Above the gray fog

Chapter 858 The Secret of Qualitative Change

At night.

Lin Shan's home.

Lin Shan sat on the sofa and read the light red light curtain in front of him.

Jiuqi, in the form of a fox, lay on his lap and squinted.

Seeing that Lin Shan was looking seriously, she looked up at the light curtain above and found that it was information about qualitative change.

The fox spoke human words, "There are very few records of qualitative change. Some knowledge is not that Wanzu does not want to record it, but that it cannot be recorded."

"Oh?" Lin Shan asked in surprise, "Why? Even this kind of electronic information doesn't work?"

The fox slowly shook his head, "Knowledge is also a kind of power. Just publishing what you have seen is not easy."

"This kind of thing can only be taught through words and deeds. Classics cannot record it in detail. If you want to make a qualitative change... just ask me. Qualitative change is different from breaking the ban. You don't need to reach the peak of Sequence 5. You can start preparing even if you have just been promoted to Sequence 5. But you have to be mentally prepared. Whether you can achieve a qualitative change has a lot to do with your sequence combination. Our previous statistics are that for every 25 sequence 5s, a qualitative change is likely to be born. "

The fox jumped onto the window sill, his expression seemed a little serious. The hazy moonlight penetrated the gap in the window and hit its fur, dyeing the blue fur with a layer of blood. "Qualitative change is life-threatening. First, you must make sure that your body is There are no conflicting sequences."

"Well, there should be no conflict in the sequence." Lin Shan said, he was very confident about this.

The fox nodded slightly, "If the first step is okay, the second step..."

Lin Shan noticed that when Jiu Qi spoke, the surrounding space became distorted for no reason.

"The human body has five grids, and each grid can store one characteristic. If you want to make a qualitative change, you only need to open these five grids and let the five characteristics merge."

"The specific steps are to choose one main characteristic and use this main characteristic to fuse other characteristics in sequence. When there is only one characteristic left in the body, the door to qualitative change will open. After the qualitative change, all your previous abilities will disappear and you will Get a qualitative change that combines all the characteristics. This characteristic is stronger than the so-called super specification. You will name it yourself, because it is...a unique characteristic that only belongs to you. "

"The secret to qualitative change in promotion is to find the space that carries the characteristics. This space only appears every time you are promoted. Normally, you cannot find it whether it is mental power or soul power."

"I'll tell you how to open this space, and you can explore it yourself." The fox spoke softly, spitting out syllables that Lin Shan couldn't understand at all.

Lin Shan was confused, what was he talking about?

"Don't you understand?" Fox asked.

"Yeah." Lin Shan nodded.

"This is why some knowledge cannot be passed on. To me, what I said is clear and concise, but to you, you can't understand a single syllable." The fox shook his head and jumped directly on Lin Shan's head.

It took out a piece of paper and a pen from somewhere, and seemed to use the pen to write on the paper.

But as soon as the pen touched the paper, the paper spontaneously ignited for no reason and turned into ashes.

"Follow my guidance and give it a try." The fox gave up writing on paper and decided to try another method.


Lin Shan felt a force flowing in his body, which was Jiuqi's soul power.

Lin Shan mobilized his soul power to follow it and walk the path it took.

Lin Shan discovered that this force was just turning in circles in the body. There was no so-called wandering in the meridians, it was just ordinary circles.

At a certain moment, the soul power controlled by Jiuqi suddenly stopped. Lin Shan had no time to brake and crashed into it.

The fox standing on Lin Shan's head twitched and fell straight down.

Fortunately, Lin Shan had quick eyes and quick hands and caught it.

The moment the soul touched, Lin Shan also felt something strange. The soul power was different from the mental power. It was a more inner power and was extremely sensitive.

After a while, Jiuqi got up with difficulty and climbed up to his head again along Lin Shan's collar.

"Come again." Jiuqi whispered.

Just like before, Jiuqi's soul power circled rapidly in his body. In order to avoid another accident, Lin Shan was extremely careful this time.

He originally thought it was some kind of movement trajectory of the technique, but now that he saw this chaotic route, he knew that it was obviously not what he thought.

The soul power turned in countless circles, and Jiuqi's mental power suddenly appeared, turning in the opposite direction.

The approximate path is from head to toe, and then from toe to head.

at some point.

Lin Shanneng could clearly feel Jiuqi's claws clasping his hair hard.

Then I saw the two forces colliding hard together.

Lin Shan felt as if his head had exploded. He was in a daze and could not recover for a long time.

Jiuqi fell from his head again, his expression dull.

After a while.

The fox woke up again.

"Do you understand?"

"I guess I understand... The space containing the characteristics needs to be exploded with the impact of mental power and soul power?" Lin Shan was a little unsure. If he does this, he won't be blown up into a fool, right?

This approach is tantamount to self-destruction.

Hearing Lin Shan's words, the fox breathed a sigh of relief, "This is just one way. There is another way, which is to take low-level magic potion. Just like when you took 'Leaving Soul' last time, the space loaded with characteristics will be restored again." Open it. If you enter at this time, you can complete the qualitative change in one fell swoop.”

"Of course, it's not as easy as it sounds. If the progress goes smoothly, the fastest one will take an average of 10 years to complete a characteristic fusion. The later the fusion is, the more difficult it will be. If you are not careful, you may hurt yourself."

"But with the method I just taught you, as long as you have the skills, you can go in and out at any time. You don't have to be forced to close for decades or even hundreds of years. You can try to merge when you have time."

"Do you understand?" Fox looked at Lin Shan. She was worried that her words were blocked by unknown forces.

"Yes." Lin Shan nodded.

After chatting with Jiu Qi for a while, Lin Shan locked himself in the house.

He tried to bomb himself madly, trying to blow out the characteristic space mentioned by Jiu Qi.

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