Above the gray fog

Chapter 840 Exile

Last time, he used the beast tooth bracelet with the strength of Sequence 6, and his consciousness was confused.

Now his life level has reached Sequence 5. Controlling the beast tooth of Sequence 5 will not cause any other harm except the side effects after the beast transformation.

Blessed by the beast transformation.

At this moment, Lin Shan has completely transformed his strength.

The power of his punches and kicks is comparable to the offensiveness of Yi Bow.

Lin Shan swung his thick tail and lashed down fiercely. The evil that attacked from behind was hit and fell rapidly downward.

Then, he clenched his fist and punched the evil that had reached his abdomen.

The movements of these evils became extremely slow in front of him. From the beast transformation to now, less than three seconds have passed, and the evils have attacked many times.


There was a loud noise from the barrier below.

The evil that was hit by Lin Shan's tail first crashed into the barrier.

Lin Shan went down and forward.

His body was slightly condensed.

The barrier seemed to have been hit by a tiny crack.

The barrier set by the gods... can it be broken?

While thinking in his heart, Lin Shan did not rest.

He swung his tail left and right, knocking the other two evil creatures to the sides and crashing into the barriers on both sides.

On the surface, Lin Shan slapped them like slapping flies, but there was no damage to their bodies.

"This is beast transformation. The physical strength of the 'beast' is much stronger than ours. Don't take it lightly and use the qualitative change ability."



The four evil creatures used mental power to communicate tactics remotely. Lin Shan's mind turned and he kept staring at the cracks that were knocked out below.

The next second.

He disappeared directly from the spot and appeared above the crack.

The huge paw stepped hard on the crack below.

"Crack, crack."

The crack spread.

"Uh..." Suddenly, Lin Shan's eyes went black and his sight fell downwards.


The huge head rolled down and smashed the barrier with a bang.

Lin Shan, who was left with only one head, blinked and didn't understand what happened.

The body picked up the head and pressed it on the head.

The flesh and blood on the neck and head were connected, and no wound could be seen.

Lin Shan twisted his neck and looked in one direction.

Not far away, there was an evil creature, and the white smoke on the fingertips had not yet dissipated.

Another white light shot silently, and Lin Shan quickly pressed his head to prevent it from falling again.

But this time, its target was his legs.

The white light passed, and both legs were cut off. Before Lin Shan fell, new legs had grown out.

Staring at the smoking finger, this is a kind of qualitative change ability, and Lin Shan did not feel the power of the characteristic in it.

If there is still a chance to go back. I must learn more about the information of qualitative change.

Even if he can't be promoted to qualitative change, at least he should know what abilities he has mastered after qualitative change.

"His recovery ability is also very strong, continuous attack! Don't give him time to breathe!"

Another evil creature turned into a ball of black mist and attacked Lin Shan. Wherever the black mist passed, even the space was corroded and distorted.

A bow and arrow appeared in Lin Shan's hand. The golden arrow penetrated the attacking black fog and shot a huge hole in it.

The remaining black fog that had not yet dissipated had already wrapped around Lin Shan.

The bones and blood in Lin Shan's body kept disappearing and reappearing.

Lin Shan felt the spirituality in his body slowly consumed, but he was not worried. The speed of corrosion was not as fast as his recovery speed.

Lin Shan let them attack and carried his body to the location of the crack.

He stepped on the crack again and again.

Under the huge force of trampling, the crack spread again.

I don't know if it was good luck or what.

There was only this fragile node in this barrier, and he found it in his first attack.

The white light emitted by the evil just now hit the barrier behind, but those barriers were intact. That kind of attack was definitely better than his fist and foot attack.

Lin Shan used his immortal body to withstand their attacks and kept expanding the crack.

As long as the barrier was broken, he could escape. Escape was victory.

"There is a crack below, hurry up and don't let him break through the barrier."

"That is the barrier set up by His Majesty... How could this little Sequence 5 create a crack? Even if he has the power of qualitative change now, he can't break the barrier."

"That crack is not fake, stop him quickly, since he is immortal, we will separate his limbs and seal them."

Suddenly, an evil who had been silent all the time spoke:

"Don't waste your energy, let me deal with it."

The evil mentioned here is obviously higher in status than the other evils. Upon hearing this, the other evils stopped and stepped aside.

The noble evil stood high in the sky, looking at Lin Shan with a strange look.


A whisper came.

Lin Shan, who was pounding the crack hard, suddenly felt that his body could not move, and a vortex appeared in the surrounding space, and the vortex was sucking him in.

Lin Shan's body was directly turned into pieces of flesh and blood and was sucked into the vortex.

Wait until the vortex disappears.

"Is he dead? "An evil creature asked.

"You will definitely not survive, let's go."

The leading evil creature slowly clenched his fist, and the barrier around him suddenly dispersed, turning into a pink flower that slowly flew into his hand.

The other evil creatures nodded and turned into gray light, leaving in the same direction.

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