Above the gray fog

Chapter 84 Two Years of Faith

"Is this the reason for the appearance of the evil god projection?"

Lin Shan flew to a low place and observed the corpses.

It can be seen that they should have died in an instant, without any pain on their faces, and their bodies were intact without any damage.

"Have all their lifespans been drained... How did these people get here after a journey of tens of thousands of kilometers?" Lin Shan was puzzled.

There are many ordinary people here... Their lifespans have been drained but their appearances have not aged at all, which also proves that lifespan refers to the existence time of the soul, not the body. The aging of the body is just a normal physiological phenomenon.

"Even if most of them are ordinary people, this is too cruel... Sacrificing tens of thousands of lives just to exchange for a sequence 8 on the other side." However, thinking of what Huang Liu once said, the number of the unicorn tribe is large, maybe this is their way of fighting. In their opinion, it is worthwhile to exchange tens of thousands of lives for a sequence 8, and sacrificing for the continuation of the race may also be the choice of these people themselves.

Lin Shan flew over this corpse field and flew to an altitude of 5,000 meters without delay. Next, he had to travel a long distance to return to the tribe. Flying at a low altitude for a long time was tantamount to asking for trouble.

He looked at the parchment in his mind, and the distance marked on it was 14,546 kilometers.

This time, it was necessary to leave a "spiritual mark" in the clan land. He couldn't let the parchment locate it every time. One month of life was also precious to him now. The feather pen forcibly extracted three years of life, and now his life was less than fifteen years.

However, fortunately, two materials of sequence 8 had been obtained, and only the last three were left. He felt that the power of the gods might be a breakthrough.

Half a month later.

In the air less than a hundred meters above the ground.

Lin Shan was suspended in the air and watched the fierce battle between the two evil beasts below.

One of them might be called a beast. It was obviously a huge black bear that was five meters tall. Except for its size, it was no different from the black bears on Earth.

Its opponent was a genuine evil creature, with a tiger shape, a horse head, and a sharp scorpion tail behind it. This evil creature seemed normal to Lin Shan. After seeing all kinds of strange evil creatures, Lin Shan felt no emotion when he saw this kind of stitched body without any characteristics. He even felt that this evil creature had no deterrent effect and was simply embarrassing the evil creature group.

At this time, the two sides were fighting fiercely. The main attack method of the tiger-shaped evil creature was the sharp scorpion tail, but it seemed a little powerless when encountering an opponent with thick skin and flesh like the black bear.

The evil creature was always suppressed by the black bear. After more than ten minutes, even the scorpion tail was torn off by the black bear. Then, the evil creature screamed and fell to the ground.

The black bear sat on the ground and prepared to enjoy the spoils. A light golden spear went straight through its heart. When it was pulled out, bright red blood gurgled out of the black bear's body, and its originally black hair had a red luster.

The original spirituality of this black bear should be close to the seventh stage of sequence 9. After the battle just now, it has dropped to almost the fifth stage and has not recovered yet. The spirituality of the fallen body has merged into the flesh, and the spirituality has decreased. The defense power has also decreased. Although the attack of the heart light is not strong, the spiritual crushing can easily kill the black bear in seconds.

Lin Shan came to the black bear and the evil fallen, and the heart light turned into a light golden net to wrap them up and float.

He was not greedy for food. Now that his two sequences have reached the peak, eating these spiritual ingredients will not improve anything. He planned to take them back and sell them for some money...

After more than 20 years of development, the tribe has been very formal in all aspects. Money has become a necessity. He can't always take advantage of his pioneer status. So he suddenly decided to take some spiritual meat back to sell as living expenses. Next time he comes out, he can prepare more things. It can't be like this time. Even the clothes are taken from the corpse...

These two evil fallen can add at least dozens of pseudo-transcendents to the tribe. Not only can they make money, but they can also help the tribe develop, killing two birds with one stone.

However, there should be more extraordinary people in the tribe now, and there should be many people going out hunting. I wonder how much money this bear and this evil can be exchanged for...

Thinking in his mind, Lin Shan commanded the heart light to gradually rise into the air, slowly rising to an altitude of 5,000 meters and continuing on his way.

With two more huge monsters, it was also very difficult for the blood wings to pull the big net transformed by the heart light, and the flying speed was greatly reduced.

Two months later.

Finally arrived at the border of the tribe, at this time, there were two more evil in the big net behind him, both of which were strange bird shapes. They attacked him on the way and were killed by him, just in time to replenish the small treasury.

The moment he passed through the barrier of the tribe, countless colorful light spots came into view.

Like the stars in the universe, they floated quietly in every corner of the tribe.

"This is...the power of faith..." Feeling the familiar power in it, Lin Shan muttered to himself. He still had faith that was not burned out last time, and he was familiar with this power.

Faith is just a one-time consumable that cannot be replenished by itself. Without a large amount, it is difficult to achieve anything, so it has always been ignored by Lin Shan and has never been used in battle.

But the vast scenery in front of him, like the Milky Way, shocked him. How much is this...

The moment Lin Shan appeared, these light spots representing faith seemed to have found their source and floated towards him continuously.

At this time, Lin Shan was like a dry sponge, absorbing these light spots crazily. It took two hours to stop, and from time to time, light spots still floated from afar and entered his body.

Lin Shan felt the extra power in his body, which was far more than Sequence 9. If all of it was consumed at the same time, it should not be weaker than the attack of Sequence 8. So much faith only exchanged for one attack of Sequence 8. No wonder the parchment said before that faith was weak and the gods only used faith as a signpost to guide.

It seems that this power is really not very good, but it is still very helpful to Lin Shan now. The attack of Sequence 8 is completely a trump card to save his life. Moreover, it has only been accumulated for less than two years. If there are more years...will it be stronger.

"Maybe...I can save more faith."

"Saving faith for hundreds of years may be able to defeat Sequence 8."

The latter sentence is of course a joke. His current life span cannot wait that long, but he still thinks this is a good power. The speed of faith gathering should be related to the number of believers and the depth of faith. It is almost impossible to have any devout believers after only twenty years of development. These beliefs must be shallow beliefs with worship nature. If it is a hundred years or even a thousand years later, it may be different... At that time, not only will the number of people in the tribe increase a lot, but the quality of faith will also improve.

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