Above the gray fog

Chapter 947 Time Sand Table

The ant creature looked at the motionless scarecrow, then looked at Lin Shan. After a few seconds, he seemed to have made up his mind and said, "I can lend you 0.1 points first, and you can buy a basic creation sandbox." , you will return it to me after you earn points, but the premise is...you must join our loyalty alliance."

"No problem." Lin Shan nodded in agreement without thinking.

The so-called alliance is the gang in the game, and he just needs someone to guide him now.

"The leader is so arrogant. I borrowed 0.1 points just for asking." The ant creature's behavior of spending a lot of money finally made the pink-skinned woman take her eyes away from Lin Shan.

"Allies should help each other." The ant creature waved his hand, and something in the shape of a green coin appeared on his fingertips.

The green coin features a large tree.

"Brother, here you go." The ant creature threw the coin to Lin Shan.

When Lin Shan just wanted to catch it, the coin slipped into his body.

"Look at your points balance." The ant creature reminded.

"What do you think?" Lin Shan asked.

"Just call up the Eden system."

"I don't have that."

The ant creature's eyes opened slightly, "Nothing?"

"As for the Eden system you mentioned, the scarecrow over there said that I can't really join the Garden of Eden and can only move around in this square."

Ant creature: "..."

The other three people looked at the ant creature with sympathy in their eyes.

If you can't truly join Eden, you won't be able to complete Eden's missions, and you may not be able to get back the huge sum of 0.1 points.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" The ant creature pushed the faces of the three people away with his hands, "Since this brother has chosen to join our Loyalty Alliance, he is one of our own, not to mention 0.1 points, even 1 point, I You can also send it.”

"Um... Alliance Leader, I am one of my own, can you give me a gift..." The pink-skinned man looked pitifully at the ant creature.



"Brother, I can't ask you more about the specific reason. If you want to see the civilized game, come back to Eden Square in four days when the sun rises above your head."

Although he didn't care on the surface, the pain on his face could not be concealed.

"Okay." Lin Shan responded and watched as the four people turned into a beam of light and disappeared from the place.

With a huge sum of 0.1 points, Lin Shan walked up to the scarecrow again.

The Scarecrow ignored Lin Shan's arrival.

Until Lin Shan said, "I want to buy the most basic creation sandbox."

"Who are you talking about?"

The scarecrow shook his body, turned around, and stared at Lin Shan, as if he really didn't know Lin Shan.

"...Didn't you just say you were my novice mentor?"

"Oh, it turns out to be you. Sorry, I've been a little forgetful lately."

"I got the points so quickly." The scarecrow's eyes embedded in the dead grass blinked and regained their vigor.

"Well, I want to buy a basic creation sandbox." Lin Shan repeated what he just said.

Taking the green coin tossed by Lin Shan, the scarecrow took out three sand trays and placed them in front of him.

"These three most basic sandbox worlds can contain everything in the real world, except for the extraordinary." The Scarecrow pushed the first green sandbox in front of Lin Shan, "The life sandbox can extend the life of creation. It is the most important thing. Its function is to extend the life of a single creation. If an elite appears in your creation and its lifespan is about to expire, the ability attached to the life sandbox is the best way to extend its life. "

The Scarecrow pushed the second white sand table in front of Lin Shanshang, "The second basic sand table is the time sand table. The ratio of the time in the sand table to the time outside is 10:1, and it can be adjusted. There is nothing to say about this one. It is basically It’s so versatile.”

"The last basic sandbox, the celestial sandbox, is specially provided for civilization games. You can change the celestial climate at will in one game." The scarecrow patted the last purple sandbox.

"The Creation Sandbox is a material exclusively provided by the Garden of Eden. No other force can obtain this thing. The Creation Sandbox is not provided for civilized games. The two are not on the same level. Games are always games, and the role of the Sandbox is in life. The field is crucial.”

"Each sandbox is a small world, a god-level sandbox, and can even involve the supernatural.

After the scarecrow finished speaking, he stopped talking and waited for Lin Shan to make a choice.

"I want this time sandbox." Lin Shan stretched out his hands to hold the white sandbox in the middle.

The creation sand table is a very standard square, only about 20 centimeters long and wide. It weighs at least several thousand kilograms when held in one hand.

Scarecrow did not comment on Lin Shan's choice this time. He just put away the other two sand tables. "You can come to me if you want to upgrade the sand table in the future. The functions of these three basic sand tables can be integrated into one sand table. In addition, There are many other places that can be modified. Basically, you can make any modification you want, provided you have the points.”

"The size of the sand table is fixed, but the area of ​​the world inside is different. The diameter of the world in the basic sand table is only a hundred kilometers. Using soul power to press the soul mark in the sand table can make the sand table recognize its owner and realize the observation of the sand table from the perspective of God. everything.”

"Oh, by the way, you need to plan the initial terrain of the sandbox yourself. The basic sandbox only has one chance to plan the terrain. It will be difficult to change it in the future."

After saying this, the scarecrow kept silent again, and the focus in his eyes slowly disappeared.

"Creation sand table..." Lin Shan stared at the medium-sized sand table in his hand. This thing was comparable to a divine tool, but it was just the most basic toy in the Garden of Eden.

At this time, several beams of light flashed across the square, and five creatures of different shapes came to the Eden Square and sat together to discuss things.

Eden Square seemed to be the gathering place for the members of the Garden of Eden to hold a small meeting.

They also noticed Lin Shan, but they had no intention of getting to know him. They were even a little wary, fearing that Lin Shan would overhear their conversation.

Just as Lin Shan was about to leave the Garden of Eden, the scarecrow in front of him suddenly came to life again.

"You haven't named your new species yet."

The scarecrow spoke, and a three-dimensional projection of a black monster appeared in front of it.

Lin Shan carefully observed the little monster he created.

It is pitch black, has a pointed head and sharp fangs, and has four long and sharp limbs. At first glance, it looks a bit like an ant, but it is much more ferocious than an ant.

"Let's call it... 'Evil Ant'." Lin Shan casually named the monster according to its appearance.

Evil Ant

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