Above the gray fog

Chapter 925 Interception.

"Amike is one of the five main stars in the free jurisdiction. It is controlled by an organization called the 'Wuling Church'. It is not as chaotic as the edge planets, but the expenses here are not what we can afford." Delia saw a few He looked like he had never seen the world before, and while he was confused, he was still explaining patiently.

These people gave her a strange feeling. They looked like bad people, but after getting along with them, she found that they were not actually that bad. At least they were much better than the real bad people she had seen.

What Lin Shan and others care about is naturally not the gorgeous buildings on this planet, but the extraordinary things that can be seen everywhere.

The concentration of extraordinary people here has exceeded the level of the most powerful tribes in the human circle. One out of every two people is an extraordinary person, and the other person must be a genetic warrior or a modified person.

A smile appeared on Lao Wang's lips, "No wonder you can't see Chaofan on other planets. It turns out they are all gathered here."

Lin Shan nodded slightly, "It's normal. Birds of a feather flock together and people divide into groups. This is what all races in the human world do. I have never seen any race put extraordinary and ordinary people together. It not only affects order, but also Affects the normal lives of ordinary people.”

"In the general environment, extraordinary people cannot be with ordinary people, but in the small environment, there will definitely be ordinary people where extraordinary people live. Living with ordinary people is beneficial to extraordinary people. Although it is not good for ordinary people, it is All races can only achieve extraordinary things at the expense of ordinary people." Lao Wang said slowly, he still has insights in this aspect, mainly because he has seen a lot.

"This kind of place can definitely lift the curse on us. Let's find a place to land." Circe said happily, she finally no longer had to maintain the appearance of a fish.

However, before she could continue to be happy, rectangular starships quickly surrounded them, with bright red warning lights flashing continuously.

"You have been surrounded. Please put down your weapons and accept inspection."

These starships are all engraved with a unified pattern. A black figure is kneeling on the ground, praying towards a window.

Why are they stopping us? This didn't happen to me last time I was here. "Delia was so frightened by this formation that her face turned pale.

"How to fix it?" Lao Wang looked at Lin Shan.

"Perhaps our identity has been discovered." Lin Shan frowned, thought carefully, and then said, "Is there anything that can create chaos?"

"Create chaos..." Lao Wang began to rummage in his storage space and took out a palm-sized card, "This thing can definitely create chaos."

"Collapse foil?" Lin Shan was a little unsure. The human race had also made this thing, but the one in Lao Wang's hand was obviously more powerful.

"Yes, I forgot where I got it. There are more than a dozen in the storage space. If this doesn't work, I still have dozens of nuclear warheads..."

"The target of the nuclear warhead is too big, just use this. After a while we all enter the ring, you activate the 'collapse foil', and we take advantage of the chaos to escape." Lin Shan said.

At this moment, the fleet surrounding them seemed to be a little impatient. Soldiers wearing armor appeared from inside the starship and approached the starship where they were.

Seeing these armors, Lin Shan's pupils shrank and he immediately said: "One is not enough, activate a few more!"

Hearing this, Lao Wang took out all the inventory.

"Come in!" Lin Shan roared, and Lao Wang instantly activated all the 'Collapse Foils'.

‘Collapse Foil’ is a highly secretive energy weapon that creates huge destructive power by collapsing space.

Where the starship was originally, a strong light erupted. The light was like a sword cutting through the void, spreading quickly. It began to spread, covering thousands of kilometers in a radius like a giant net.

As the light spread, space began to distort, the void shrouded by the giant network began to collapse, all matter became unstable, the earth began to tremble, buildings began to collapse, and the starships still flying in the air fell apart.

"No! It's an old high-energy weapon! Hurry up! Turn on the quantum shield to protect the city!" Data flashed rapidly in the eyes of the leader's armor, and the results were analyzed immediately.

If the space collapse continues, the city below and several surrounding cities will be reduced to ruins, and the damage caused will be immeasurable.

The power of "Collapse Foil" becomes more and more apparent. It not only destroys the material on the surface, but also causes the space enveloped in the void to begin to distort. Time also seems to be distorted, and everything becomes chaotic.

Huge energy waves surged, sucking everything into it, mercilessly devouring everything, and screams and screams came from the city below. In the face of such terrifying power, they seemed as insignificant as ants.

Under the impact of the "Collapse Foil" space energy, the surrounding space completely collapsed, like the end of the world. Screams and loud noises continued. Huge cracks appeared on the surface of the originally bustling city, and terrifying energy swept everything.

Fortunately, there is an invisible shield that stretches from the edge of the city to protect the city. However, the shield is obviously a little slow in unfolding, and the city is now in a state of semi-ruins.

A looming illusory ring fell from the sky, fell into the ruins below, and got stuck between the ruins.

Several figures emerged from the ring, grabbed the ring and ran away.

Those who had surrounded them before had no intention of caring about them anymore. After coming into close contact with so many "collapsed foils", those below the fifth level of the sequence had already died in the aftermath.

Only the two leading men in black armor were left standing there.

Five people, one fish, one fox and one wolf, squeezed on the hovercraft and quickly disappeared from sight, leaving only a mess to prove that they had been here.

"So exciting!" Delia's face was full of smiles. This was a feeling she had never experienced before.

For some reason, she felt good.

"Exciting, right? This is nothing at all. There will be more exciting things later." Lao Wang laughed. Being with these young people made him feel a little young.

"Where is the doctor Yuan you know? Show me the way." Lin Shan's calm voice extinguished her fiery heart and made her realize that she was not a teammate of these people, but a hostage taken by these people to show them the way.

"Actually... I don't know where Doctor Yuan is. Last time, the factory director took me there directly..." Delia whispered, as if she was afraid that these evil villains in front of her would turn against her. She added, "Doctor Yuan is very famous in Anmei Star, and it should be easy to find him."

"Found it, Doctor Yuan." Josh Wright fiddled with the light screen in front of him, "You can find Doctor Yuan's clinic directly on the Internet, and the appointment has been scheduled for three years later."

"Go directly there." Lin Shan said, "Don't worry about the appointment first."

Just then, a series of strange-shaped aircraft appeared behind them, tilting their firepower without saying a word.

The black flame barrier rose to block the laser beams like a rain of fire, but the black flames were also blown out of waves.

"This time it's a bit powerful, but I can't defend for too long." Black Wolf said hoarsely.

Lin Shan looked into the distance and said, "Merge into the traffic."

"Okay." Josh Wright stepped on the accelerator hard, and the hovercraft quickly descended and merged into the normal traffic network.

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