Above the gray fog

Chapter 948: Winged Evil Ants

"'Evil Ant' has no duplicate name, so you can use it."

The scarecrow blinked his big eyes in the dry grass, and the spirit in his eyes gradually dimmed.

Seeing that the scarecrow had no reaction again, Lin Shan thought about leaving the Garden of Eden, and in a flash his consciousness had returned to the body in the Zhulong ring.

The time sand table obtained in the Garden of Eden was still in his hand.

Lin Shan couldn't wait to mobilize his soul power to flow into the time sand table, looking for the place where the scarecrow said that he could press the handprint with soul power.

Lin Shan found a bead flashing with colorful light inside the beach. This bead had an inexplicable attraction to soul power. Lin Shan knew that this must be the thing that made the time sand table recognize its master.

The colorful bead only absorbed a ray of his soul power, and the entire sand table suddenly burst into light. Lin Shan's eyes flashed a revolving lantern, which was the various landforms in the sand table world.

His consciousness merged with the time sand table. He felt that he could adjust the terrain of the sand table world at will. The length and width of the square world were all hundreds of kilometers. The amount of water, land, and stones in it were all fixed.

This was the basic sand table, which would not produce additional resources.

But for Lin Shan, such a world was enough.

The ground began to tremble, mountains rose, rivers crisscrossed, and the earth surged, forming magnificent mountains and lakes.

The flames gushed out and burned fiercely. The flames burned the wilderness and provided the first nutrients for the land.

After the wildfire, the grass and trees flourished, the flowers bloomed, and the earth became full of vitality.

There was a storm again, and the wind blew over the earth, over the mountains and rivers, and blew the leaves and petals.

Lin Shan divided the entire sand table world into two. He planned to continue to create humanoid creatures. Although he failed the first time, he could continue to try to create.

Humanoid creatures must not be placed together with evil ants. Lin Shan divided the world into two and let them live separately.

It is the best choice to let the two continents not interfere with each other.

There are green mountains on both sides, and various plants and fruit trees are dense, which can meet the needs of normal creatures.

Everything is ready, now only the natives are missing.

Consciousness returned to the body again, and Lin Shan put all the evil ants and pseudo-humans beside him into the sand table.

At the flow rate of ten times the time, it can be clearly seen that the speed of these creations is ten times faster.

His consciousness will not be affected by the flow rate of sand table time, just like watching a movie at ten times the speed. He can also choose to let the flow rate in the sand table return to normal, so as to observe everything about the creation in more detail.

Lin Shan watched for half an hour, and the sand table time had passed for five hours. The pseudo-humans had learned to pick fruits and eat them. This is the instinct of survival, and any creature will carry it.

The evil ants are still wandering around without any mind. They will take a bite of anything they see, and then spit it out with disgust.

There is a natural chasm between the two worlds that ordinary mortals can never cross.

Lin Shan's consciousness left the sand table and began to try to create again.

With the experience of the previous two times, Lin Shan skillfully pinched out three balls of light this time, and they have all been recognized by the rules of life. As long as he prepares the body, he can open the blind box.

A large piece of sequence 5 metamorphic meat, a piece of fire element stone, and a piece of the hardest alloy he currently carries.

Lin Shan pressed the three balls of light directly into the three flesh carriers...

Injected life force respectively.

It can be clearly felt that the metamorphic meat requires the least life force, and the alloy requires the most life force.

After all, it is not that easy to make steel alive.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three violent explosions, the piece of metamorphic evil meat exploded into thousands of small lives. They were ignorant and grew rapidly under the continuous infusion of life force.

The moment these small lives appeared, Lin Shan felt that his soul power was almost sucked dry.

The fire element stone and the alloy had been blown into pieces, and it was obviously a failure.

Lin Shan expected failure. In the setting of existence, he did not see the options of steel body and elemental body. It was impossible to succeed by stuffing the soul of flesh and blood into steel.

He did this just to try. It was impossible to give up without confirming some things.

The result was obvious. What he could create now was only an ordinary flesh and blood body.

Lin Shan took out the spiritual guide crystal, and the menu bar above really had an extra option.

[No. 17 pseudo-human race - comprehensive assessment level 8. ]

[Life origin time: one day. ]

[Estimated life span: thirty years (individual differences). ]

[Life level: level 0. ]

[Potential: low. ]

[Talent: strong adaptability and learning ability. ]

[Suggestion: It is recommended to choose normal human genes. Pseudo-human races are congenitally deficient and can only be used as experimental subjects. ]

Previously it was Pseudo-human race No. 9137, and now it is Pseudo-human race No. 17. This is a creation that has been recorded in the Garden of Eden and cannot be exchanged for points.

Judging from this number, the higher the number, the more perfect the pseudo-human gene.

Although it has improved by more than 9,000 people compared to the last time, it is still a pseudo-human race, with inherent defects, and it is difficult to develop as a normal civilization.

Lin Shan patted his head. Although it is still a failure, he can only try to develop it. He can no longer create.

These 12,000 little lives have drained his soul power.

He didn't feel it before because the number was too small.

Now I know that creating life requires soul power, and even the true spirit will weaken. His current state is like an 80% dead Lin Shan clone.

Put these 12,000 No. 17 pseudo-humans into the sandbox world and let them reproduce. After the blessing of vitality, their current state is probably equivalent to that of teenagers, and their IQ is about the same as that of apes.

Lin Shan has mastered the basic knowledge of life, and there is no way to create a creature with a high IQ or even innate knowledge from the beginning.

He can only give a basic foundation, and the rest depends on the creation of the creature itself.

If they can really build their own civilization, their IQ can slowly evolve and increase.

With a lifespan of 30 years, it is still worth looking forward to.

Everything in the sandbox world is perfect, he does not need to intervene too much, and once something related to the extraordinary appears in the sandbox world, it will be immediately kicked out of the civilization game.

Lin Shan's eyes fell on the corner and found that the No. 9137 pseudo-humans he created before were all dead.

The murderer was the evil ant on the other side of the world. For some unknown reason, this evil ant evolved a pair of wings in a short period of time, and flew across the natural chasm.

It emptied the internal organs of the two pseudo-humans No. 9137 and ate them, and then flew towards the gathering place of the pseudo-human No. 17.

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