, afraid of being accidentally stepped on by the evil fallen.

It's just a queue, and the scene is also extremely depressing.

There are countless similar phenomena in various cities in the North, all of which prove how deformed the civilization established by Zhuhuo is.

They thought that they could have the brilliant civilization of the Ten Thousand Clan by imitating the lifestyle of the Ten Thousand Clan, but they didn't think that different habits of races are destined to have different lifestyles. Forcible imitation will only hurt themselves.

Lin Shan joined the queue. Everyone went in and came out in a few minutes. It didn't take too long. After two hours, it was Lin Shan's turn.

The door of the fortune-telling hall was tall and heavy. It was made of bronze and engraved with strange patterns and symbols of fate. A pair of copper furnaces were placed in front of the door, burning mysterious spices.

Walking into the door, the interior was empty. The roof of the fortune-telling hall was in the shape of a dome, inlaid with gems and crystals. When the sun passed through them, it emitted colorful light, like the twinkling stars.

Two small creatures that looked like turtles came to Lin Shan on the left and right. They each held an empty iron basin and shouted:

"If you want to see Lord Long Ling, you need to pay a sequence 9 core as a meeting fee. The hall only accepts cores and spiritual medicines, and no other currency."

Good guy, he wants to collect a sequence 9 core before meeting.

What a big frame of Lord Long Ling.

Lin Shan took out a sequence 9 core and threw it into the iron basin with a clang.

"Tell me your wish!"

In front, two big red lanterns suddenly lit up. They were the eyes of Master Long Ling. It slowly approached Lin Shan, and Lin Shan could see the full appearance of Master Long Ling.

It looked like the dragon in Chinese mythology, but it had sheep horns and fish whiskers, and there was a tuft of fiery red mane behind it.

Seeing this creature, Lin Shan remembered where the familiar feeling came from.

He asked, "Weren't you a doctor before? How did you become a fortune teller?"

"Huh? Doctor?" The creature was stunned for a moment and scratched the top of his head with his claws. "I was indeed a doctor in the Semitic tribe hundreds of years ago, but I am a fortune teller now."

"Since you are an old customer, it is not impossible for you to see a doctor." The shining red light in the dragon's eyes disappeared, and a sharp voice came from the side.

This creature has a pointed head, and its chin is enough to poke its chest. There is a pair of narrow eyes on the pointed head, and a ray of red light occasionally flashes between the eyes.

This is the true form of Master Long Ling. He used to be called Doctor Long Ling. When he was in the Shan Clan, Lin Shan asked him to clear the curse of the strange line fish.

This creature in front of him is extremely mysterious. He couldn't see through it before. Now that he has been promoted to Sequence 5, he still can't see through it.

Lin Shan looked at Master Long Ling, thought about it, and asked, "When I do divination, I will enter a strange space full of fate threads. Every time I do divination, strange tentacles will appear. Although I can succeed in the end, I will inevitably be touched by the tentacles, and there will be more ink on my body that can't be washed off. Do you know what's going on?"

"Huh?" Master Long Ling circled around Lin Shan twice, "So we are in the same industry, but you are too greedy. Did you divine some unrealistic information?"

"I just divined the location of the potion materials." Lin Shan said.

"What level of potion materials?" Master Long Ling asked.

"Sequence 5 potion." Lin Shan replied.

Master Long Ling stared at Lin Shan, "You are now Sequence 5, right? Double Sequence, your body is not yet Sequence 5..."

"You are divining your own destiny. From the perspective of rules, this will be much more difficult."

"Your divination ability is only at the level of Sequence 6. It is difficult to get accurate information when divining Sequence 5 creatures. In addition, it is your own destiny, so failure is normal. If you are lucky, you may get some information, but it is absolutely impossible for the tentacles you mentioned to appear. Are you not telling the truth?"

"Ahem." Master Long Ling coughed lightly, "I am a doctor, and you are a patient. , tell me the truth, even if you have any unrealistic divinations, you must tell me the truth, so that I can prescribe the right medicine and restore your existence. "

"The black marks on your body are a phenomenon that only appears after a person's existence is erased. If your whole body turns black, you will completely disappear, and there will be no record of you in history. This is a punishment for greedy people."

"But I really just divined the location of the potion materials." Lin Shan said truthfully, "It was when I was divining the potion materials that those tentacles appeared."

Master Long Ling smiled slightly, with an expression that I know everything.

"Since you don't want to say it, then I will teach you a general solution. Try to influence this world and change this world. Every time you affect this world, you can repair your own existence. In fact, even if you do nothing, these marks will dissipate by themselves, but it will take a long time. "

Then he reminded, "In the future, when using the ability of the fate system, you must be measured and not greedy. "

Lin Shan saw that Master Long Ling insisted that he had divined something unrealistic, so he didn't say much and directly stated his real purpose, "I have some magic potion materials here, can you help me divine the location?"

"Okay." The light in the eyes of the dragon-shaped puppet lit up again, and surrounded Lin Shan in a circle, "But let's make it clear in advance that the consultation fee just now is a sequence 8 core, and the cost of finding magic potion materials will be calculated separately."

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded in agreement and immediately took out the mini stone tablet.

The moment he saw the stone tablet, Master Long Ling shuddered all over, "What is this? A divine tablet?"

"Do you know this?" Lin Shan was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Master Long Ling was really knowledgeable.

"Which lineage are you from?" Master Long Ling stared at Lin Shan and asked.

"This is my friend's." Lin Shan shook his head.

"Do you know which lineage your friend belongs to?" Master Long Ling asked, as if this was very important.

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