Above the gray fog

Chapter 936: Inexplicable Smile

Josh Wright was waiting outside, and Lin Shan and the other four followed Yong Yuan into a very ordinary room.

There are white walls on all sides and only one table.

It can be seen that the man from the Yuan tribe in front of him likes the minimalist style very much.

"Tell me briefly about your treatment plan."

"First use the latest federal equipment to extract the curse that has spread from your body, and then use my ability to seal the root of the curse. Don't worry, my seal is very stable. As long as you don't overdraw your spirituality, it is impossible to be broken by the curse. If you have In the future, we can find someone to completely remove the root of the curse."

"I only lift the curse for two people. I have to choose these two people. I have to choose the person based on the degree of the curse. If the curse erodes too deeply, it will be more difficult for me to seal the root of the curse, and it will be easier to break through. "

Yong Yuan said the last sentence very seriously, with a tone that could not be refuted.

"So, who do you want to choose?" Lin Shan asked.

"I don't know either. I must first explore the extent of the curse on you and lie down on this." Yongyuan did not see any action. The white wall on the side automatically unfolded, and a cylindrical alloy bed appeared.

Lin Shan lay down on it first, feeling a bit like taking a film at the Earth Hospital.

A minute later, Lin Shan felt nothing.

"Okay, come down, it's a bit serious." Yong Yuan said with a solemn expression and disappeared.

Lao Wang, Sersi, and the other two entered one after another.

Yong Yuan's face became increasingly ugly, "What have you provoked? The curse has invaded the true spirit. If it goes deeper, even the source material will be corroded."


Jiuqi jumped onto the cylindrical bed with elegant steps.


"The body of a god?"


Yong Yuan's expression changed rapidly, from shock to disbelief.

"Are you a god?"

Yongyuan looked complicated.

He had always wanted to become a god, but he never thought that one day a god would come to him for treatment.

"Jiuqi's body is the body of a god, but it does not have authority." Lin Shan explained.

"Doesn't the body of a god have authority..." Yong Yuan's complicated expression softened slightly after hearing Lin Shan's explanation.

"It should be quite difficult to give birth to this kind of existence." Yong Yuan muttered and continued to check the values. The more he looked at the values, the more relaxed he became. "Although it is judged to be the body of a god, it is still very different from the real god. The difference is that if you don’t rely on the sequence ability, this body alone should have the ability to qualitatively break the second ban. Because of the special physique, there is the possibility of hurting the gods. "

Yong Yuan compared the data of the four people, and after muttering to himself for a while, he looked at the four people and said, "Lin Shan and Jiu Qi, I can only treat you two first."

"Lin Shan's curse is the most superficial among all of you. There is a strange power in the curse that is decomposing the curse, but now this power has been exhausted. Because of the existence of this unknown power, the curse in Lin Shan's body and Circe Lao Wang's is obviously much less. The reason why it seems serious is that there is not much difference between having a little of this curse and having a lot of it. "

"Because Jiuqi is a divine body, his resistance is much stronger."

"Treat these two people first, do you have any objections?" Yong Yuan asked.

"No objection." Circe shook her head.

"No objection, let's get started." Lao Wang urged. After getting along with Lin Shan for so long, he was assured of Lin Shan's character. Although he was a sixth-form man, he was also a trustworthy person to his friends.

"Okay, let's start now. There is only one instrument for extracting the curse. You two have to go in separately. Who comes first?" Yong Yuan asked.

"Ouch..." the fox barked, signaling for her to come first.

"I'll do it." Lin Shan took a step forward. He understood what Jiu Qi meant. She didn't fully trust the doctor in front of her. She wanted to try it first.

Lin Shan naturally couldn't trust someone easily, and divination couldn't be used. He had already spent ten years of his life asking about the parchment in advance.

It was impossible for him to hand over his life to a stranger so easily. Only after receiving the confirmation from the parchment, Lin Shan dared to be so casual.

Lin Shan: "Can this person be trusted?"

Parchment: "Please pay for ten years of life."

Lin Shan: "Pay."

Parchment: "The future cannot be determined. The parchment can only tell you that the doctor in front of you has the ability to seal the curse. The parchment is not responsible for what will happen after the curse is sealed. If you can pay for 5,000 years of life, the great parchment can Deducing your destiny based on existing history.”

A new room appeared opposite the room where the examination was done. The new room was very strange and filled with various sophisticated instruments.

"Walking into the light pillar, based on the intensity and amount of the curse in your body, it will take about three months to extract all the spread curse." Yong Yuan looked at the others, "To be on the safe side, these three months Don't go out either. If the Wu Ling Church finds out, we will be dead."

"Okay, we'll wait here." Lao Wang nodded slightly, looking at Lin Shan suspended in the light beam, and there were strands of black threads being led out by another inexplicable force.

"It costs 10 million credits to turn this machine on once, not counting the consumption." Yong Yuan stood outside the room, looked at the numbers on the transparent glass, and said it intentionally or unintentionally.

"Isn't it just money? Don't worry, when you cure us all, the amount of money is just a number. We will do it for you." Lao Wang said with a smile.

Yong Yuan was speechless. He didn't know how to respond to Lao Wang's bandit-like words.

Three months passed quickly.

Lin Shan in the light column had basically returned to his original size at this moment.

Lao Wang and others leaned against the wall and closed their eyes to take a nap.

"Have you recovered?" Hearing the movement, Lao Wang opened his eyes and looked at Lin Shan, and found that Lin Shan had walked out of the light column.

"Almost, but the curse is still there, and it is still spreading, but the speed is very slow." Lin Shan said, feeling the state of his body.

"Because the source of the curse is still there, I will help you seal it now. Soon, after the seal, the curse will not spread." Yong Yuan came out of another room at the right time.

He flashed behind Lin Shan and pressed his palm on Lin Shan's back.

A complex ritual formation rose under the feet of the two people, and strands of spiritual threads rose from the ground and drilled into Lin Shan's body.

The whole process lasted for two hours.

Yong Yuan's face was no longer bloody. The overdrawn spirituality caused him to fall directly to the ground without supporting his body.

He looked at Lin Shan and smiled, a smile that was inexplicably strange.

Lin Shan had a bad feeling in his heart.

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