Above the gray fog

Chapter 935 Spirit Armor

The expression of the young man of the Yuan clan changed rapidly.

If he handed these people over, he might be appreciated by the Lord Ling, and it would be easier for him to do things in Virgo in the future.

If he didn't hand them over, these people would know the information of the Yuan clan, and he might be able to find the Yuan clan again through them.

Of course, both are "possible" rather than "certain".

He couldn't believe everything the old man and the baby said, but he had to say that he was really tempted.

Becoming a god was just a luxury. As long as these people were not discovered by the Lord Ling, it was equivalent to nothing happening, and he might still get the information of the Yuan clan.

As for the fact that these people would directly refuse to pay after recovery, or there would be other changes, he was not very worried about this.

He was a doctor, and as long as he was a little careful during the treatment process, he would not be played by the patients.

"I promised you, but I didn't lie to you just now. If you want to completely remove the curse on you, I'm afraid only the gods who have the power of healing can do it. What I can do is to help you suppress it. As long as you don't overdraw your spirituality, the curse will not spread again. Even if it spreads accidentally, you can find me again." After thinking for a long time, the young man of the Yuan clan spoke again and said this to everyone.

Can't completely remove it?

Want to find him again after the curse spreads?

Several people looked at each other and exchanged glances.

It sounded like the doctor in front of them was deliberately restricting them.

"Okay, no problem." After exchanging glances again, Lin Shan nodded and agreed.

Regardless of whether the other party is playing tricks, lift the curse first.

Can't overdraw spirituality, that is, you can play your strength normally.

At worst, they will change doctors to continue treatment after their strength is restored.

"Okay." Doctor Yuan nodded slightly, "My name is Yong Yuan, I wish us a pleasant cooperation."

"But I have to remind you that you are now wanted by Lord Ling, and you must listen to me during the treatment. The Wuling Church is an organization that existed before the establishment of the Federation, and it is not as simple as it seems on the surface." The young man of the Yuan clan named Yong Yuan reminded seriously.

Several people briefly introduced themselves.

"Lin Shan."

"Lao Wang."


"This is Jiu Qi."

"I'm glad to meet four of you who are also Fire Seeds in Virgo. The unique aura of the old days on you is not well concealed. It's just a simple gauze to cover it up. It's easy to be exposed when you meet a supernatural who has mastered spiritual abilities. It would be better if you could use the spiritual armor of the Federation... Wait a minute, I'll find something." Yong Yuan reached behind Qing Chi and fumbled for a while, and took out four amulet-like objects, "You take this with you."

"What is this?"

"What is the spiritual armor of the Federation?"

Lao Wang and Lin Shan asked in unison. Lao Wang asked about the amulet, while Lin Shan was more curious about the spiritual armor mentioned by Yong Yuan.

When he fought with the supernatural of the Dawn Federation, he saw with his own eyes that the supernatural of the Federation could condense thick armor on his body. At that time, he was short-sighted and thought it was an advanced application of the spiritual gauze, but he didn't expect that even the strongest tribe didn't master this so-called advanced application.

Although he thought of this later, he did not delve into it. When Yong Yuan mentioned the spiritual armor today, Lin Shan immediately recalled his previous doubts.

"This is a spiritual tool that can cover up your old aura." Yong Yuan took out a few objects and distributed them to everyone.

Spiritual tool, another new word.

Yong Yuan understood the meaning from their expressions and explained again, "Remember that the wanted notice said that you are from the human circle. I have been to the human circle. During the war, I was a military doctor with the army. Spiritual tools are what the human circle often calls spiritual weapons or spiritual props, but spiritual tools have a wider range. Props involving any power are called spiritual tools. This should be the official name of the Gray Mist Universe."

Lin Shan nodded slightly. Spiritual tools are what the human circle calls spiritual objects, but they are more inclusive than spiritual objects. The so-called spiritual objects in the human circle must use spirituality as a power carrier. The spiritual tools here can add other powers except spirituality.

The amulet in front of him has a power that he does not understand.

"Spirit Armor is a unique power of the Federation. The right to teach it is in the hands of the Federation military. As long as you join the army and sign a basic treaty with the Federation, you can be taught how to use Spirit Armor. In essence, Spirit Armor can be said to be an enhanced version of Spirit Gauze Clothes. It is not a characteristic ability, nor is it a method of using spirituality, but a kind of knowledge inheritance. It is impossible to learn it by exploring it yourself. Even the person who is taught has no way to pass on Spirit Armor to others. For the person who is taught, the use of Spirit Armor is an instinct. If you know it, you know it. You don't know where to start teaching. Only the Federation military who has mastered the root of Spirit Armor can take the initiative to teach it to others. Because of the knowledge of Spirit Armor, the strength of the Federation's army has increased by at least 30%."

Not ability...but knowledge?

Old Wang, Lin Shan, and Sesi looked at each other. They seemed to have similar knowledge.

Just relying on one piece of knowledge can make the overall strength of a civilization like the Federation rise by three levels. It sounds a little unbelievable, but Yongyuan has no need to lie to them.

Can the knowledge they have mastered finally play such an effect? ​​Several people imagined in their hearts, and for a time, they attached more importance to the knowledge they had gained in the Shenting Library.

"Come with me." Yong Yuan walked to the side of the room. When he approached, a door on the side opened automatically, and a platform with a starship came into view.

"If you get treated here at the group, you will be too obvious. I will take you to another place." Yong Yuan walked to a starship that looked like a flying bird, entered the cockpit, and the five people behind him entered the cabin.

Rather than a starship, it is more like a fighter.

The fighter that looks like a starship dived into the sky and disappeared as soon as it broke through the atmosphere.

Four days later.

"This is the free jurisdiction - West VVI4 planet." Yong Yuan explained, "Anmei is the territory of Lord Ling. If you stay there, you will be discovered sooner or later. There is a branch of the White Umbrella Medical Group here. If you want to remove the curse on you, it is definitely not enough to rely on my power alone. You must use the advanced medical equipment of the Federation."

"You are a doctor, you can arrange it." Lin Shan nodded slightly.

Yong Yuan was stunned. Why didn't he see such a sincere attitude just now.

The starship landed quickly and landed on the platform of a building that reached the sky.

"Come with me." Yong Yuan entered the building from the side with ease. There was no obstruction along the way. Ninety percent of the staff he saw were robots.

"You don't need treatment, wait here." Yong Yuan looked at Josh Wright.

"Okay, okay." Josh Wright responded repeatedly. This was like a pardon for him.

Following this group of people, the pressure on him was too great. He had never been so nervous in his life.

Back then, he was also a bully on Edith Star. He was also a figure, and all the bosses gave him face.

Since following these weirdos, he realized that he was a frog in the well. He was complacent and nothing in the eyes of others.

The people he met were all big shots who could easily crush him. He was lucky to be alive until now.

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