Above the gray fog

Chapter 874 Ordinary Gods

Afterwards, Lin Shan gave Richardson, the current Minister of Civilization, a pep talk and asked him to pay more attention to Zhou Ping'an.

Richardson was the last qualitative change to join Youhuo. After Yunqi's death, he took over the Ministry of Civilization.

The original seven members of Youhuo have undergone a transformation, one has died, one has left, and now only five are left.

The one who died was Yun Qi. He was surrounded by Zhuhuo. He was unable to defeat the four hands with his fists. Da Kong was also destroyed. Afterwards, Lin Shan found the remains of Da Kong. There was only one crystal element left that could be used, but with Wan Wan's current strength. The clan infrastructure is not yet capable of restoring the sky. Lin Shan can only hope that the sky can be restored in the future.

The one who left was Tushan Ajiu. He was a direct descendant of the Fox clan. He came to Youhuo to monitor Youhuo and stayed in Youhuo. It was definitely unjustifiable.

These 50 years have been the most peaceful 50 years in human circles.

According to statistics, when humanoid creatures and non-humanoid creatures are added together, there are only 1,009 tribes left in the human circle. These 1,009 tribes all gather in a small circle to keep each other warm.

After the new promotion system appears in the human circle, no new races will cross over.

It seems to have formed a closed loop and opened a new era.

The Supreme Clan is still the 5th clan, but now we no longer talk about the Supreme Clan. The world only knows that Renli and Youhuo seldom talk about the Supreme Clan anymore. The predecessor of Renli is the Council, and Youhuo is still the same Youhuo. .

The only choice for these 1009 tribes is to join these two super forces. Each of the two super forces has its own advantages and disadvantages and divides the human circle into two.

Although they are divided into two parts of the world, the two have never had any disputes and even have various developmental connections.

At this time, the human circle is full of waste and waiting for improvement. No one wants to start another war. It is impossible to start a war and cannot afford it.

Not to mention war, we don't dare to have the slightest contradiction. We are afraid of fighting for nearly a thousand years of conquest.

Seeing that there was nothing to deal with, Lin Shan disappeared from the high-backed chair and came to the clouds.

There is a suspended pavilion here.

The door god and Xiang Feizhu are enjoying tea leisurely.

Seeing Lin Shan appear, the door god greeted him, "Come on, let's have a drink. This bamboo can only drink tea, it's too boring."

Lin Shan sat down unceremoniously. Over the years, he had become familiar with these two gods.

"Claide is a plant, how can you drink? Come, I'll drink with you." Lin Shan smiled and took out the old wine that had been stored for unknown years from the storage space. Clede is the real name of Xiang Feizhu, and the door god is called Ai. Wen Luo.

When the human race was prosperous, Lin Shan hoarded a lot of wine. After all, it was difficult to put it away, but the jar he took out today was somewhat special. It was the spiritual wine brewed by Li Shiyao.

Thinking of the spiritual wine brewed by Li Shiyao, he couldn't help but think of Diao Yin again. He wondered if this guy was still alive...

"What a good thing. I can smell the fragrance even before it's opened." Evan sniffed exaggeratedly.

Lin Shan smiled and said nothing, then took out two more glass wine cups and poured them for Evan, the door god.

The main reason why Youhuo was able to divide the circle of people equally with others was certainly not due to the extraordinary qualities of Lin Shan and Youhuo.

We still have to rely on the support of these two gods.

The Skeleton Clan headed by Evan and the Sichuan Clan headed by Clyde joining Youhuo are the two most critical votes.

Lin Shan once asked why they didn't choose to join the Human Council so that the human circle could be unified.

Their answer is that they do not want a second human circle arbitration body to appear in the human circle.

Now that there is no interference from the Zhifa Clan and no external enemies, the powerful clan will definitely suck the blood of the civilizations below to feed themselves.

The Human Circle Arbitration Institution is a failed organization. Its existence will only slow down the development of the Ten Thousand Clans. If there had not been the existence of the Human Circle Arbitration Institution, the Ten Thousand Clans might have flown out of the Human Circle by now.

It is not yet time for the human circle to be unified. Only with competition can we develop better.

"When do you think the human circle will be unified?" Lin Shan asked.

"When the extraordinary power is saturated."


The sound of clinking wine cups brought Lin Shan back to reality.

"What are you thinking about?" Evan took a sip and his eyes widened immediately, "Good wine, good wine! There is a lot of spirituality in it."

Lin Shan watched calmly. The god who was once aloof and didn't care about him was now his brother-in-law and praised his delicious wine.

The two have established an equal relationship to some extent.

Lin Shan discovered that once he reached a certain height, the people he looked up to at that height would lose their special aura.

High order naturally despises low order, only recognizes beings of the same level, and seriously, is even unwilling to talk to beings at a lower level of life. These are not the original intention, and may be called the nature of high order.

Lin Shan cannot escape this rule.

"Lin Shan, what's wrong? Are you worried about Chen Xi?" Clay continued to drink his tea and looked at Lin Shan and asked.

"Well, a little bit. The main thing is that I feel that life now is too peaceful and boring." Lin Shan said truthfully.

"It turns out it's because of this." Evan stretched out the wine cup and asked Lin Shanzai to fill it up for him. He said in a tone of experience, "It's a bit premature for you to feel like this now. Maybe your life rhythm before was relatively tight. You will get used to it when you reach a qualitative transformation or become a god."

"It's normal for Clay and I to sit opposite each other for decades. There's nothing we can do in this world. The only thing we can do is drink with a few friends, chat, and see the development of the tribe. You should have seen some of the strongest tribes confronting each other before. In fact, we old guys have a good relationship in private. We just don't want to care about the things below, and we are too lazy to care." Evan said in a vicissitudes of life tone, "Sometimes we have to find something to do to prove that we are still alive."

"All spirits want to become gods. After becoming gods, they just jump into another circle."

Lin Shan listened quietly. He felt this way now.

Holding half of the human circle, but there is nothing to be happy about.

"Don't worry too much about Chenxi's meeting with you. The mask I gave you, plus the Yi bow has been melted by you, He will definitely not be able to find your original identity." Clay said on the side.

"Well..." Lin Shan nodded.

His qualitative change has also been completed by three-fifths. ‘Ice Flame’ has already devoured ‘Ether’ and ‘Yi Bow’. As long as ‘Forget River’ and ‘Song of the Forest’ are melted, he can enter the qualitative change.

The ‘Flower in the Water’ potion has also been collected. One of the last three materials has been found. For the remaining two, Lin Shan used divination to obtain the position at the risk of backlash. He can still afford the position of two materials.

But now is obviously not the time for promotion. The human circle is in a period of great development. Lin Shan wants to distribute limited resources to the human race and give the human race an advantage. If he is not there, with the current strength of the human race, nothing can be eaten hot.

He plans to wait until the situation is completely stable before starting to promote.

The three of them sat opposite each other in the cloud, and they might not say a word for several hours.

Unknowingly, Chi Ri and Hong Yue have gone through several rounds of silent alternation.

One person and two gods don’t care at all.

Only Lin Shan would often check Youhuo’s system and deal with some trivial matters.

The two gods were motionless, like wooden stakes.

One day.

Lin Shan suddenly asked, "Where did the angels go? Did they all migrate?"

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