Above the gray fog

Chapter 926: Bricks show their power

The vehicles that were still sailing normally on the network were like frightened birds when Lin Shan and others drove in and fled everywhere.

"Follow them, run to where there are more people." Lin Shan commanded.

Josh Wright chose a crowded place and joined their escape route to escape. This time, the pursuers did not pity their lives. The beams of light like raindrops attacked, and the surrounding vehicles exploded one after another.

"Deformed!" Sersi had been observing the situation behind, and at a certain moment, she suddenly exclaimed.

Lin Shan turned his head and saw that a dozen meters high black and gold mechas were rushing towards them.

These mechas held giant swords burning with green flames, carried a thick missile head behind them, and had dense gun barrels embedded in their arms.

The fox jumped from Lin Shan's shoulder to the back of the seat, and took out a gray-white bow and arrow from somewhere. The bowstring was pulled open, and fragments of history poured into the arrows.

There was no sound. When the arrow was shot, the mecha flying in the front had been hit by the arrow. There was no fault on the outside of the mecha, but it fell straight down.

The first mecha fell, and the mechas behind did not stop at all. The warheads on their backs were fired at the same time, attacking from different directions.

"Boom boom boom!!"

With the speed of the airborne vehicle, there was no way to avoid it. All the warheads hit, but everyone was not hurt, even the black wolf's barrier was intact.

At a certain moment.

"Bang!!" A loud noise.

The airborne vehicle seemed to hit an alloy steel plate, the front of the car was directly scrapped, and the length of the whole car was reduced by half.

Fortunately, Josh Wright used his arms to support a certain space, so that several people were not squeezed flat.

The sudden accident made Delia and Haonan scream again and again. Delia was still in shock, "Here... How could there be a wall here?"

"I must be dreaming..." Haonan muttered to himself, God knows what he went through.

Lin Shan and Lao Wang looked at each other, and both saw something was wrong in each other's eyes.

The appearance of this wall must be related to the missiles that just arrived.

A total of nine black mechas have surrounded them.

Fox pulled the bowstring, and the black and white arrows gathered. This time the arrows were blocked by a light blue shield.

The back cover of one of the mechas opened, and a young man who looked young walked out and said, "We are the old fire from the human circle. We have no ill intentions. Master Ling wants to see you. Please come with me..."

"Who is your Master Ling?" Lao Wang asked, "Is there anyone who invites people in this way?"

"Our Master Ling... uh..." He fell straight down before he finished speaking.

Fox put the longbow beside him, "Let someone else talk, I don't like him."

Another mecha opened its back cover, and a beautiful blonde woman came down.

Before she could speak, the gray-white arrow had already pierced her chest.

Ignoring the falling woman, Fox continued, "Change to a man."

"Damn it." A fierce shout came from the mecha.

A large net fell from the sky, as if to cover everyone.

"Xiaozhuzhu, come out and save me." Lao Wang took out the sequence 5 weirdness he had used before.

"Why are you so troublesome every day?" A hoarse female voice came from the transparent bead.

Black Wolf had already taken the initiative, and the black flame burned the large net that was thrown down.

"Hmph." The transparent bead snorted coldly and went directly into Lao Wang's trouser pocket without making any sound.

"Hey, don't, at least help me." Lao Wang took it out of his trouser pocket again, but no matter how he fiddled with it, the transparent bead did not react at all.

"Catch them alive!" The remaining seven mechas reached a consensus and approached from different directions.

The malice emanating from these mechas made Lin Shan frown.

The previous operation of Jiuqi was instructed by Lin Shan. He believed in his sixth sense. It was definitely not a good thing for these people to find them.

Although the characteristics cannot be used, some things have almost become talents. When these people appeared, his sixth sense told him that these people had bad intentions.

Seeing the seven huge black shadows approaching, Lin Shan put all the non-combat power into the Zhulong Ring to avoid being in the way.

Black Wolf rushed out and directly stopped two mechas.

The transparent beads in Lao Wang's hand flickered, and a hoarse voice sounded, "Help me find a body and I will help you."

"Okay, okay, I'll help you, and I'll help you find a body as soon as I recover." Lao Wang agreed repeatedly.

Finally, I know where the problem is. It turned out that Black Wolf caused the trouble.

The transparent beads turned into a white light and rushed out, stopping a mecha.

The comprehensive strength of these mechas is not weaker than Sequence 5, but it is still a long way behind the weird. In just a few seconds, Black Wolf can still suppress the two, but the technological power is too fancy, and Black Wolf also seems to be struggling.

"There are four more, Lao Wang and I will each have two, Jiuqi, come to me, and Cersei, you go into the ring first." Lin Shan said quickly.

Cersei nodded, she understood that she could not provide combat power now.

"You create some chaos, don't let them find me." Lin Shan reminded, holding the wheel of war and disappearing directly from reality, shuttled to the world one second ago.

Lin Shan disappeared, and the remaining four mechas could only rush to Lao Wang first.

Lao Wang sneered, and a nearly 100-meter-long giant nuclear warhead appeared beside him. Even if he only had the strength of Sequence 9, he would not be afraid.



In the sky, a blazing mushroom cloud rose, and the cloud spread like a flame.

The shock wave of the explosion swept everything, the ground trembled, houses, trees, and roads were destroyed in an instant, and the huge impact force pushed everything forward, forming a ruin.

In less than an hour, because of their arrival, two prosperous cities on Anmei Star became ruins, and countless lives were killed.

The blazing flames illuminated the distant horizon, as if the world was set on fire. In the flames, the citizens of the next city could see the horrific scene caused by the nuclear explosion.

Lin Shan shuttled through the timeline and avoided the nuclear explosion.

In order to save energy, Lin Shan only pushed time forward one second. These mechas all mastered the power of time and could easily find him, but they were obviously confused by Lao Wang's trick.

His world was frozen, and time would not pass. If the power of the wheel of time was enough, he could stay at this time point forever. Of course, this was impossible.

Lin Shan quickly walked to the four mechas, and Fox tried to shoot the frozen mechas with a bow and arrow, but saw no effect.

Seeing that the fox's attack was ineffective, Lin Shan gave up the idea of ​​hitting with the Wheel of Time, and instead took out a black brick and gently hit the legs of the four mechas.

Lin Shan gathered the power of the Wheel of Time, and in reality, the four mechas lay on the ground and died.

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