Above the gray fog

Chapter 946 Creation Sand Table

"Scarecrow? What scarecrow?" The ant creature looked at Lin Shan and made a childlike voice.

"The scarecrow over there." Lin Shan pointed to the scarecrow's location.

"Isn't that the scarecrow that swept Eden Square? Did it talk to you?" the pink-skinned man asked curiously.

"Isn't it a newbie mentor?" Lin Shan asked back.

"Huh?" The ant creature opened its mouth wide, revealing two big black teeth that kept vibrating. "Is it wrong? This scarecrow is only responsible for the hygiene of this square."

"I don't know. Anyway, it said it was a newbie mentor, and it taught me a lot."

"It's really strange. Normally, if we get too close, we're bound to get beaten up, but it actually talks to you... and says it's your novice mentor..." The pink-skinned girl opened her eyes wide and looked at Lin Shan. , and looked at the motionless scarecrow on the other side.

"Perhaps you are lucky enough to encounter it when it has a good temper." The ant creature shook its head, not wanting to dwell on this matter anymore, "Didn't you say you had a question to ask us? What question?"

"Questions about civilized games." Lin Shan said.

"The Scarecrow asked you to ask about the Civilization Game?" The ant creature's eyes lit up when he heard Lin Shan's words, and he directly attracted him, "Come to our Loyalty Alliance, our Loyalty Alliance is very friendly to newcomers."

Lin Shan was silent for a few seconds before saying, "I need to know what the Civilization Game is first."

"Come on, come on, sit here." The ant creature became very enthusiastic and invited Lin Shan to sit down and spoke slowly.

It can be seen that the ant creatures are the leaders of these people.

Seeing Lin Shan sit down, the ant creature began to talk:

"The Civilization Game is actually a spontaneous game played by many members of the Garden of Eden. They apply for a special contract from the Order in the name of the Garden of Eden to complete the operation of the game."

"Those of us create life, race, and even civilization. Creating these things does not help our own strength. Many people who have knowledge of life no longer take this ability to heart."

"At this time, the Civilization Game came into being. The Civilization Game has been running for tens of millions of years. The initiator cannot be traced back. However, it solves the problem that we creators cannot improve our strength, although it is not a complete solution."

"Civilization game is a game in which two people or two groups of people fight with their own creations. The victorious party can obtain all the essence of the war. All the essence of the dead creatures on one's own side and the dead creatures of the other side belong to the winner. All in all, the obtained essence does not contain any resentment and can be used to enhance strength or continue to enhance the power of civilization."

"Civilization games can not only use the essence to enhance the strength of the creator, but also promote the progress of the civilizations of both sides. In short, there are a lot of benefits and almost no disadvantages."

"Ahem." The snake man finally spoke at this time, "Let me make it clear. The disadvantage is that if you lose, not only will you get nothing, but civilization may also start again."

"This situation is unlikely." The ant creature shook its head, but did not say why it was unlikely.

Lin Shan was shocked after hearing a few words. He had seen self-produced and self-sold products, but he had never seen this kind of self-produced and self-sold products.

First create the essence, and then consume the essence you created. The most important thing is that there will be no resentment.

But when he thought about it carefully, Lin Shan found that it was unreasonable.

When he reaches this stage, it is not that simple to improve again. It cannot be achieved by thousands of people with their essence.

He has never used the essence, but if he wants to improve, he will need the essence of hundreds of millions of ordinary creatures, or even more.

If you have any doubts, given Lin Shan’s character, you will definitely ask them directly.

"It doesn't take that much. Millions of source materials without resentment can have an effect on us. It is normal for tens of millions of creatures to die in a civilized war." The ant creature said casually.

"But I can only create two creatures at a time, and their lifespan is only seven days. I don't know how long it will take for them to give birth to thousands of offspring..."

In response, the ant creature shook its head and showed a stunned expression, "Did you try to create life yourself? In addition to this seven-day lifespan species, you should have created other species, otherwise, the Scarecrow will definitely not recommend you one. Newcomers to the Civilization Game.”

"That's right." Lin Shan nodded calmly.

"It's amazing. A newcomer can actually create his own species." The pink-skinned woman looked at Lin Shan. Talented people are always more attractive to the opposite sex.

These words made Lin Shan even more confused. Aren't they the creators? If you don’t create your own, why should you steal other people’s?

Seeing the confusion in Lin Shan's eyes, the ant creature explained, "We... or most of the Eden members don't know how to create species on their own. Eden has countless ready-made species genes. We can just spend our points to buy them. It’s actually not that difficult to create a civilization. Some species are very fertile and can breed millions in just a few years.”

"These are the rules of a civilized game. Take a look for yourself." The ant creature took out a green-skinned book and handed it to Lin Shan, and then said: "If you want to see it, we will have a big battle in a few days. You can take your creations with you, but of course, you won’t be allowed to participate in the battle, just watch from the side.”

Lin Shan opened the thin book. It had the texture of a book on the outside but an electronic screen on the inside.

From what the ant creature just said, he has already become interested in this so-called civilized game.

Lin Shan took a general look and found that the notebook was very detailed.

The lowest level of players in the Civilization game is Sequence 5, because the life created by the Creator will be five levels lower than itself. If you do not reach Sequence 5, you can only create some flowers, plants and trees.

In the Civilization game, there are also players at the level of gods, but the number is very rare. Creations at the level of gods can give birth to players of Sequence 9 and Sequence 5, and they are not in the same battlefield.

The Civilization game does not limit the size of the creation, and the size of the creation does not affect the quality of the source.

Although there is no limit on the size, there is a limit on the world where the creation is located. Only creations living on the "creation sandbox" can be pulled into the Civilization game.

When not playing the Civilization game, the creation sandbox is the world where these creations live. The creation sandbox can naturally generate materials. Once the creation uses any materials from the outside world, it will be kicked out of the Civilization game.

When playing the Civilization game, the creation sandbox is equivalent to a connector. Two sandboxes are connected together to fight a war.

Creation sandboxes are divided into size and grade. A good creation sandbox is not only larger in area, but also can generate more resources, even rare resources.

The only way to obtain the Creation Sandbox is to use points to redeem it, and it is also the only way to earn money.

After reading the rules in one breath, Lin Shan's eyes were full of strong interest.

This is a real game, and you can improve your strength if you win...

Lin Shan returned the thin book to the ant creature, "I don't have a Creation Sandbox and no points, can I participate?"

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