Above the gray fog

Chapter 927 Surrender

"What's going on? All systems are running normally, why can't the mecha be controlled?" A man roared angrily in the mecha's shared channel.

"Four mechas have the same problem, they must have tampered with it!"

"They want to run, don't let them escape." Another roar came from the channel, "Long-range weapon fire coverage, forget about the city, the master said these people can't die easily, don't worry about hitting them too hard."

"It's okay, they definitely can't break the dimensional restraint field."

"Don't be too happy. We can't move now. Just to be sure, call for support quickly. These extraordinary abilities are too weird, so it's better to leave them to the extraordinary ones."

"What we can't solve...who else can we call for support?"

"That team."

"... Let's report it directly to the Ling Master. He will mobilize us. If we go and speak up, we will inevitably be ridiculed again."

On the other side, Lin Shan and Lao Wang had already run to the edge of the barrier.

"This thing is so strong that even Sequence 5 might not be able to break it." Lin Shan knocked on the barrier.

"When I just detonated the nuclear bomb, I seemed to see the energy of the nuclear bomb escaping. Could this thing... not be able to block the energy?" Lao Wang guessed, touching his chin.

Lin Shan looked into the distance, and the once prosperous city turned into a burnt wasteland, "You will know if you try using 'Netherworld'."

Lao Wang's body became transparent and he hit the barrier. His face was squashed by the barrier, but his body didn't get through.

"Hahahahahaha, these savages from the human circle don't even have this knowledge. The dimensional restraint field exports energy to prevent the restraint field from being blown up. This is a self-protection measure, not a failure to block the energy. "A mocking voice came from behind.

The effect of hitting the bricks once is only 30 seconds, after which time they will recover.

The dark mecha, which was more than ten meters high, was approaching them, bringing an indescribable sense of oppression.

A faint golden light condensed in Lin Shan's hands.

Lao Wang stretched out his hand to hold Lin Shan's arm and shook his head slowly, "It's not worth dealing with these guys."

"There is no other way now. It should be fine if we just deal with them." Lin Shan said, about to mobilize the sealed spirituality in his body.

Lao Wang did not stop him anymore, but quickly rummaged through the storage space for useful items, but there was nothing that could deal with four iron lumps comparable to Sequence 5 at once. Even if all the nuclear bombs were detonated, there was no way. Blow them up. Except for the large weapons equipped on the starships, there are no technological weapons in the human circle that can cause fatal damage to Sequence 5. The human circle does not have any, so Lao Wang naturally has no inventory.

Lin Shan's face gradually turned pale, his body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a golden spear condensed in his hand.

Those mechas seemed to sense the danger and retreated crazily. While retreating, they did not forget to pour out firepower.

Lao Wang took out the Sequence 6 magic object, the black baseball bat, and activated the supernatural beings in it to block these attacks.

Lin Shan threw hard.

A golden light flashed, turning back twice on the way, stringing three mechas together and nailing them to the barrier.

"Ka, ka ka ka~"

Centered on the position where the spear was inserted, the cracks spread rapidly. Not long after, there was only a 'bang' sound, and the barrier was torn apart.

Lin Shan could no longer maintain normal consciousness at this moment, and his body had shrunk to the size of a three-year-old child.

At this time, he couldn't care about so much. Lao Wang took out the starship in the human circle and planned to take Lin Shan away.

The two strange objects are just objects, and no one will have trouble with them.

Just as Lao Wang was stuffing Lin Shan into the starship, six streams of light fell from the sky and landed dozens of meters in front of him.

The appearance of these six people took Lao Wang's breath away.

"This feeling really hasn't happened for a long time." Lao Wang looked at the six people not far away and muttered to himself.

Each of these six new people has the ability to make a qualitative change.

Two black people, the four people underneath them are white, yellow, green and blue, all the skin colors of the federal races.

Standing at the front was a short black man who looked like the leader of these people.

The short black man did not pay attention to Lao Wang immediately, but looked at the mecha with a large hole in his chest that was strung together. His voice was very calm, and he didn't know who he was talking to.

"Technological power can only be an auxiliary. I don't know how much it will cost to repair this time. I really don't understand why Master Ling is putting so much effort into building these mechas... It would be better to spend this money to cultivate some extraordinary, even 5D-level genes." Soldiers are worse than these scraps of metal."

"Crack~" There was a loud noise from those mechas, and three figures were ejected from behind the mechas.

They all looked miserable, some had holes in their chests, and some had broken arms and legs, but at least they were all still alive. The strength of these people was all Sequence 7, but driving this kind of mecha could rival Sequence 5.

"Bah." A green-skinned woman spit out a mouthful of blood and said disdainfully: "Do you know why Master Ling attaches so much importance to technology? Master Ling's wisdom is not something you can understand, and technology is not as narrow-minded as you think."

Hearing the words of the green-skinned woman, the little black man felt a surge of spirituality in his hands. He seemed to be afraid of something, but he still couldn't make a move. He said coldly, "You are useless, get out of here, without those pieces of junk." Copper and rotten iron, the aftermath of the fight will shock you to death."

Seeing the short black man's intention to take action, the green-skinned woman was not afraid at all. Even though she was trembling all over because of his aura, her eyes did not show any sign of surrender. When she heard the short black man's words, she snorted coldly.

"Let's go first."

Old Wang didn't care about the love-hate relationship between these people. They were now anxious like ants on a hot pot.

Suddenly, six qualitative changes came. Not to mention now, even in their heyday, he and Lin Shan could not defeat them together...

The most important thing is that Lin Shan is now like a dementia. With this body, he is fighting six people alone, and his winning rate is zero. At the level of qualitative change, Old Wang has seen the top sequence match only one against three, and there has never been an example of one against six.

Lao Wang searched in the storage space and found a triangular white flag and raised it above his head, shouting: "Stop fighting, stop fighting... We surrender, it's all a misunderstanding. Didn't your Lord Ling invite us over for tea? Let's go now."

The six people were not surprised by Lao Wang's reaction. With such a big gap, anyone who is not mentally ill would not choose to fight head-on.

The short black man said lightly, "Don't play tricks, just follow us."

"Are those two weird things over there your companions? Tell them to stop. Any mecha is worth a lot of money. If they are damaged, you can't afford to pay for it."

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