Above the gray fog

Chapter 841 Directly to the destination


In a daze, Lin Shan heard the sound of water.

The cold wind with a warm breath kept blowing across his face.

He opened his eyes with great effort and found himself in an amazing landscape.

Countless streams meandered through the land like silver ribbons, like a gorgeous painting in front of him.

They converged and diverged in front of Lin Shan, forming clear waters, sparkling and shining with silver light.

"Where is this place?" Lin Shan felt his physical strength gradually recovering and looked around.

Along with the physical strength, there was also a feeling of drowsiness.

The strangest thing was...

When his eyes opened and closed, the world became black for a second and white for a second.

Seeing Lin Shan awake, the beast tooth bracelet detached from his hand and floated in front of Lin Shan. A voice came from it, "Be careful when the beast enters your body. The so-called beast nature is not brutality and bloodlust, but lack of wisdom. If you can't resist it, you will become demented."

"How to resist it? I don't feel demented, but my vision is black and white... It's a bit uncomfortable..." Lin Shan shook his head.

"My vision turned black and white?" The beast tooth was a little hesitant in his tone, "I haven't seen this situation before. Is there something in your body that helps you block the beast nature?"

"Normally, your confusion is a normal manifestation, but you don't look... It doesn't look very confused."

"Forget it." Lin Shan grabbed the suspended beast tooth bracelet and put it on his wrist, "I have mastered the control skills."

"What skills?" The hand tooth bracelet on his wrist asked curiously.

As long as the weird reaches the level of sequence 5, there is no difference between it and normal people. If you are familiar with the user, chatting with it is not a problem.

"As long as I don't blink, there won't be that kind of change." Lin Shan said.

"What do you mean?"

Lin Shan blinked a few more times, feeling the changes in his vision, and then he said with certainty: "Every time I close my eyes and open them again, the world in front of me will change color, just like... switching back and forth between night and day."

"No confusion? No memory loss?" Beast Fang asked.

"No." Lin Shan shook his head.

"Open and close your eyes... switch between day and night..." The Beast Fang bracelet muttered, and then it completely dimmed.

Lin Shan got up, shook the spiritual clothes, and cleaned off the water stains and dust on them.

"What's wrong with me?" Lin Shan looked at the parchment in his mind.

Parchment: [You are very healthy, just adapt more, not blinking is nothing to you. ]

Seeing the handwriting on the parchment, Lin Shan breathed a sigh of relief.

But he was still curious about his changes.

After a fight, he was thrown into this unknown place, and inexplicably... he gained an ability that he didn't know if it was an ability.

Lin Shan felt... that this was not an ability, but more like a physical defect.

Only he could see the black and white changes that could be affected by opening and closing his eyes. Now it was daytime. If he switched his vision to the night state, it would be like covering the outside world with a black curtain, and the blazing sun in the sky would also become gray.

Lin Shan did not immediately explore the surrounding environment, but blinked back and forth dozens of times, switching between black and white states dozens of times, until he was completely familiar with this change, and then released his mental power to observe the surroundings.

With divination, there was no need to explore too much to see if there was any danger around, and this area was quite safe.

Suddenly, Lin Shan found something unusual.

In this area, the existence of the scaled empty prison could not be detected...

The space here was like a solid.

After Lin Shan switched his vision to the daytime state again, he forced himself not to blink easily, and even if he blinked, he had to blink twice in a row.

Take out Dakong from the storage space. The transparent glass in front of Dakong is full of cracks, as if it will break in the next second.

Teleport into Dakong and ask, "Are you okay?"

[All systems are operating normally, and the damaged special glass needs to be returned to the factory for repair. ]

Returning to the factory for repair is out of the question now, as Dakong's manufacturer is the Mechanical Clan.

"Fly in this direction at the fastest speed." Lin Shan pointed to the direction where the main medicine of the magic potion is located.

[The warp engine failed to start, and the fastest speed here cannot exceed the speed of light. The pulse engine brakes successfully and enters sub-light speed navigation. ]

Sure enough, it is impossible to travel at the speed of light.

The reason why Dakong can travel at ten times the speed of light is that it uses warp technology, which is essentially borrowed from the curvature of space.

The space here is like a solid, so there is naturally no curvature.

There is no other way now, so you can only fly along the route where the main medicine is located and try to leave this area.

Suddenly, Lin Shan's eyes widened, staring at the thread of fate that was already pointing in the opposite direction, and he was in a trance.

The spaceship has just started.

The thread of fate immediately changed direction.

What does it prove?

The target is right where he was just now...

"Return to the original place." Lin Shan immediately ordered.

Dakong suddenly stopped and turned around.

When he reached a certain place, the thread of fate pointed in the opposite direction again.

"Stop!" Lin Shan shouted in a low voice.

The place where he is now is the place where he just woke up.

What is going on?

The enemy sent him directly to his destination?

And they sent him so accurately across countless light years... This doesn't seem like something that can be done by a qualitative change.

The first thing Lin Shan thought of was the empress of the empire.

Is he helping him?


If he is helping him, why use this method...

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