Above the gray fog

Chapter 859 Seven Years

Time flies.

Seven years later.

Under Lin Shan's endless self-torture, he finally opened the space where the characteristics were three years ago.

It took another year to stabilize it and turn it into his instinct.

In the past two years, Lin Shan has been trying to integrate the characteristics.

Five characteristics of the body.

Ether, Ice Flame, Forest Song, Forgotten River, Yi Bow.

According to Lin Shan's intention, Yi Bow must be chosen as the main characteristic.

But Jiu Qi specifically reminded Lin Shan that he could choose any characteristic, but he could not choose the super-specification characteristic.

The last step of the promotion to qualitative change requires absorbing another characteristic from the outside world that is the same as the main characteristic.

If the main characteristic selected is the sequence 9 characteristic, then absorb another characteristic of the same sequence 9. This absorption does not need to be found by yourself. When the critical point of qualitative change is reached, another characteristic will automatically come to the door.

This is why you can't choose super-specification. Most of the super-specification characteristics are unique, especially the Yi Bow. The Yi Bow he has is only half of the share. Adding the one in Tushan Ranqi's hand, it is considered a complete sequence.

Lin Shan knew that qualitative change requires the absorption of another characteristic.

But Lin Shan thought that he could only absorb sequence 5 characteristics, but he didn't expect that he could choose from the five characteristics at will.

Yi Gong cannot be selected, so only Ether, Ice Flame, Forest Song, and Forget River are left.

For some reason, Lin Shan's first thought was Ether.

This is the characteristic he brought back from the earth, which can be used as a bridge for communication between the two universes.

But Lin Shan couldn't be sure whether Ether could complete the qualitative change in this universe.

Ether is also a unique characteristic, although he couldn't remember clearly how the ether characteristic came from.

But it must have been interfered by external objects. After all, it was just a broken ball of light that was gnawed by alien species at the beginning.

Now there are only three characteristics left, Ice Flame, Forest Song, and Forget River.

First, exclude Forest Song.

The attributes contained in Forest Song are too complicated.

The second is Forget River.

The sequence of the hell lineage focuses on the soul, but you have to know that there are many things in this world that have no soul.

Wangchuan is not comprehensive, and there is only one last characteristic left to choose.

Ice Flame.

In addition to Ether and Yi Bow, Lin Shan prefers to choose Ice Flame among the remaining three characteristics.

There is no other reason, just because Ice Flame represents the ultimate attack.

When Ice Flame merges with other sequences, although the abilities of other sequences will disappear directly, various abilities will definitely be re-reflected on the qualitatively changed Ice Flame, including the super-standard Yi Bow.

With Ice Flame as the main feature, no matter how it is merged, the new characteristics must be extremely aggressive.

To date, the fusion of characteristics has been going on for two years.

The main characteristic is Ice Flame, and the fused characteristic is controlled by Ether.

The image of Ice Flame is a dark white flame, and the image of Ether is a strand of fine lightning intertwined together.

In the past two years, there has been no fusion between the two, and they have been rubbing on the edge.

As long as Lin Shan exerts too much force, he will attract extremely powerful backlash, which will cause the body to explode at the least, and even damage the true spirit at the worst.

"The meal is ready."

Jiuqi's voice came from outside the door.

"I'm here." Lin Shan responded.

This kind of life has been going on for 7 years, plain and without any waves.

The development of Youhuo has reached a bottleneck. Over the years, the number of extraordinary people has decreased instead of increased.

Because of the interweaving of interests, the civilizations that depend on Youhuo often have conflicts.

This will directly lead to conflicts between Youhuo members.

In the past few years, there have been no major events, but a lot of minor events.

But most of them are caused by the bottom members of Sequence 8. The extraordinary people with slightly higher sequences rarely care about these small interests.

When a force develops to this point, it will encounter more or less big and small problems. The only choice is to continuously improve the system.

This is also the only thing Lin Shan can do over the years.

The two sat opposite each other and ate a simple dinner.

"How do you deal with the board of directors?" Jiuqi propped his chin with his hand and looked at Lin Shan.

"Let Yunqi go on my behalf. I definitely can't go." Lin Shan continued to eat and replied without raising his head.

"Yunqi..." Jiuqi was a little worried, "This guy doesn't think before he speaks. He can do the remote communication, but the council invited you this time. There must be something important to discuss, or it is related to the upcoming war. Can you trust him?"

"What's there to worry about? Some people don't care about some things, but it doesn't mean they are stupid." Lin Shan smiled, "I think Yunqi is pretty good. He has done a good job in the Ministry of Civilization over the years. He has half the credit for Youhuo's rapid expansion in the past few years."

Jiuqi didn't say anything when he saw Lin Shan say that. He supported his chin with his hand and looked at the food on the table, wondering what he was thinking.

Lin Shan was burying his head in his food out of habit.

Eating is really related to habit. If you are used to eating, you can eat. If you are not used to eating, you can choose not to eat.

It's just that without three meals a day, there is a lot less fireworks.

Just as Lin Shan was fiddling with the food in the bowl.

A light red light curtain jumped out.

The logo of a small envelope kept jumping.

It showed-Confidential Documents of the Research Department.

Lin Shan didn't take it seriously.

Youhuo has two more qualitative changes, and Lin Shan has also temporarily added two departments, the Research Department and the Inspection Department.

These two departments actually came from the Civilization Department. The Civilization Department contains too many things, and many departments can be divided into them later. Because there is no need to subdivide them in the early stage, they are hastily divided into three departments.

[Lin Shan, Lin Shan, the research on the elemental stone has produced results. ]

[I studied some celestial bodies in the Scale 6 Void Prison and the Scale 5 Void Prison, and found that the star cores of these celestial bodies have the same elements as the elemental stones, but they are not as refined as the elemental stones, and most of them are fire elements. In the star cores of stars, you can even find embryos that are exactly the same as the fire elemental stones. ]

Lin Shan reads the letter sent by Tushan Ajiu.

"Is that so..."

"Somewhat unexpected, but very reasonable."

[I extracted the elemental energy from the elemental stone as the energy to drive the original weapon. Guess what? ]

[The characteristics of the elemental stone drive can exert the same strength as the extraordinary drive. ]

[That is to say, as long as there are enough elemental stones, we can turn all the characteristics in stock into powerful weapons. ]

[Of course, to complete the automatic drive, we still need extremely complex scientific and technological rituals as an aid. We are not short of materials. Now as long as we can derive the ritual, we can turn all the existing unowned characteristics into our own combat power. ]

[Even, it can solve the current difficulties and resist the fire chase. Just think about it, an ordinary person can deal with the corresponding level of extraordinary with a weapon. Isn’t it terrifying! One-on-one may not be able to beat, but if it is formed into an army,? ]

Lin Shan read the contents of the letter.

He did not show much joy, but just replied: "Well done, keep working hard."

He thought Tushan Ajiu was too naive. Not to mention how many years the technical problems would be stuck, the number of elemental stones had already doomed her idea to fail.

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