Above the gray fog

Chapter 824 Master Lin

After chatting with Yunqi for a few words, he hung up the call.

Lin Shan began to sort out his thoughts.

According to Long Ling, his fate was very important. Anything directly related to him would be difficult to succeed, and there was a risk of backlash.

Why did Yunqi get the result when he helped him find materials before? Yunqi also asked someone to tell fortunes, but he didn't suffer backlash.

There must be something he didn't know.

Lin Shan took out the business card given by Long Ling.

Use the Liyu system to add friends.

After a few seconds, a prompt appeared that the addition was successful.

Lin Shan: [The person who helped me find materials also asked a fortune teller to tell the location. Why didn't the fortune teller suffer backlash? ]

About thirty seconds later, Long Ling gave a reply.

Long Ling: [You are looking for Yun Qi, right? If he wants someone to tell his fortune, he will definitely ask me. I felt very strange when I was telling his fortune. I was able to succeed at that time because your friend the Chosen One stood in the middle. Behind her stood the Deep Blue Spectrum. During the divination, you were helped by a noble person. With my fortune-telling skills, plus the help of the Chosen One’s status, and even Yun Qi secretly helped you, you were barely able to succeed.]

Lin Shan: [Then I will ask the Chosen One to tell your fortune now, or find a few more strong people to convey the message one by one. Does that count as having a lot of noble people helping you?]

Long Ling: [Brother, you are a fortune-telling genius. You can actually figure out how to change your fate by yourself. Doing so may indeed lead to a fate where a noble person helps you, but there is one thing you don’t know. Everyone’s fate has different weights, and the things you tell your fortune also have different weights. The purpose of the divination materials before was to exchange for your formula, but now it is a finished potion... Do you understand what I mean? ]

Hanging up the communication with Long Ling, Lin Shan teleported to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Spread out the parchment.

"What do you think?" Lin Shan asked.

Parchment: [I can't see it. ]

"Can you help me locate the potion?"

Parchment: [Okay, the great parchment will respond to any request. Sequence 5 materials, I'll give you a friendship discount. One material will cost you 100 years of life. It's not too much. ]

"What is the external force that Long Ling is talking about?" Lin Shan changed the question. Instead of thinking about it himself, he might as well ask directly.

Parchment will not charge too much for such a selective question. He still has 170 years of life and can take some shortcuts.

Parchment: [One year. ]

Lin Shan: "Pay."

Parchment: [The great parchment, the tattered feather pen, the fire chaser, and even the answer you have in mind, all of these are external forces. ]

After getting the answer he wanted, Lin Shan put away the parchment and went back to the house to sleep.


Two years later.

Several powerful men above sequence 9 gathered in a dense forest. They talked in low voices and walked through the intricate forest paths. The sun shone through the gaps between the leaves, and the breeze blew, bringing the gentle rustling of the leaves.

Isabel walked behind everyone and listened quietly to the conversation of others.

"Are you here for Master Lin too?" someone in the crowd asked.

"Nonsense, who would come here if not to Master Lin? Master Lin is the most powerful fortune teller I have ever seen. If you ask others for divination, you can only get a few vague words. If you ask Master Lin, he will give you a direct answer." A powerful man said excitedly, with admiration in his eyes.

"Yes, he once predicted a dangerous situation I encountered. His guidance allowed me to turn danger into safety. He is my lifesaver." Another powerful man said in a deep voice.

Isabel listened to their conversation silently, and a hope surged in her heart. Seeing that they said so powerfully, I guess this Master Lin must be really powerful.

"It is said that Master Lin's divination is not only accurate, but his insights are always touching. It's like he can read other people's souls. Listening to his words can often be very touching." Others echoed softly.

The crowd walked a long way before they saw a three-story tree house. Walking to someone's residence is the most basic etiquette among the extraordinary. Some extraordinary people were already waiting outside the house.

Isabel was waiting in the crowd. By chance, she met a friend of Youhuo and heard the rumors about Master Youhuo Lin. That's why she joined Youhuo.

Youhuo is very inclusive. As long as you are a member of the Ten Thousand Races and have reached Sequence 8, you will be allowed to join without asking anything.

After joining, you don't have to do anything except being a Youhuo member, and you can also borrow Youhuo's resources.

Master Lin only reads divinations for members of Youhuo. Over the years, he has become Youhuo's gold medal fortune teller. Because of his cheap prices and his divinations that have never been wrong, Youhuo members have even developed the habit of coming to Master Lin for divination before doing something.

Isabel tilted her head and asked a woman next to her who was also a Sequence 8, "Is Master Lin's divination really so magical?"

"You can only understand it after you have experienced it. Master Lin is really amazing." The woman smiled friendly.

The extraordinary people waited quietly outside the three-story cabin. This place belongs to the border of Youhuo City and belongs to the wilderness. If they don't have a purpose, no one will come here.

At a certain moment, a woman wearing a gorgeous long dress woven with algae plants walked out of the cabin.

The voice like water waves came into everyone's ears, "Lin Shan's rules, the registration fee is one Sequence 9 core or 11,000 Fire Coins. Everyone line up in order to pay the registration fee here."

Isabel watched the extraordinary people walk into the house one by one. When they came out, most of them looked happy, but some were pale and looked scared.

Isabel was afraid, but also a little expectant.

As the people in front of the team walked in and out, it was soon her turn.

There were several pots of blooming flowers on both sides of the wooden door, and the branches and leaves flashed with spiritual light. These flowers were all spiritual medicines.

Pushing open the door of the wooden house, a cold voice came to my ears, "Go upstairs."

There was a spiral wooden staircase in the corner. There were no other objects on the first floor except some decorations.

Stepping up the stairs, another wooden door came into view.

Pushing open the door, a warm and mysterious atmosphere came to my face.

The decoration inside the house was simple and elegant. The walls were engraved with complex spiritual texts, and a faint light flashed from time to time. The sun shone into the house through the window. An ancient table was placed in the center of the house, on which were placed various tools, such as crystal balls, wood blocks, and paper.

There was a comfortable recliner in front of the wooden table, and a man in white was lying on the recliner, looking at her curiously.

A faint fragrance filled the cabin, which seemed to be emitted by mysterious incense, making people feel relaxed and happy.

"Dong, Dong, Dong..."

In the quiet house, only Isabel's restless heart kept beating.

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