Above the gray fog

Chapter 85 Candy

The matter of faith will be studied later. Lin Shan looked at the vast land in front of him and felt a little strange. He didn't even have a real home here. The only people he was familiar with were the other pioneers. He didn't know where they were now.

The tribe had expanded a lot compared to before. Lin Shan flew for more than ten minutes before he saw sparse villages appearing in front of him, then small towns, and finally cities. It was the central city before, and it had expanded outward for more than a year.

Looking at the four huge monsters behind him, Lin Shan couldn't help but fall into silence. Is it really okay to enter the city like this? His original intention was not to cause a riot.

"Going home has to be done secretly... Lu Ruan should still be leading the human race now. I can only ask her for help, mainly because she is the easiest to find."

Lin Shan first dragged the four big guys to a field far away from the city, and then flew towards the central city. The central city is the most central location of the tribe. If it is not unexpected, Lu Ruan will definitely move here to work.

After flying close, Lin Shan landed on the ground and started walking. The so-called city is different from the ancient Chinese city. There is no city wall. The central city has been expanding outward. If a city wall is built, it will not only be useless but also hinder development. The only city wall in the tribe is the barrier against the gray fog.

Before entering the city, you can see people coming and going just outside the city. On the official road, there are horse-drawn carriages carrying goods and horse-drawn carriages with rear carriages for people. They move forward in turn. "Horse" has become the most common means of transportation in the human race.

Continue to walk forward, and a carriage is coming towards you. The carriage is wrapped in expensive and exquisite silk on all sides. The window inlaid with gold and jade is blocked by a curtain of light yellow crepe, so that people outside the carriage cannot see the scene inside the carriage.

When passing by Lin Shan, a hand suddenly stretched out from the window of the rear compartment of the carriage, gently lifted the light yellow crepe, and a girl who looked only about 20 years old and beautiful appeared in Lin Shan's sight. She obviously saw Lin Shan, took a second look at Lin Shan's crystal tribe clothes, and then smiled at Lin Shan and lowered the curtain.

As the carriage drove into the city and went farther and farther, Lin Shan came back to his senses. He was not attracted by any female beauty, but just that moment in a trance, he felt an ambiguous feeling. Looking at the carriages and pedestrians around him, he felt particularly calm at this moment. He was not without a home... The whole tribe was his home.

Continue to walk towards the city. It's not even noon now. It's still early. He is not in a hurry to find Lu Ruan. It's also a good choice to walk around the city and see the development of the human race.

At a fruit stand, most of the fruits here were varieties that Lin Shan had never seen before, perhaps they were all cultivated by the human race themselves. A middle-aged man sat in front of the stand and traded with passers-by. Next to the middle-aged man sat a little girl, who was leaning on his head with his hands and looking up at the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

Suddenly, a little boy came quietly from behind him. He looked about the same age as the little girl, probably only in his early teens. The little boy standing behind pulled out the stool under the girl's buttocks, causing the little girl to sit on the ground, and she kept grinning in pain.

"Hahaha, come and chase me." The little boy shouted loudly and ran away with a smile.

"It's you again! Qian Ning! Don't run, you stop right there."

The girl rubbed her buttocks, got up and chased in the direction the boy ran.

The middle-aged man who was packing fruits for the guests looked at the girl running away and smiled helplessly.

At this time, Lin Shan was really observing these fruits, but unfortunately, poverty prevented him from tasting them and he could only look at them.

He passed the fruit stand and continued to walk towards the city center. Not far away, he saw the two children again.

"Can you change your method next time? It hurts every time you fall to the ground!"

"I'm doing this to make it more realistic, so your father won't doubt you."

"Where are we going to play today?"

"West Street!"


After walking around the city for several hours, I finally walked to the center of the city. I saw a large square. Lin Shan had asked passers-by before and knew that this place was called Pioneer Square. There were eleven blue stone slabs in the square, and each stone slab recorded the contributions and deeds of each pioneer.

This square is one of the main places to spread faith. There are many places similar to Pioneer Square, distributed in every corner of the city. Over time, these deeds will be deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Agriculture, commerce, industry, medical care, charity, all walks of life are involved in pioneers. They are top talents, and now they have the help of faith, which makes them even more powerful. Of course, there are also pioneers like Lin Shan who like to run out to explore the gray fog and pursue power.

Lin Shan simply looked at each stone slab and roughly understood the movements of the pioneers.

Except for Yao Yuxin and Luo He, the other eight pioneers occasionally popped up. As for Yao Yuxin and Luo He, Lin Shan's memory only stayed at the last meeting of "Thirteen Regulations". He had never seen them since then. They should have gone to explore the gray fog. If he remembered correctly... Luo He should still be an ordinary person.

Lin Shan shook his head and stopped thinking about these things. Everyone has their own opportunities. He can have opportunities like parchment and feather pens. Others may have other opportunities. He is not like those middle school boys who think they are the protagonist of the world just because they have some opportunities. Calculating the time, he has lived on Earth for twenty years and has been in this world for another twenty-two years. In total, he is more than forty years old... Although his appearance has not changed much.

Walking through the Pioneer Square, the new clan hall is right in front of him. There are still people crossing here every day, but judging from the current population, the newcomers who cross here may not make much waves.

This time he did not go to see the clan artifacts, but came directly to the building next to the clan hall.

This is a very magnificent hall, with a height of 20 meters and five floors, which is only slightly lower than the clan hall next to it. The hall has a golden roof and red doors, and an ancient style. It makes people feel solemn. Two stone lions several meters high squatting at the door overlooking the passers-by add a sense of majesty to the hall in front of them.

The hall and the clan hall next to it are very new, and even the buildings near the entire Pioneer Square are very new. They should have been completed not long ago.

Lin Shan walked to the door of the hall, which was hung with a golden plaque with the words "Imperial Palace" written on it. Even the two guards standing in front of the door were extraordinary.

"It's different... I don't know if the imperial power is good or bad... At least it's good now."

After standing in front of the palace for a while, Lin Shan began to think about how to get in.

At this time, two people were talking in a low voice.

"The empress is very satisfied with the candy this time. She plans to invest in large-scale production."

"That's great. We are going to be rich."

"The material this time is spiritual, so it tastes so good, but it can't be mass-produced."

"Are you stupid? You can offer spiritual candies to the empress, and sell ordinary ones. How many children can afford spiritual candies?"

"That's right..."


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