Above the gray fog

Chapter 875 Angel.

"Angel clan..." Lin Shan's question caught the two gods off guard.

In fact, they don't know where the angels are going.

"The angels built the Ark with us at the beginning, but they did not leave with the Ark fleet." Xiang Fei Zhu Kelide said slowly, "The angel race is too mysterious. The original human circle has been under their rule for a hundred thousand years. They were overthrown by the Fox Clan and the Night Clan just now. The people of this race cannot really die, or in other words, their lifespans are unusually long. Accordingly, it is difficult for them to have new people born. "

"The most likely possibility is that they are still hiding among people."

Evan also nodded, "Angels have a strange obsession with the human circle. I once talked with their holy angels. They have been wandering in the universe for a long time, looking for the human circle. Millions of years ago, they found the human circle. According to her, the location of the circle was just a wasteland at that time. About 170,000 years ago, all races began to travel to the gray fog. "

"What she kept saying...it was too late to travel through time. Anyway, they should know a lot, at least much more than us, the so-called strongest race, know."

"Hey." Evan drank the last bit of wine in the wine cup, "We are sorry for the angel clan."

"Why do you say that?" Lin Shan asked when he saw that there was a melon to eat.

"It's not a secret." Evan sighed.

"Most of the most powerful races in the human world came through time 100,000 years ago. Basically, every race has received favors from the angel race, and angels have defended us against foreign enemies several times."

"But when the child grows up, he wants to be the boss."

"We were all involved in that battle against angels. At that time, I was just a Sequence 8." At this point, Evan's eyes flashed with sadness, "Swinging the butcher's knife at the benefactor, this It’s a feeling I’ll never forget in my life.”

Lin Shan didn't know what to say. Doing this... wasn't a typical act of repaying kindness with hatred.

"You attacked the Angel Clan just because you wanted to be the boss? Is there no other reason?" Lin Shan asked.

"Yes." Clay interrupted and said in an extremely positive tone, "There are other reasons, but at that time, only Nujiao and Wu Gang became gods. Wu Gang, the previous generation, has died. We have asked many questions about Nujiao. This time, all I got was silence.”

"Come on, come on, keep drinking. Don't talk about this anymore, let's try the wine of our skeleton clan." Door God Evan took out a black wine can and said with a smile, "Wan clan is a group with some cultures that really reach the level of There is a striking similarity, as recorded in the old books, we were all one family in the past.”

Lin Shan saw that they didn't want to say more and didn't ask any more questions.

After experiencing the boring life of a god for half a month, Lin Shan decided to go back to the human race to have a look.

Calculating the time, there are about three months before Tushan Ranqi will come over to discuss the future development of the human circle.

As the boss of Youhuo, Lin Shan has every right to choose the location of Youhuo's base. The Land of Light is not far from the human race.

Lin Shan looked at the door god and said, "Help me open a door to the human race."

As soon as he finished speaking, a door appeared in the void next to him, and the other side of the door connected to the human race.

"Thank you." Lin Shan thanked him, stood up and walked through the door.

Human race.

Peaceful Town.

It was here that Lin Shan named Zhou Pingan, and the people who settled here named this place Pingan Town.

There are several towns next to Ping'an Town, and these towns surround Yongchang City, the only city in the human race.

That's right, the previous name is still used. Lin Shan did not participate in the name. Everything is handled by the surviving human race people.

Lin Shan walked on the not-so-busy street.

Most of the houses in the town use traditional wooden structures. The roofs are covered with blue-gray glazed tiles, just like a blue sky covering the houses. The exterior walls of the houses are built with red bricks, giving people a solid and heavy feeling. The doors and windows are carved with carvings. With exquisite patterns.

The streets are spacious and neat, paved with bluestone slabs. There are rows of shops on both sides of the streets, with unique eaves and cornice structures.

After this battle.

The Terrans slowed down.

It’s not that development has slowed down, but that the mind has slowed down.

The old technology is no longer so applicable under the new system.

Old Technology and Origin Technology, like the potion system, are a versatile system.

However, after in-depth research of the new promotion system by various races, it was found that alternative technologies can be derived through the new promotion system, and this alternative technology is more suitable for matching the new promotion system.

Temporarily named - Yuanchu Technology Professional Edition.

Just as the new promotion system relies on the potion system, the new technology system must rely on Yuanchu technology.

Whether to give up previous exploration and choose a new direction is a difficult choice.

Whether it is old technology or Yuanchu technology, there is a ready foundation, and even starships with ten times the speed of light have been developed.

But the newly discovered Yuanchu Technology Professional Edition is obviously more suitable for current development.

Each technology has its own infrastructure, and it will take hundreds of years to complete these infrastructures. At this stage, it is impossible to achieve common development in all three directions, and we can only choose one.

Lin Shan didn't have any good ideas now. In the long run, it would definitely be better to choose the professional version, but by doing so, he would give up his previous foundation in vain, and inexplicably felt that his previous development had been wasted.

Perhaps the only difference is that now they have a transcendent foundation, and there are no longer threats like fallen tribes and plant tribes.

Lin Shan walked forward like a normal resident, looking left and right.

The residents of the town lived in harmony, and people walking on the street were smiling and communicating with each other in a friendly manner.

Lin Shan watched quietly, as if time had frozen in this peaceful corner.

He didn't want to care about the current political system of the human race, and let it develop naturally.

After experiencing so much, Lin Shan has let go of many things. What division, unification, progress, and regression are just the normal historical process of a civilization.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the extraordinary who stand out.

Just like some extraordinary people have gone through hardships to be promoted, if a civilization wants to continue to progress and reach the top, these are all indispensable tempering.

If you regard each civilization as an extraordinary person who wants to reach the top, you will find that everything is just like this...

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