Above the gray fog

Chapter 823: Using External Force

Seeing that Lin Shan looked a little wary, Master Long Ling explained, "Don't worry, those who know God's Chosen will definitely not dare to touch God's Chosen. I have no ill intentions. So, tell me, how about I give you a free bill?"

"Even if you don't tell me, I can easily find it." Master Long Ling added.

"Dark Blue." Lin Shan said.

Since Master Long Ling knew the stone tablet and relied on his ability, it would not be difficult to find Sersi. Lin Shan did not believe that anyone would dare to touch a believer like Sersi who was chosen by God.

"Dark Blue...it turns out to be Deep Blue, and Deep Blue's divine choice is here..."

Master Long Ling muttered to himself and circled Lin Shan dozens of times before stopping, "Put the God's Gift Monument on the ground and I will help you with your divination for free."

Lin Shan heard this and placed the small stone tablet on the ground.

The dragon-shaped creature leaned in front of the stone tablet and carefully read the small words on it.

"I know the location of the Water Snake tribe. You don't need to do divination. I'll show you the way in a while. You go and see if there are any Sequence 5 tribe members. I'm not sure. I won't come to me again without you." The dragon-shaped creature spoke angrily.

Lin Shan nodded and asked about the divine choice, "What do you mean by divine choice? Is there anything special about my friend?"

The dragon-shaped puppet closed its eyes and entered a divination state.

Master Long Ling's body is still in the outside world. When he heard Lin Shan's question, he seemed to be a little emotional, "God's choice... such a familiar word."

"There are 31 gods in a lineage. These 31 gods are responsible for the operation of the rules of the universe. They are the most orthodox gods. However, except for the core 31 gods, there is no limit on the number of auxiliary gods outside the lineage."

"The Divine Selection is a universe-wide selection initiated by the Master of the Lineage. Each star field can have at most one person. Spreading to the entire universe, there may be hundreds of millions of people."

"Each lineage hopes to have as many gods as possible attached to itself. The main purpose of initiating the Divine Selection is to cultivate more gods that are attached to outside the lineage."

Lin Shan nodded slightly, "So that's it. Becoming the chosen one means you have the opportunity to become a god."

Seeing how Lin Shan understood the Divine Selection, Master Long Ling shook his head:

"Don't have too much hope. The probability is too small. Being able to become the God's Chosen One must have one of the best talents in the Star Territory. However, 100 million God Chosen Ones with outstanding talents may not be able to give birth to a god. "Creating a divine position and inheriting a divine position are completely different concepts."

Just when Master Long Ling was about to say something else, his expression suddenly changed dramatically.

His narrow eyes stared at Lin Shan closely.

"What are you looking at me for?" Lin Shan took two steps back.

This Master Long Ling is too mysterious to be a good person.

So many years of experience have taught Lin Shan that those who know more will not be weak.

This Dragon Spirit Master is at least a metamorphosis or a demigod in strength. Lin Shan believes that he has the strength of a god.

Master Long Ling stared at Lin Shan, his expression changing again and again.

The next second, a black mark appeared on his face, like a mark made by a whip stained with ink.

Seeing this black mark, Lin Shan wanted to laugh a little unkindly. He wanted to ask Master Long Ling in front of him if he had divined some unrealistic information.

But Lin Shan's control over his expressions was so perfect that when he saw it, it was as if he didn't see it, his face was expressionless.

Seeing Lin Shan's expressionless expression, Master Long Ling always felt that the other party was laughing at him.

After a while, Master Longling shook his head and said, "I can't divine the information you want."


"The weight of everyone's destiny is different. Yours... is a bit heavy." Master Long Ling's eyes flickered, not knowing what else to think about.

"Master, can you be more specific?" Lin Shan asked.

"Brother, don't call me master, just call me Long Ling." Long Ling waved his sharp claws, "You said before that your own divination produced results?"

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded, "Although there was a price, we also got results. Is there any problem?"

"Yes." Long Ling said with a serious look, "With your weight, even the super-standard sequence can't do this. It's very weird."

Immediately, Long Ling looked relieved again and sighed: "Perhaps I am ignorant, there are too many unexplainable things in the universe."

"Okay." Seeing that Long Ling had been talking to himself, Lin Shan turned around and left. Since he couldn't get the result, there was no need to waste time.

"Wait a minute." Long Ling suddenly stopped Lin Shan, "I can help you, just make a friend. This is my contact information."

A card flew towards him, and Lin Shan caught it casually. It was similar to the business card of the slaughterhouse owner. Through the ID code, he could be contacted using Liyu.

Seeing Lin Shan take the card, Long Ling closed his eyes again.

After a few minutes.

Long Ling opened his eyes and whispered: "The clues of fate are hidden in the whirlpool of time. There should be a strong external force beside you. If you master this external force and borrow it, you can easily achieve your goals. Target."

Lin Shan fell into thinking. A strong external force could be controlled with probability, and it was right around him.

Lin Shan immediately thought of Youhuo. This was the most suitable. Could it be that Long Ling's hidden meaning was... that he wanted to become the leader of Youhuo, and then use the power of Youhuo to collect these potion materials.

This is really a way, but once you become the leader of Youhuo, you will definitely be involved in the dispute with Zhuhuo, and even be pushed to the forefront and become a thorn in Zhuhuo's side...

The main problem is that he doesn't know how to become a leader. Even if he really becomes a leader, what does he need to do? Should he lead Youhuo and Zhuhuo to fight against each other?

"What exactly does this external force refer to?" Lin Shan asked to prevent himself from thinking wrongly.

"How can I know what it refers to specifically? You should be the only one who knows." Long Ling rolled his eyes at Lin Shan, "Let's go, let's go, let's get off work early today. It's a waste of spirituality to help others tell fortunes, and it's a waste of life to help you tell fortunes."

When Lin Shan came out of the fortune-telling shop, the two little turtles followed him out.

They shouted, "Let's go, Master Long Ling is tired today, come back tomorrow."

When they returned to the City of Youhuo, it was completely dark.

This trip seemed to be guided, but it seemed that nothing had changed.

He didn't have many years to live, and it was impossible for him to inquire about the location of the materials by himself. It would be better to risk his life to divine the location of all the materials.

Back in the house, sitting on the sofa, Jiuqi climbed onto his lap lightly. Lin Shan stroked Jiuqi and then opened the inner domain system and contacted Yunqi.

[I have a new sequence 5 potion formula. Can Youhuo help me find these materials? It's paid.]

Yunqi: [Send it out. If there is any in the system, I can tell you the location for free. If there is no system, you can ask a fortune teller to predict the location. This is how I found your previous materials. Where did you get the formula? Are you sure that all the materials are available in the human circle?]

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